Pulpal yangıların gümüş boyama (Ag-NOR) yöntemi ile karşılaştırmalı olarak gösterilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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86 ÖZET Dental pulpa hücrelerinin çeşitli dolgu maddelerine karşı gösterdiği proliferatif aktivite değişiklikleri hematoksilen-eosin ve gümüş boyama (Ag-NOR) yöntemi ile değerlendirildi. Çalışmamızda ortodontik amaçla çeldrnine karar verilmiş 60 adet sağlam premolar diş kullanıldı. Bu dişlerde bukkal yüzeylere standart Black V kaviteler açıldı. İki farklı restorasyon materyali açılan bu kavitelere uygulandı: Fuji İonomer Tip II ve Clearfil Liner Bond 2- Clearfil AP-X sistemi. Her iki gruba ait 10 diş 1 hafta, diğer 10 diş 1 ay ve geriye kalan 10 diş ise 3 ay sonra çekildi. 1. kontrol grubunu oluşturmak amacıyla 7 adet sağlam 3. molar diş ve 2. kontrol grubunu oluşturmak amacıyla 7 adet çürüklü diş seçilerek çekildi. Bütün gruplara ait dişlerin pulpalan çıkartılıp histolojik kesitler elde edildi ve hematoksilen-eosin ve gümüş boyası ile boyandı. Kesitler ışık mikroskobunda değerlendirildi. Gümüş ile boyanmış kesitlerde yaklaşık 100 hücrenin nukleusunda gümüş ile bağlanan Nükleolar Organize Alanlar (NOR' lar) ışık mikroskobunun immersiyon objektifinde sayıldı. Ag-NOR sayımları bir başka araştırıcı tarafından da yapıldı. Her iki dolgu maddesine ait kesitlerde 1. hafta sonunda minimal kronik yangı saptandı. Ancak bu yangının tersinir özellikte olduğu ve 1. aya ait kesitlerde azaldığı, 3. aya ait kesitlerde ise tamamen ortadan kalktığı bulundu. Bu sonuç, gümüş ile boyanmış kesitlerden elde edilen sonuçlar ile doğrulandı. Sonuç olarak, her iki dolgu maddesine karşı 1. haftada gözlenen minimal kronik yangısal reaksiyonun kavitasyon sonucu oluşan travma veya dolgu maddelerinin oluşturduğu ilk reaksiyondan kaynaklı olabileceği, bu dolgu maddelerinin pulpada uzun dönemde reaksiyon oluşturmadığı ve güvenle kullanılabileceği fikrine varıldı
87 SUMMARY The change in the proliferative activities of human dental pulp cells responding to various restorative materials were studied by hematoxylen-eosin and silver binding Nucleolar Organizer Region (Ag-NOR) staining method. 60 sound premolar teeth were used in the study. Black V cavities were performed on the buccal faces of each tooth. Two kinds of restorative materials were used: Fuji Ionomer Type II and Clearfil Liner Bond 2 - Clearfil AP-X. The teeth were extracted after 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. 7 sound third molar teeth were used for first control group and 7 carious teeth were used for second control group. Serial sections were taken for each group, stained with hematoxylen-eosin and silver (Ag-NOR) staining and examined histopathologically using light microscope. The mean number of Ag-NOR' s per nucleus for approximately 100 cells has been calculated using immersion objective of light microscope for each tooth and evaluated statistically. Another investigator performed the Ag-NOR enumeration also. It was detected that the niinimal chronic inflammation observed in the first week diminished in the first month and eliminated at the end of 3 months. The inflammatory reactions detected in the first week of each restorative material were also confirmed by the slight increase in the mean number of Ag-NOR' s per nucleus of dental pulp cells. It was concluded that the reaction observed in the first week of each group was either due to traumatic injury during cavitation or initial pH changes of restorative materials. As a result, both of the restorative materials used in this study were biocompatible and can be used safely.
87 SUMMARY The change in the proliferative activities of human dental pulp cells responding to various restorative materials were studied by hematoxylen-eosin and silver binding Nucleolar Organizer Region (Ag-NOR) staining method. 60 sound premolar teeth were used in the study. Black V cavities were performed on the buccal faces of each tooth. Two kinds of restorative materials were used: Fuji Ionomer Type II and Clearfil Liner Bond 2 - Clearfil AP-X. The teeth were extracted after 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. 7 sound third molar teeth were used for first control group and 7 carious teeth were used for second control group. Serial sections were taken for each group, stained with hematoxylen-eosin and silver (Ag-NOR) staining and examined histopathologically using light microscope. The mean number of Ag-NOR' s per nucleus for approximately 100 cells has been calculated using immersion objective of light microscope for each tooth and evaluated statistically. Another investigator performed the Ag-NOR enumeration also. It was detected that the niinimal chronic inflammation observed in the first week diminished in the first month and eliminated at the end of 3 months. The inflammatory reactions detected in the first week of each restorative material were also confirmed by the slight increase in the mean number of Ag-NOR' s per nucleus of dental pulp cells. It was concluded that the reaction observed in the first week of each group was either due to traumatic injury during cavitation or initial pH changes of restorative materials. As a result, both of the restorative materials used in this study were biocompatible and can be used safely.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry