Catalytic combustion of chlorinated methanes: Carbontetrachloride

Küçük Resim Yok



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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



ABSTRACT The catalytic combustion of carbontetrachloride was investigated on developed metal oxide catalysts coated on the monolith supports. The prepared catalysts were tested at the different temperatures between 300 and 800°C and at varying GHSV values with an excess air ratio of 3100 %. The catalyst having the composition of 1 8 % Cr203, 2 % Ce203 and 80 % y-Al203 was found to be suitable for the nearly complete destruction of carbontetrachloride. The operating conditions were proposed as 5702 h*1 for the GHSV, 3 1 00 % for the excess air ratio and above 800 °C for the reactor temperature. The reaction rate expression was found independent of partial pressure of 02 and strongly dependent on partial pressure of CC14. Key words : carbontetrachloride, catalytic combustion, catalytic incineration, monolith ABSTRAKT Karbontetraklorürün katalitik yakılması, monolit taşıyıcı üzerine kaplanmış metal oksit katalizörler üzerinde incelenmiştir. Hazırlanan katalizörler, 300 - 800 °C aralığında değişik sıcaklıklarda, değişen GHSV değerlerinde, %3100 fazla hava kullanarak denenmiştir. Bileşimi %18 C^Os, %2 Ce203 ve %80 Y-AI2O3 olan katalizörün karbontetraklorürün tam yakılması için uygun olduğu bulunmuştur. 5702 h"1 GHSV değeri, %3100 fazla hava, 800°C'nin üzerinde reaktör sıcaklığı çalışma koşullan olarak önerilir. Reaksiyon hız ifadesi 02 kısmi basıncından bağımsız, CCL» kısmi basıncına kuvvetle bağımlı bulunmuştur. Anahtar sözcükler: karbontetraklorür, katalitik yakma, katalitik insinerasyon, monolith 11
7. Summary The catalytic combustion of carbontetrachloride, one of the chloromethanes, was investigated by developing metal oxide catalysts coated on the monolith support. The prepared catalysts were tested at the different temperatures between 300 and 800°C and at varying GHSV values between 4701-7603 with an excess air ratio of 3 100%. The catalyst having the composition of 1 8% Cr203, 2% of Ce203 and 80% Y-AI2O3 was found to be ultimate due to the complete destruction of carbontetrachloride. The operating conditions were proposed as 5702 h"1 for the GHSV, 3100 % for the excess air ratio and above 800 °C for the reactor temperature to combust CCU completely. The kinetics of the reaction was investigated and the reaction rate was independent from partial pressure of O2. The reaction rate could be expressed as r = kP£l4 where, f-\8 930^ k - 5.25 x XQT1 ExA - == - j and m = 1.14 (Temperature in K, pressures in Pa and activation energy in J/mol). 69


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Kimya, Chemistry, Karbon tetraklorür, Carbon tetrachloride, Katalitik yanma, Catalytic combustion


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