Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal ultrasonography in a group of students staying in a state dormitory in Turkey
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada Kredi ve Yurtlar Kurumu İzmir Bornova Öğrenci Yurdu’nda kalan genç erişkin üniversite öğrencilerinde kistik ekinokokkoz seroprevalansının ve lezyon prevalansının (abdominal ultrason ile) belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem ve gereçler: Çalışma grubu 750 öğrenciden oluşmaktaydı (360 kadın, 390 erkek, yaş ortalaması 20,92 ± 1,82 yıl, en düşük 17, en yüksek 29). Her öğrenciden yazılı gönüllü bilgilendirme formu alındı ve anket formunu (sosyokültürel, ekonomik durum, daha önce yaşanılan yer ve demografik sorular içeren form) tam olarak doldurmaları istendi. İntravenöz yolla kan örnekleri alındı santrifüj ile serum örnekleri ayrıldı. Anti- antikorları enzim immun assay (EIA) yöntemi ile saptandı. Tüm katılımcılara abdominal USG için randevu verildi. Bulgular: Yedi yüz elli öğrencinin 99’unda (% 13,2) anti- Ig G pozitif olarak saptandı. Toplam 250 öğrenciye (49 seropozitif ve 201 seronegatif) abdominal ultrasonografi uygulandı. 250 öğrenciden 2 tanesinin kistik lezyonları (1’i karaciğerde, 1’i böbrekte, her ikisi de seropositif) vardı, bu öğrenciler cerrahi kliniğine yönlendirildi. Sonuç: Bizim bulgularımız kistik ekinokokkozun Türkiye’de yaygın olduğunu belirtmektedir. EIA ve abdominal ultrasonografinin birlikte kullanıldığı epidemiyolojik çalışmalar yapılması önerilir.
Abstract: Aim: in this study our aim was to analyse the seroprevalence of cystic echinococcosis and prevalence of lesions (with abdominal ultrasonography) in a group of young adult university students staying in a state dormitory in Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. Materials and methods: the study group was consisted of 750 students (360 women, 390 men, mean age 20.92 ± 1.82 years, min 17, max 29). Informed written consent was obtained from each student and they were requested to fill a questionnaire form (sociocultural and economic condition, area of living, and demographic data). Blood sampling was performed by intravenous puncture and sera were obtained after centrifugation. Anti-E. granulosus antibodies were detected using enzyme immune assay (EIA). All participants were given an appointment for abdominal ultrasonography. Results: of the 750 students, 99 (13.2%) were seropositive for anti-E. granulosus Ig G. A total of 250 students (49 seropositive and 201 seronegative) were performed abdominal ultrasonography. of the 250 students, 2 (1 in liver and 1 in kidney, both seropositive) had cystic lesions and were referred to surgery. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that cystic echinococcosis is prevalent in Turkey. Epidemiologic studies combining EIA and abdominal ultrasonography are warranted.
Abstract: Aim: in this study our aim was to analyse the seroprevalence of cystic echinococcosis and prevalence of lesions (with abdominal ultrasonography) in a group of young adult university students staying in a state dormitory in Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. Materials and methods: the study group was consisted of 750 students (360 women, 390 men, mean age 20.92 ± 1.82 years, min 17, max 29). Informed written consent was obtained from each student and they were requested to fill a questionnaire form (sociocultural and economic condition, area of living, and demographic data). Blood sampling was performed by intravenous puncture and sera were obtained after centrifugation. Anti-E. granulosus antibodies were detected using enzyme immune assay (EIA). All participants were given an appointment for abdominal ultrasonography. Results: of the 750 students, 99 (13.2%) were seropositive for anti-E. granulosus Ig G. A total of 250 students (49 seropositive and 201 seronegative) were performed abdominal ultrasonography. of the 250 students, 2 (1 in liver and 1 in kidney, both seropositive) had cystic lesions and were referred to surgery. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that cystic echinococcosis is prevalent in Turkey. Epidemiologic studies combining EIA and abdominal ultrasonography are warranted.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri