Domateslerde erken yanıklık hastalığı (Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer) ile kimyasal savaşım olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
105 ÖZET Altemaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer'in neden olduğu Erken Yanıklık hastalığı domateslerde hemen her yıl görülen en önemli yaprak hastalıklarından biridir. Bu hastalık son yıllarda Ege, Akdeniz ve Marmara bölgesindeki açık domates ekim alanları ve özellikle seralarda ciddi za rarlara neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada özellikle A.solani'nin kimyasal savaşım olanaklarını araştırmak gayesi güdülmüş, ayrıca etmenin invitro'da sporulasyonu, morfolojik ve mikros kobik özellikleri, çeşit reaksiyonlarına yönelik araştırma larda yapılmıştır. İnvitro'da A.solani'nin en iyi sporulasyonu, V-8, V-88 veya domates suyu agar besiyerinde bir dizi sıcaklık ve ışık koşulları altında, 23 C'de 6 gün karanlık, 2 6°C'de yakın ultraviyole ışığında 12 saat aydınlık, 18 C'de en az 12 saat karanlık inkubasyonu sonucu elde edildi. 1986-1989 yıllarında Ege, Akdeniz ve Marmara böl gelerindeki seralardan ve açık domates ekim alanlarından 164 adet Altemaria spp. izolatı elde edildi. Süpermarmande domates çeşidi ile yürütülen patojenisite denemelerinde 97 izolat patojen, kalan 67' si saprofit bulundu. Elde edilen bu patojen izolatların sporlarıma kapasitesi, suda çözünebilir pigment oluşumu, havai miselyum rengi ve yapısı gibi bazı kültürel özellikleri, virülensleri belirlendi, izolatların havai miselyum renkleri yeşil, gri ve kahverenginin çeşitli tonlarında olmak üzere 6 grupta toplandı. Havai miselyum yapısı ise izolatların %48'inde pamuk ben zeri, %39'unda kadife benzeri, %13'ünde de keçe benzeri bir yapıya sahipti. İzolatların %73'ü sarıdan kırmızıya kadar değişen renklerde suda çözünebilir pigment oluştururken geride kalan %2 7' sinin pigment oluşturmadığı gözlendi.106 4 5 97 izolatın V-8 besiyerinde spor verme kapasitesi lü -2x10 spor /ml arasında değişti. Ayrıca bu çalışmada yukarıdaki farklı kültürel özellikleri temsil eden 22 a. solanı ' izolatının her birinde ayrı ayrı spor boyutları ve bölme sayıları hesaplandı. Buna göre; sporların ortalama olarak 14.3-23.4 ym ende, 58.9-108.5 ym boyda olduğu, boy+kuyruk uzunluğunun 14.2-299.6 ym arasında değiştiği, bölme sayısı nın ortalama 8-15, kuyruk sayısının da 1-3 arasında olduğu görüldü. Saksı koşullarında 31 domates çeşidinin sera ve açık a. solani izolatlanna karşı reaksiyonlarının belirlendiği denemelerde, domates çeşitlerinin farklı a. solanı izolatlanna karşı genelde farklı duyarlılık gösterdiği görül dü. Sırasıyla B-2274, C.Mejorado, Eurovite ve Petomech domates çeşitleri hem sera hem açık izolatına daha az duyarlı bulundu. A. solani'ye kimyasal savaşımda en etkili fungisidleri belirlemek gayesiyle; sera ve açık alanlardan elde edilen yaklaşık 60 a. solanı izolatı fungisid içeren ve içermeyen PDA besiyerinde miseliyal gelişim ve spor çimlenmesi denemeleriyle 12 fungiside (maneb, zineb, mancozeb, propineb, thiram, metiram, captan, dichlofluanid, chlorothalonil, vinelozolin, iprodion ve prochloraz)' karşı testlendi. Miseliyal gelişimle ilgili olarak ED5Q değerleri ve spor çimlenmesi içinde MIC değerleri hesaplandı. İnvitro'da yürütü len bu denemelerde prochloraz, dichlof luanid, iprodion, maneb ve mancozeb' in A. solani'ye en etkili fungisidler olduğu saptandı. Ayrıca, fungisitlere duyarlılığı azalmış olarak bulunan 11 a. solanı izolatında duyarlılık azalışının kalıcılığı ve bu izolatların büyüme hızları belirlendi. Fungisid içermeyen PDA besiyerinde geriye 10 transfer sonrasında 11 izolat için saptanan ED5Q değerleri, izolatların genelde fungisidlere duyarlı olduğunu göstermekle kalmadı, zineb,107 mancozeb, propineb ve vinclozolin'e duyarlılığı azalmış olan bazı izolatlara da rastlandı. Bu denemelerde duyarlılık azalışı ile doğaya uyum arasında belirgin bir ilişki olmadığı gözlendi. Saksı denemeleri, dichlofluanid, iprodion ve maneb'in uygulama dozunun yarısında bile a. Solani'yi etkin bir şekilde kontrol edebileceğini, buna karşın mancozeb' in bu fungisidlere oranla daha az etkili olduğunu ortaya koydu
