Çekirdeksiz üzümün kurutulması sırasında mikroorganizma yükünün koruyucu maddelerle kontrolü üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET ÇEKİRDEKSİZ ÜZÜMÜN KURUTULMASI SIRASINDA MİKROORGANİZMA YÜKÜNÜN KORUYUCU MADDELERLE KONTROLÜ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR AKSOY, Fatma Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ersin ONOĞUR Ağustos, 1999, 94 Sayfa Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışmasında çekirdeksiz üzümün kurutulması sırasında küf funguslan, mayalar ve bakterileri, kontrol etmek üzere gıda ürünlerinde de kullanılmasına izin verilen sorbik ve benzoik asitin koruyucu etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın giriş bölümünde çekirdeksiz kuru üzümün üretimi üzerinde bilgi verildikten sonra mikroorganizma yükünün önemi ve çalışmanın amacı anlatılmış; önceki çalışmalar bölümünde genel olarak kurutma işlemleri ve bu işlemler sırasında mikroorganizma yükünün artışına yol açan faktörler ele alınmış; materyal ve metod bölümünde denemede kullanılan bağlar, koruyucu uygulama ve analiz yöntemleri üzerinde bilgi verilmiş, sonuçlar ve tartışma bölümünde ise bulgular çizelgelerle açıklanmış ve tartışılmıştır. Çalışmamın kaynaklar kısmında 21 adet literatür yer almıştır. Genel olarak denemelerin sonucunda bandırma suyunun sık sık değiştirilmeden kullanılması halinde içerisinde mikrobiyal yükün arttığı ve bunun koruyucuların etkisini azalttığı belirlenmiştir.VI Serme-kurutma döneminde uygulanan benzoik asitin mikroorganizma yükünü sorbik asite göre daha iyi kontrol ettiği saptanmıştır. Yağmur simulasyonunun az da olsa mikroorganizma yükünü artırdığı bulunmuştur. Her iki koruyucunun da çekirdeksiz kuru üzümün kalite özelliklerini olumsuz etkilediği, kararma, acı, ekşi tat alma ve topan teşkiline yol açtığı tespit edilmiştir. Sorbik asitin kalite üzerine olumsuz etkilerinin doz düşürmek yoluyla azaltılabileceği düşüncesi ile düşük dozda sorbik asit kullanılarak denemelere devam edilmesinin yararlı olacağı kanısına varılmıştır. Örneklerde mikrobiyal yükün standartların altında (3000 canlı/g) olduğu ve koliform grubu bakteriye nadiren rastlandığı ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar sözcükler: Sorbik asit, benzoik asit, üzüm, kuru üzüm
VII ABSTRACT RESEARCHES ON CONTROLLING THE LOAD OF MICROORGANISM BY MEAN OF PREVENTIVE AGENTS DURING DRYING OF SEEDLESS GRAPE AKSOY, Fatma MSc in Plant Protection. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ersin ONO?UR August, 1999, 94 pages The effects of sorbic and benzoic acids which are permitted to be used also for nutritious material to controll molds fungus, yeasts and bacteria, during drying of seedless grape were researched by this study. Information of production of dried grape was given in the "introduction" of the thesis, then the importance of microorganism load and the purpose of the study were described; drying process and the factors leading the microorganism load to increase during the process were discussed in the "literature survey" section; information were given on the vineyards having been used in trial, protective application and analysis methods in the "material and methods" section and in the "conclusion and discussion" and the findings were described by charts and were discussed. 21 literature have taken place in the literature list of the study. As a result of the trials, it has been determined that the microbial load in dipping solution generally increases and causes a decrease in the efficiency of preventive chemicals if it is used without a renewing of the solution frequently.VIII It has been found that benzoic acid applied at drying period has controlled the microbial load more effectively than sorbic acid. It has also been determined that the rain simulation has increased the microbial contamination in a small amount. Both of two preventives have effected the quality specifications of seedless raisin, negatively. Benzoic and sorbic acids have caused the formation of brownish color, chilly or sour taste and clump formation in raisin. It has been concluded that it should be useful to continue the trials with an idea of negative effects on quality can be decreased through the using of sorbic acid din lower doses. Consequetly, it has been put forward that the amount of microbial load in the samples has been under the standards (3000 living microorganism/g) and bacterium belonging to coliform group has been rarely found. Key words: Sorbic acid, benzoic acid, grape, reaise.
VII ABSTRACT RESEARCHES ON CONTROLLING THE LOAD OF MICROORGANISM BY MEAN OF PREVENTIVE AGENTS DURING DRYING OF SEEDLESS GRAPE AKSOY, Fatma MSc in Plant Protection. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ersin ONO?UR August, 1999, 94 pages The effects of sorbic and benzoic acids which are permitted to be used also for nutritious material to controll molds fungus, yeasts and bacteria, during drying of seedless grape were researched by this study. Information of production of dried grape was given in the "introduction" of the thesis, then the importance of microorganism load and the purpose of the study were described; drying process and the factors leading the microorganism load to increase during the process were discussed in the "literature survey" section; information were given on the vineyards having been used in trial, protective application and analysis methods in the "material and methods" section and in the "conclusion and discussion" and the findings were described by charts and were discussed. 21 literature have taken place in the literature list of the study. As a result of the trials, it has been determined that the microbial load in dipping solution generally increases and causes a decrease in the efficiency of preventive chemicals if it is used without a renewing of the solution frequently.VIII It has been found that benzoic acid applied at drying period has controlled the microbial load more effectively than sorbic acid. It has also been determined that the rain simulation has increased the microbial contamination in a small amount. Both of two preventives have effected the quality specifications of seedless raisin, negatively. Benzoic and sorbic acids have caused the formation of brownish color, chilly or sour taste and clump formation in raisin. It has been concluded that it should be useful to continue the trials with an idea of negative effects on quality can be decreased through the using of sorbic acid din lower doses. Consequetly, it has been put forward that the amount of microbial load in the samples has been under the standards (3000 living microorganism/g) and bacterium belonging to coliform group has been rarely found. Key words: Sorbic acid, benzoic acid, grape, reaise.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Benzoik asit, Benzoic acid, Kuru üzüm, Raisin, Mikroorganizmalar, Microorganisms, Sorbik asit, Sorbic acid, Üzüm, Grape