Aydınlatılmış onam alınan endokrin cerrahisi hastaları ameliyatın riskleri hakkında ne kadar bilgili?
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Amaç: Hukuken geçerli bir onam almak için hastaların, sözlü ve yazılı aydınlatılmaları işleminin, kendileri için en iyi kararı verebilecek yeterlilik düzeyine ulaşıp ulaşmadıklarını irdelemek.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Endokrin Cerrahisi Polikliniği'ne başvuran ve ameliyat olmak üzere cerrah tarafından sözlü ve yazılı bilgilendirme yapılan toplam 62 hasta katıldı. Çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü hastalardan aydınlatılmış onam kavramı ile ilgili soruları içeren anketi yanıtlamaları istendi.Bulgular: Yüzde 71'i kadın ve %29'u erkek olan hastaların yaş ortalaması 50,4±17,9 idi. Hastaların %6'sı okur-yazar değil iken %51,6 hasta ilköğretim ve %16,1'i yüksekokul mezunu idi. Her 2 hastadan 1'i aydınlatılmış onam kavramını daha önceden hiç duymadığını, %16 ise hasta onam formunu okumadan imzaladığını, bu hastalardan %88'i doktoruna güvendiğini ve sözlü olarak bilgilendirildiği için okumaya gerek duymadığını bildirdi. Doktor tarafından sözlü bilgilendirmenin %92 oranında olduğu hesaplandı. Yine %91 hasta, formun okunması ve doldurulması için tanınan zamanın yeterli olduğunu bildirdi.Sonuç: Bilgilendirme, yalnızca bilgi aktarmaktan ibaret değil, hastayı kendisi için en iyi kararı verebilecek yeterlilik düzeyine taşıma işlemidir. Bu çalışmada elde edilen sonuçların, cerrahi uygulanacak hastaların bilgilendirme kalitesini artırmaya yönelik çalışmalara rehber olma niteliğinde olabileceği kanısına varıldı.
The aim is to evaluate if patients reach the level of competence that enables them to make the best decision for themselves with oral and written informed consent process that is legally valid. Material and Methods: This study included 62 patients who applied to Ege University Hospital Department of General Surgery Endocrine Surgery Clinics and in whom oral and written informed consent was obtained by a surgeon. Patients who were willing to participate in the study were asked to fill in a questionnaire containing questions regarding the concept of consent. Results: Seventy-one percent of patients were female and 29% were male, with a mean age of 50.4±17.9 years. Six percent of patients were illiterate, 51.6% had primary education and 16.1% were college graduates. One in every two patients stated that they have never heard of informed consent concept before, 16% stated that they signed the consent without reading it. Among these patients, 88% reported that they trusted the physician and did not bother reading because they have already been verbally informed. Verbal briefing by the doctor was detected as 92%. Similarly, 91% of the patients reported that the time allocated to read and fill-in the form was enough. Conclusion: Informing is not composed simply of conveying information, but also to elevate patients to a proficiency level where they could decide with their best interest. It is thought that the results obtained in this study might guide studies to improve the quality of information in patients undergoing surgery.
The aim is to evaluate if patients reach the level of competence that enables them to make the best decision for themselves with oral and written informed consent process that is legally valid. Material and Methods: This study included 62 patients who applied to Ege University Hospital Department of General Surgery Endocrine Surgery Clinics and in whom oral and written informed consent was obtained by a surgeon. Patients who were willing to participate in the study were asked to fill in a questionnaire containing questions regarding the concept of consent. Results: Seventy-one percent of patients were female and 29% were male, with a mean age of 50.4±17.9 years. Six percent of patients were illiterate, 51.6% had primary education and 16.1% were college graduates. One in every two patients stated that they have never heard of informed consent concept before, 16% stated that they signed the consent without reading it. Among these patients, 88% reported that they trusted the physician and did not bother reading because they have already been verbally informed. Verbal briefing by the doctor was detected as 92%. Similarly, 91% of the patients reported that the time allocated to read and fill-in the form was enough. Conclusion: Informing is not composed simply of conveying information, but also to elevate patients to a proficiency level where they could decide with their best interest. It is thought that the results obtained in this study might guide studies to improve the quality of information in patients undergoing surgery.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi
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