108 SUMMARY Early Blight caused by Altemaria soiani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer is one of the most important annually- occurring foliage diseases of tomotoes. In Ege, Akdeniz and Marmara regions in recent years, this disease has caused serious damages especially in greenhouses, and open tomoto growing areas. This study has been undertaken to investigate the possibilities of chemical control of Early Blight in particular. In addition, sporulation of A. soiani in vitro, morphological and microskobic features of A. soiani isolates, cultivar reactions to a. soiani has been searched. Successive incubation under the following light and temperature conditions -6 days at 23 C in dark, 12 hours at 26°C under near ultraviolet light, at least 12 hours at 18°C in dark-using V-8, V-88 or tomato juice agar gave the best result for inducing sporulation of A. soiani in vitro. In 1986-1989, 164 Altemaria spp. isolates were obtained from greenhouses and open tomato growing areas in Ege, Akdeniz and Marmara regions. While 97 isolates were found to be pathogen on tomato plants (ev. Süpermarmande) the remainder 67 was saprophyt. Some cultural features such as texture and pigmentation of aerial, mycelium, ability of water soluble pigmentation and sporulative capacity, and virulence of 97 A. soiani isolates were examined. In 97 isolates, 6 different shades of green, grey and brown pigmentation were noticed. Cotton like texture of aerial mycelium was 48% of isolates, velwet-like (39%) and felt-like (13%). 73 per cent of isolates produced water soluble pigment differing from yellow to red, while no pigmentation occurred in the remaining 27%. The capacity 4 5 for sporulation in 97 isolates varied from 10 to 2 x 10 spore/ml on V-8 juice agar. Dimensions and number of cell109 walls in a populations of spores each of 22 representative A.solani isolates were also measured. The average dimensions of different isolates varied from 14.3 to 23.4 ym for width, from 58.9 - 108.5 ym for length, from 14.2-299.6 ym for body beak length. The number of cell walls was 8-15, the number of beaks 1-3 on an average. In pot experiments, thirty one tomato varieties tested for reaction to greenhouse and field isolates of A.solani, varying levels of sensitivity to different lani isolates were commonly observed among tomato varieties. Some tomoto cultivars were found to be less sensitive to both isolates, in the following descending order: B-2274, C.Mejorado, Eurovite, Petomech. To find out the most effective fungicides for the chemical control of A.solani, some 60 A.solani isolates obtained from greenhouse and field were tested for their response to 12 fungcides (maneb, zineb, mancozeb, propineb, thiram, metiram, çaptan, dichlofulanid,chlorothalonil, vinclozolin iprodion and prochloraz) with linear growth and spore germination experiments on PDA with and without fungicide. The EDj-0 values for growth inhibition and the MIC values for spore germination were calculated. The results of these i«. vitro studies showed that prochloraz, dichlof luanid, iprodion, maneb and mancozeb were the most effective fungicides. Furthermore, growth rate and the stability of 11 A.solani isolates showing decreased sensitivity to fungicides were also determined. The EDgQ values of 11 iso lates after 10 passages on unamended PDA indicated that most isolates were sensitive to fungicides in general. However, some isolates turned out to be reduced sensitivity to zineb, mancozeb, propineb and vinclozolin. In these assays, no significant correlations were observed between decrease in sensitivity and Pot tests proved that dichlofluanid, iprodion and maneb could effectively control A. solani, even if these fungicides were used half of their recommended dosages, while mancozeb was slightly less effective than the other three.
