Yalnız pulmoner bulguları olan ailesel Akdeniz ateşi; genetik analizle erken tanı
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Plöritik göğüs ağrısı, plevral sıvı ve ateş, ailesel Akdeniz ateşi (AAA) olan hastaların sadece %5-10’unda görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sadece plöritik göğüs ağrısı ve ateşle başvuran ve AAA tanısı genetik analizle konulan altı hastanın sonuçları sunulmuştur. Başvuru anında, rutin laboratuvar ve mikrobiyolojik değerlendirmeler süresince, altı hastada infeksiyon ihtimali nedeniyle antibiyotik tedavisi verildi. Diğer tanısal testlerle etyolojinin saptanamaması ve konvansiyonel tedaviye yanıt alınamaması nedeniyle genetik analiz yapıldı. Genomik DNA’dan direkt DNA sekans yöntemiyle MEFV geni mutasyon analizi yapıldı. Hastaların yarısı erkekti. Beşi 50 yaşın üzerinde, biri 33 yaşındaydı. Hastaların tümünde tipik karın ağ- rısı olmaksızın ateş ve plöritik göğüs ağrısı vardı. Sedimentasyon ve C-reaktif protein düzeyleri yüksekti. Üç hastada perikardiyal sıvı tespit edildi. Genetik analizle MEFV geni üzerinde R202Q/R202R, E148V/E148E, R314R, E474E, Q476Q, D510D, E148Q/E148E heterozigot polimorfizm ve M694V/M694V mutasyonları tespit edildi. Beş hastada kolşisin tedavisiyle düzelme sağlandı. Bir hastada kolşisine yanıt alınamaması ve klinik tablonun ağır seyretmesi nedeniyle steroid tedavi başlandı. Steroid tedaviyle hızlı düzelme sağlanan hastada tedavi kesildikten sonra tekrarlayan atakta başlanan kolşisin tedavisine yanıt alındı. Etyolojisi belirlenemeyen plöritik göğüs ağrısı ve ateşle başvuran özellikle hastalığın sık görüldüğü etnik kökene sahip kişilerde genetik analiz, AAA tanısını koymada yardımcıdır. Bu, hastaların zaman kaybı olmaksızın spesifik tedavi almalarına yardımcı olacaktır. Böylece erken tanı ve tedavi sekonder amiloidoz gelişmesini ve hastalığın ilerlemesini önleyecektir.
Painful pleural effusion and fever are the only presenting clinical features in 5-10% of patients with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). We report the results of genetic analysis that have confirmed the diagnosis of FMF in six patients who presented with fever and pleuritic pain alone. At time of presentation, all six patients received antibiotic treatment for suspected infectious etiology following routine laboratory and microbiologic evaluation. Gene analysis was performed when other diagnostic studies had failed to uncover the etiology and patients did not respond to conventional treatment. Mutation analysis for MEFV gene performed from genomic DNA by the direct DNA sequence method. Half of the patients were male. Five were older than 50, one was 33 years old. All of the patients had fever and pleuritic pain; none had the typical abdominal symptoms. Erythrocyte sedimentation rates and C-reactive protein levels were high. Pericardial effusion was discovered in three patients. Genetic analysis confirmed; R202Q/R202R, E148V/E148E, R314R, E474E, Q476Q, D510D, E148Q/E148E heterozygote polymorphisms with and M694V/M694V mutations were determined on the MEFV gene. in five patients an improvement has been observed with colchicine therapy. in one patient steroid treatment was needed because of no response to colchicine and clinical deterioration. Rapid improvement was observed in this case with steroid therapy. But after cessation of steroid therapy new flare developed that responded to new colchicine therapy. in patients who present with pleuritic chest pain and fever without an identifiable etiology, genetic analysis help making the diagnosis of FMF, especially in certain ethnic populations where FMF is relevant. This should help patients receive specific treatment without unnecessary delay. Thus, by making early diagnosis and timely delivery of treatment, disease progression is delayed and development of secondary amyloidosis avoided.
Painful pleural effusion and fever are the only presenting clinical features in 5-10% of patients with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). We report the results of genetic analysis that have confirmed the diagnosis of FMF in six patients who presented with fever and pleuritic pain alone. At time of presentation, all six patients received antibiotic treatment for suspected infectious etiology following routine laboratory and microbiologic evaluation. Gene analysis was performed when other diagnostic studies had failed to uncover the etiology and patients did not respond to conventional treatment. Mutation analysis for MEFV gene performed from genomic DNA by the direct DNA sequence method. Half of the patients were male. Five were older than 50, one was 33 years old. All of the patients had fever and pleuritic pain; none had the typical abdominal symptoms. Erythrocyte sedimentation rates and C-reactive protein levels were high. Pericardial effusion was discovered in three patients. Genetic analysis confirmed; R202Q/R202R, E148V/E148E, R314R, E474E, Q476Q, D510D, E148Q/E148E heterozygote polymorphisms with and M694V/M694V mutations were determined on the MEFV gene. in five patients an improvement has been observed with colchicine therapy. in one patient steroid treatment was needed because of no response to colchicine and clinical deterioration. Rapid improvement was observed in this case with steroid therapy. But after cessation of steroid therapy new flare developed that responded to new colchicine therapy. in patients who present with pleuritic chest pain and fever without an identifiable etiology, genetic analysis help making the diagnosis of FMF, especially in certain ethnic populations where FMF is relevant. This should help patients receive specific treatment without unnecessary delay. Thus, by making early diagnosis and timely delivery of treatment, disease progression is delayed and development of secondary amyloidosis avoided.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz, Solunum Sistemi
Tüberküloz ve Toraks
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Scopus Q Değeri