Anadolu Selçuklu devri çini mozayik mihrapları
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET ANADOLU SELÇUKLU DEVRİ ÇİNİ-MOZAYİK MİHRAPLARI İbadet edilen mekanda, ibadet yönünü gösteren mihraplar, yüzyıllarca Türk İslam sanatında önem verilen bir yer olmuştur. Anadolu'da Selçuklular döneminde yapılmış olan ve yapıldığı dönem ile adeta bütünleşen çini mozayik mihraplar camii, mescit, medrese ve türbe olarak adlandırılan yapılar içinde bulunmaktadır. Anadolu dışında erken İslâm sanatında bugün bilinen en erken tarihli çinili mihrap 9.yüzyıla tarihlenen Tunus'ta Kayrovan Şeydi Ukba Camii'nin mihrabıdır. Bu mihrabın kemerindeki çiniler kahverengi, kırmızı, sarı ve turuncu renkte lüster tekniği ile işlenmiştir. İran'da Büyük Selçuklu devrinde 13.yüzyılın ilk yarısında başlayan lüster çinili mihraplar Selçuklu devrinin getirdiği bir yenilik olmuştur. Ancak çini mozayik mihrapların ilk örnekleri İslam dünyasında ilk kez Anadolu Selçuklularında görülmektedir. Bu nedenle Selçuklu devri çini mozayik mihrapları Anadolu'nun İslâm mimarisine getirdiği büyük yenilik olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Anadolu Selçukluları'nın yapmış oldukları çini mozayik mihrap formlarının erken İslâm sanatından etkilenerek şekillendiği Samarra'daki isimsiz bir mihrap (8. yüzyıl) örneğinden anlaşılmaktadır. Selçuklu çini mozayik mihraplarda esas çini, sahte (kaşitraş), kakma, ajur, lüster (perdah) ve sıraltı teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca mihrapların süsleme repertuvarlarında kullanılan geometrik, bitkisel ve yazı kompozisyonlarının büyük çoğunluğu Anadolu'nun farklı dönem ve bölgelerine dağılmış olan mihraplar ile değişik yapı ve malzeme üzerinde de tekrarlanmış olması bir yandan bezeme geleneğindeki bütünlüğü ortaya koymakta, diğer yandan dönem ve bölgeler arasındaki bağlantıyı gözler önüne sermektedir. Çini mozayik mihrapların bezemelerinde genel olarak sonsuz kompozisyonlar yer almıştır. Söz konusu kompozisyonlarla geometrik desenlerinin bitkisel ve yazıya oranla daha fazla yer tutması ise bu kompozisyonların akıcı, sınırsız ve yenilenme özelliklerine, temel geometrik şekillerin İslâm sanatı içinde taşıdıkları kozmik anlamlar ile bazı felsefi ve dini kavramlara bağlanmaktadır. Ayrıca bezemelerin büyük çoğunluğunun Doğu İslâm ülkelerindeki çeşitli yapı ve değişik malzeme üzerinde, Anadolu'dan önce kullanılmış olması da Anadolu Selçuklu çini mozayik mihraplarında bulunan çini motiflerindeki Türk-İslâm geleneğinin etkisini ortaya koymaktadır. Sonuç olarak, Anadolu'da yeni olan, mihraplarda ilk kez çini mozayik tekniğinin uygulanmış olmasıdır. Mihraplarda çini mozayik tekniğinin kullanılması Anadolu Selçuklu döneminin bir buluşu olarak tarihe damgasını vurmuştur. Böylece çini mozayik mihrapları İslâm mimarisine kazandıran Anadolu Selçukluları tarihte ilk kez Türk İslam sanatı içinde ve doğudan batıya geniş bir coğrafyada yüzyıllarca devam eden önemli bir geleneğin temsilcisi olmuşlardır
ABSTRACT THE TILE-MOSAIC MIHRABS OF THE ANATOLIAN SELÇUK ERA Mihrabs which indicates the direction of prayer in the places of worship have been considered to be important places for centuries in the Turkish-Islamic art. Made in the era of Seljuks in Anatolia and almost associated with the era they had been built, the tile-mosaic mihrabs were in the building known as mosques, masjids, medresseh (madrasa) and tombs. The earliest tiled-mihrap in the early Islamic art outside of Anatolia that is known today is the mihrab of Kaynovan Seydi Ukba Mosque in Tunus which dates from 9th century. The tiles in the arch of this mihrab were brown, red, yellow and orange in color and engraved in lüfter technique. The luster tiled- mihrabs which began in the first half on the 13th century in the era of Great Seljuks era in Iran was an innovation breomght by the Seljuk era. However, the first representatives of the tile-mosaic mihrabs in the Islamic World have been seen in the Anatolian Seljuks for the first time. Hence, the Seljuk era tile- mosque mihrabs call attentions for being a great innovation that Anatolia brought to the Islamic architecture. It is understood from a sample of nameless mihrab (8th century) in Samarra that the forms of tile-mosaic mihrab which were constructed by the Anatolian. Seljuks, were shaped through the influence of early Islamic Art. In the tile-mosaic mihrabs of the Seljuks, actual tile, faking, inlay work, embroidery openwork, Luster and subglaze techniques were used. The repetition of the majority of the geometric botanic and manuscript compositions which have been used in the adornment repertoire of the mihrabs, on the varians building, equipments and mihrabs that have been spreaded over lifferent periods