108 SUMMARY Early Blight caused by Altemaria soiani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer is one of the most important annually- occurring foliage diseases of tomotoes. In Ege, Akdeniz and Marmara regions in recent years, this disease has caused serious damages especially in greenhouses, and open tomoto growing areas. This study has been undertaken to investigate the possibilities of chemical control of Early Blight in particular. In addition, sporulation of A. soiani in vitro, morphological and microskobic features of A. soiani isolates, cultivar reactions to a. soiani has been searched. Successive incubation under the following light and temperature conditions -6 days at 23 C in dark, 12 hours at 26°C under near ultraviolet light, at least 12 hours at 18°C in dark-using V-8, V-88 or tomato juice agar gave the best result for inducing sporulation of A. soiani in vitro. In 1986-1989, 164 Altemaria spp. isolates were obtained from greenhouses and open tomato growing areas in Ege, Akdeniz and Marmara regions. While 97 isolates were found to be pathogen on tomato plants (ev. Süpermarmande) the remainder 67 was saprophyt. Some cultural features such as texture and pigmentation of aerial, mycelium, ability of water soluble pigmentation and sporulative capacity, and virulence of 97 A. soiani isolates were examined. In 97 isolates, 6 different shades of green, grey and brown pigmentation were noticed. Cotton like texture of aerial mycelium was 48% of isolates, velwet-like (39%) and felt-like (13%). 73 per cent of isolates produced water soluble pigment differing from yellow to red, while no pigmentation occurred in the remaining 27%. The capacity 4 5 for sporulation in 97 isolates varied from 10 to 2 x 10 spore/ml on V-8 juice agar. Dimensions and number of cell109 walls in a populations of spores each of 22 representative A.solani isolates were also measured. The average dimensions of different isolates varied from 14.3 to 23.4 ym for width, from 58.9 - 108.5 ym for length, from 14.2-299.6 ym for body beak length. The number of cell walls was 8-15, the number of beaks 1-3 on an average. In pot experiments, thirty one tomato varieties tested for reaction to greenhouse and field isolates of A.solani, varying levels of sensitivity to different lani isolates were commonly observed among tomato varieties. Some tomoto cultivars were found to be less sensitive to both isolates, in the following descending order: B-2274, C.Mejorado, Eurovite, Petomech. To find out the most effective fungicides for the chemical control of A.solani, some 60 A.solani isolates obtained from greenhouse and field were tested for their response to 12 fungcides (maneb, zineb, mancozeb, propineb, thiram, metiram, çaptan, dichlofulanid,chlorothalonil, vinclozolin iprodion and prochloraz) with linear growth and spore germination experiments on PDA with and without fungicide. The EDj-0 values for growth inhibition and the MIC values for spore germination were calculated. The results of these i«. vitro studies showed that prochloraz, dichlof luanid, iprodion, maneb and mancozeb were the most effective fungicides. Furthermore, growth rate and the stability of 11 A.solani isolates showing decreased sensitivity to fungicides were also determined. The EDgQ values of 11 iso lates after 10 passages on unamended PDA indicated that most isolates were sensitive to fungicides in general. However, some isolates turned out to be reduced sensitivity to zineb, mancozeb, propineb and vinclozolin. In these assays, no significant correlations were observed between decrease in sensitivity and Pot tests proved that dichlofluanid, iprodion and maneb could effectively control A. solani, even if these fungicides were used half of their recommended dosages, while mancozeb was slightly less effective than the other three.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Alternaria solani, Alternaria solani, Bitki hastalıkları, Plant diseases, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Domates, Tomato, Erken yanıklık hastalığı, Early blight disease, Kimyasal mücadele, Chemical control