Klorheksidin Vernikleri'nin çocuklarda dental plak florasına etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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11 ÖZET Bu çalışmada %0 (Plasebo), %20 ve %40 oranında klorheksidin diasetat içeren verniklerin çocuklarda, oklüzal fissürler ve bukkal yüzlerdeki dental plak mikro florası üzerine olan etkileri gösterildi. Bu amaçla hiç çürüksüz, molar yada premolar dişler üzerinde oklüzal ve bukkal yüzlerdeki dental plakda yüksek veya orta seviyede mutans streptokoklar ? ı içeren otuz çocuk çalışma için organize edildiler. Çocuklar rastgele olarak üç gruba ayrıldılar ve herbir grupta yer alan on çocukta yirmi oklüzal fissür ve yirmi bukkal yüz ' e vernik tedavisi uygulandı. Vernik tedavisi, az bir miktar verniğin fissürlere ve bukkal yüzlere tek seferlik uygulanmasından ibaret olup, tedaviden bir ve üç ay sonra ilgili yüzlerden dental plak örnekleri alındı. Plasebo verniği de dahil, tüm vernikler birinci ayda oklüzal fissürlerde mutans streptokoklar ' ı anlamlı bir şekilde baskıladılar. Oklüzal fissürlerde, %40'lık klorheksidin verniği grubunda üçüncü ayda mutans streptokok sayımları başlangıç seviyelerine çok yaklaşırken, %20'lik verniğin üçüncü ayda mutans streptokoklar üzerindeki etkisi devam ediyordu. %20'lik klorheksidin verniği, bukkal yüzlerde mutans streptokoklar ' ı anlamlı bir şekilde baskılayamazken, %40 ' lık vernik hem birinci nemde üçüncü ayda mutans streptokoklar üzerinde anlamlı bir antibakteriyel etki gösterdi.78 Dental plakdaki total bakteriler, oklüzal fissürler ve bukkal yüzlerde %40'lık klorheksidin verniği ile, tedavi sonrası üçüncü ayda anlamlı bir şekilde baskılandılar. %20 ' lik vernik ise bukkal yüzlerde total bakteriler üzerinde etkili bulunurken, oklüzal fissürlerde antibakteriyel bir etki saptanamadı. Plasebo verniğinin total bakteriler üzerinde antibakteriyel bir etkisinin olmadığı, sadece oklüzal fissürlerde birinci ayda mutans streptokoklar ' ı anlamlı bir şekilde baskıladığı görüldü. Elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar; klorheksidin içeren verniklerin, mekanik diş temizliğinin yanında, üç ayda bir diş yüzeylerine uygulanmasının mutans streptokoklar ? m sayısının azaltılması ve diş çürüğünden korunmada etkili olabileceğini göstermektedir. Klorheksidin verniklerinin koruyucu diş hekimliğinde kullanımı ile ilgili daha fazla çalışmaya gereksinim olduğu sonucuna vardık
79 SUMMARY This study describes the effects of the varnishes containing 0 %, 20% and 40% chlorhexidine diacetate on the microflora from fissure and smooth surface dental plaque in Turkish children. Thirty children participated in the study and each child at least two sound fissures and smooth surfaces in molars or premolars, harboring high and detected levels of mutans streptococci were selected. Subjects were randomly assigned into three experimental groups. In each experimental group of ten children twenty occlusal fissures and twenty buccal surfaces were treated with the chlorhexidine varnish. The varnish treatment consisted of a single application of a small amount of varnishes to the fissures and buccal surfaces. One and three months after the treatment, plaque samples were taken. All chlorhexidine containing varnishes, including placebo varnish suppressed mutans streptoccocci in occlusal fissures at one month. While the mean count of mutans streptococci had returned to the baseline value in 40% chlorhexidine group, 20%, chlorhexidine varnish was still effective at three months in occlusal fissure plaque samples. No suppression was found on mutans streptococci in 20% chlorhexidine group on the buccal surface but varnish containing 40% chlorhexidine had an antibacterial effect on the buccal surface at three months.80 Total viable counts were suppressed by varnish containing 40% chlorhexidine in fissures as well as on buccal surfaces at three months after the treatment. Varnish containing 20% chlorhexidine had an antibacterial effect on the total viable counts on the buccal surface but not in the fissures. A significant supression on mutans streptococci in the placebo varnish group was found in cocclusal fissures at one month after the treatment, and placebo varnish had no antibacterial effect on the total viable counts. The results suggested that; varnishes containing chlorhexidine can be used for suppression of mutans streptococci beside professional tooth cleaning and the treatment should be repeated every three months for the prevention of dental caries. We have decided that more studies are required for the use of the varnishes containing chlorhexidine in the preventive dentistry.
79 SUMMARY This study describes the effects of the varnishes containing 0 %, 20% and 40% chlorhexidine diacetate on the microflora from fissure and smooth surface dental plaque in Turkish children. Thirty children participated in the study and each child at least two sound fissures and smooth surfaces in molars or premolars, harboring high and detected levels of mutans streptococci were selected. Subjects were randomly assigned into three experimental groups. In each experimental group of ten children twenty occlusal fissures and twenty buccal surfaces were treated with the chlorhexidine varnish. The varnish treatment consisted of a single application of a small amount of varnishes to the fissures and buccal surfaces. One and three months after the treatment, plaque samples were taken. All chlorhexidine containing varnishes, including placebo varnish suppressed mutans streptoccocci in occlusal fissures at one month. While the mean count of mutans streptococci had returned to the baseline value in 40% chlorhexidine group, 20%, chlorhexidine varnish was still effective at three months in occlusal fissure plaque samples. No suppression was found on mutans streptococci in 20% chlorhexidine group on the buccal surface but varnish containing 40% chlorhexidine had an antibacterial effect on the buccal surface at three months.80 Total viable counts were suppressed by varnish containing 40% chlorhexidine in fissures as well as on buccal surfaces at three months after the treatment. Varnish containing 20% chlorhexidine had an antibacterial effect on the total viable counts on the buccal surface but not in the fissures. A significant supression on mutans streptococci in the placebo varnish group was found in cocclusal fissures at one month after the treatment, and placebo varnish had no antibacterial effect on the total viable counts. The results suggested that; varnishes containing chlorhexidine can be used for suppression of mutans streptococci beside professional tooth cleaning and the treatment should be repeated every three months for the prevention of dental caries. We have decided that more studies are required for the use of the varnishes containing chlorhexidine in the preventive dentistry.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Dental plak, Dental plaque, Diş çürükleri, Dental caries, Klorheksidin, Chlorhexidine, Vernik, Varnish