Parasitological evaluation of material obtained during rectoscopy and colonoscopy in the Parasitology Laboratory of the Ege University Gastroenterology Clinic
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Rutin dışkı incelemeleri ile amoebiosis tanısı konulamadığı hallerde rektoskopi ve kolonoskopi uygulaması ile alınan materyalin incelenmesi faydalı olabilir. Amoebiosis'in kesin tanısı kalın barsaktan alınan örneklerde Entamoeba histolytica'nın gösterilmesi ile konur, Ege Üniversitesi Gastroenteroloji kliniği parazitoloji-lablatuvarına başvuran 157 amip şüpheli hastanın dışkı bakılarında parazit saptanamamıştır. Bu hastalardan elde edilen rektoskopi ve kolonoskopi materyallerinde inceleme yapılmış, 3 (%1.91) hastada Entamoeba histolytica trofozoitleri, l (%0,63) hastada ise Entamoeba coli trofozoitleri saptanmıştır.
The examination of material taken by rectoscopy and colonoscopy is useful for the diagnosis of amebiosis particularly when routine testing methods have failed to demonstrate the organisms, Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in the material obtained from colon confirms the diagnosis of amebiasis. No parasites could be detected microscopically in faecal specimens from the 157 patients "with symptoms like those of ameobiasis, in the direct microscopic examination of the rectoscopy and colonoscopy material, the trophozoites of E. histolytica were found in 3 (1.91%) and the trophozoites of E. coli were found in 1 (0.63%).
The examination of material taken by rectoscopy and colonoscopy is useful for the diagnosis of amebiosis particularly when routine testing methods have failed to demonstrate the organisms, Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in the material obtained from colon confirms the diagnosis of amebiasis. No parasites could be detected microscopically in faecal specimens from the 157 patients "with symptoms like those of ameobiasis, in the direct microscopic examination of the rectoscopy and colonoscopy material, the trophozoites of E. histolytica were found in 3 (1.91%) and the trophozoites of E. coli were found in 1 (0.63%).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Gastroenteroloji ve Hepatoloji
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
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