and regions of Anatolia, on one hand brings up the integration in the embellisment tradition on the other hand it reveals the connection amongst the periods and regions. In the embellishments of the tile-mosaic mihrabs in finitive compasitions have generally taken part. The areater dominance of the geometric figures with respect to the botanic and manuscript in these compositions attributed to the fluent, infinitive and renewing nature of these compositions, to the fact that the cosmic meanings that the basic geometric fiqures bear in the Islamic art and to numerous phisophical and religious concepts. Also, the use of the majority of the embellisments on the various buildings and equipment in the Eastern Islamic countries before Anatolia reveals the influence of Turkish-Islamic tradition on the tile figures that are found in the tile-mosaic mihrabs of the Anatolian Seljuks. In conclusion, it was new in Anatolian that the tile-mosaic technique was applied for the first time. The use of tile mosaic technique marks it as an invention of Anatolian Seljuk era, in the course of history. Thus it has been the representative of an important tradition which has caused the Islamic architecture to attain the tile-mosaic mihrabs and has continued for centuries in a wide area from east to west within Turkish-Islamic Art for the first time in history.
ABSTRACT THE TILE-MOSAIC MIHRABS OF THE ANATOLIAN SELÇUK ERA Mihrabs which indicates the direction of prayer in the places of worship have been considered to be important places for centuries in the Turkish-Islamic art. Made in the era of Seljuks in Anatolia and almost associated with the era they had been built, the tile-mosaic mihrabs were in the building known as mosques, masjids, medresseh (madrasa) and tombs. The earliest tiled-mihrap in the early Islamic art outside of Anatolia that is known today is the mihrab of Kaynovan Seydi Ukba Mosque in Tunus which dates from 9th century. The tiles in the arch of this mihrab were brown, red, yellow and orange in color and engraved in lüfter technique. The luster tiled- mihrabs which began in the first half on the 13th century in the era of Great Seljuks era in Iran was an innovation breomght by the Seljuk era. However, the first representatives of the tile-mosaic mihrabs in the Islamic World have been seen in the Anatolian Seljuks for the first time. Hence, the Seljuk era tile- mosque mihrabs call attentions for being a great innovation that Anatolia brought to the Islamic architecture. It is understood from a sample of nameless mihrab (8th century) in Samarra that the forms of tile-mosaic mihrab which were constructed by the Anatolian. Seljuks, were shaped through the influence of early Islamic Art. In the tile-mosaic mihrabs of the Seljuks, actual tile, faking, inlay work, embroidery openwork, Luster and subglaze techniques were used. The repetition of the majority of the geometric botanic and manuscript compositions which have been used in the adornment repertoire of the mihrabs, on the varians building, equipments and mihrabs that have been spreaded over lifferent periods and regions of Anatolia, on one hand brings up the integration in the embellisment tradition on the other hand it reveals the connection amongst the periods and regions. In the embellishments of the tile-mosaic mihrabs in finitive compasitions have generally taken part. The areater dominance of the geometric figures with respect to the botanic and manuscript in these compositions attributed to the fluent, infinitive and renewing nature of these compositions, to the fact that the cosmic meanings that the basic geometric fiqures bear in the Islamic art and to numerous phisophical and religious concepts. Also, the use of the majority of the embellisments on the various buildings and equipment in the Eastern Islamic countries before Anatolia reveals the influence of Turkish-Islamic tradition on the tile figures that are found in the tile-mosaic mihrabs of the Anatolian Seljuks. In conclusion, it was new in Anatolian that the tile-mosaic technique was applied for the first time. The use of tile mosaic technique marks it as an invention of Anatolian Seljuk era, in the course of history. Thus it has been the representative of an important tradition which has caused the Islamic architecture to attain the tile-mosaic mihrabs and has continued for centuries in a wide area from east to west within Turkish-Islamic Art for the first time in history.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
El Sanatları, Crafts, Sanat Tarihi, Art History, Anadolu Selçukluları, Anatolian Seljuks, Mihrap, Mihrap, Selçuklular Dönemi, Seljuks Period, Süslemeler, Ornamentations, Çini sanatı, Tile art