Patolojik tanısı “Belirsiz Sitoloji” olan tiroit nodüllerinde yeni nesil dizi analizi tabanlı hedefe yönelik somatik mutasyon analizi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Tiroit nodülleri toplumda yaygın görülen bir sorunu temsil eder. Saptanan tiroit nodüllerine yaklaşımda en önemli aşama malignite riskinin tespitidir. Bunun için hastaya ait risk faktörleri, fizik muayene, ultrasonografi gibi nodüle ait ipuçlarının toplanması gereklidir. İİAB, nodüllerin sitopatolojik incelemesine olanak sağlar. Sitopatolojik olarak belirsiz grupta kalan nodüllere yaklaşım klinik pratikteki önemli zorluklardan birini oluşturur. Bu örneklerin moleküler profillemesi son dönemde öne çıkan seçeneklerdendir. Çalışmamızda belirsiz sitolojiye sahip nodüllerin moleküler analizi yapılarak; klinik pratikte malign-benign ayrımına katkı sağlaması ve klinik yönetime yardımcı olacak belirteçlerin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamıza 20 adet belirsiz sitolojiye sahip tiroit nodül aspirasyon örneği dahil edildi. Örnekler ameliyat kararı verilmiş hastalara aitti ve cerrahi patoloji sonucu mevcuttu. Örneklerin moleküler profillemesinde, 67 geni içeren bir yeni nesil dizileme paneli kullanıldı. Analiz sonuçları cerrahi patolojik veriler altın standart kabul edilerek kıyaslandı. Kullanılan yöntemin sensitivite, spesivite, PPV ve NPV değerleri belirlendi. Bulgular: Analiz sonucunda 20 örnekten 10 tanesinde 6 farklı gene (BRAF, NRAS, PTEN, TERT, PIK3CA, TP53) ait Tier 1 veya Tier 2 varyant saptandı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 15 örneğin cerrahi patoloji sonucu malign, 5 örneğin ise benigndi. Malign patolojiye sahip örneklerin 10 tanesi tiroidin papiller karsinomu, 5 tanesi ise tiroidin papiller mikrokarsinomu idi. Bir hastaya lenf nodu metastazı eşlik etmekteydi (Evre IVA), bir hastanın tümör çapı 4 cm’den büyüktü (Evre III) ve bir hastanın ise 2.2 cm idi (Evre II). Varyant saptanan 9 hastanın patoloji sonucu malign, bir hastanın ise benigndi. Varyant saptanan hastaların yaş ortalaması 56 iken, varyant saptanmayan grubun 46 idi. Testte NPV: %40, PPV: %90, Spesivite: %60, Sensitivite: %80 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç: Tüm örneklere ait aspirasyon materyalinden elde edilen DNA çalışma için yeterli olmuştur. Elde edilen moleküler belirteçler ile en az 9 hastada İİAB girişimi tekrarı gerekmeden yönetim doğru şekilde yapılabilirdi. Çalışmada kullanılan test dahil etme testi (rule-in) olarak, özellikle 45 yaş üstü hastalarda, yararlı olabilir. Çalışma belirsiz sitolojiye sahip nodüllerin yönetiminde giderek geçerlilik kazanan moleküler testlerin, klinik pratikteki faydasının altını çizmektedir. Ülkemizdeki ilk çalışma olarak sonraki çalışmalara öncülük etmesi hedeflenmiştir.
Objective: Thyroid nodules represent a common problem in the population. The most crucial step following the detection of a thyroid nodule is to estimate the malignancy risk. For this, it is essential to collect clues about the nodule by investigating the risk factors of the patient, performing a physical examination, and ultrasonography. FNAB allows the examine the nodule's cytopathological characters. The approach to the nodules with indeterminate cytology is still challenging in daily practice. Molecular profiling has recently become one of the promising options. In our study; somatic mutation analysis was performed on nodules with indeterminate cytology. It aims to help identify nodule characters as malign or benign and search for markers that will help the clinical management. Materials and Methods: Aspiration samples from 20 thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytology were included in our study. The specimens belonged to patients who had undergone surgery, and because of that, surgical pathology results were available. A next-generation sequencing panel containing 67 genes was used for molecular profiling of the samples. The results were compared with the pathology of surgery material data, which is accepted as the gold standard. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were calculated. Results: The study detected variants of 6 different genes (BRAF, NRAS, PTEN, TERT, PIK3CA, TP53) in 10 of 20 samples. Surgical pathology results of 15 samples were malignant and 5 samples were benign. The malignant pathology consisted of 10 PTCs and 5 PMCs. One patient had lymph node metastasis (Stage IVA), one patient had a tumor of 4.2 cm (Stage III), and one had a tumor of 2.2 cm (Stage II). There were nine malignant and one benign surgical pathology in the patient group with variant. The mean age of the samples with variants was 56, and 46 in the non-variant group. The test was calculated as NPV: 40%, PPV: 90%, specificity: 60%, sensitivity: 80%. Conclusion: All samples were able to obtain a sufficient amount of DNA for the study. According to the detected molecular markers, at least 9 patients could have been managed correctly without the need for a repeat FNAB. This study underlines the practical clinical utility of molecular tests in the management of nodules with indeterminate cytology. Hence it is the first study about the molecular markers in thyroid nodules in our country, it is aimed to lead the following studies.
Objective: Thyroid nodules represent a common problem in the population. The most crucial step following the detection of a thyroid nodule is to estimate the malignancy risk. For this, it is essential to collect clues about the nodule by investigating the risk factors of the patient, performing a physical examination, and ultrasonography. FNAB allows the examine the nodule's cytopathological characters. The approach to the nodules with indeterminate cytology is still challenging in daily practice. Molecular profiling has recently become one of the promising options. In our study; somatic mutation analysis was performed on nodules with indeterminate cytology. It aims to help identify nodule characters as malign or benign and search for markers that will help the clinical management. Materials and Methods: Aspiration samples from 20 thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytology were included in our study. The specimens belonged to patients who had undergone surgery, and because of that, surgical pathology results were available. A next-generation sequencing panel containing 67 genes was used for molecular profiling of the samples. The results were compared with the pathology of surgery material data, which is accepted as the gold standard. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were calculated. Results: The study detected variants of 6 different genes (BRAF, NRAS, PTEN, TERT, PIK3CA, TP53) in 10 of 20 samples. Surgical pathology results of 15 samples were malignant and 5 samples were benign. The malignant pathology consisted of 10 PTCs and 5 PMCs. One patient had lymph node metastasis (Stage IVA), one patient had a tumor of 4.2 cm (Stage III), and one had a tumor of 2.2 cm (Stage II). There were nine malignant and one benign surgical pathology in the patient group with variant. The mean age of the samples with variants was 56, and 46 in the non-variant group. The test was calculated as NPV: 40%, PPV: 90%, specificity: 60%, sensitivity: 80%. Conclusion: All samples were able to obtain a sufficient amount of DNA for the study. According to the detected molecular markers, at least 9 patients could have been managed correctly without the need for a repeat FNAB. This study underlines the practical clinical utility of molecular tests in the management of nodules with indeterminate cytology. Hence it is the first study about the molecular markers in thyroid nodules in our country, it is aimed to lead the following studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İİAB, Tiroit Nodülü, Tiroit Kanseri, NGS, FNAB, Thyroid Nodules, Thyroid Cancer, NGS