İnsan prostat kanser hücre hattında (Du-145 hücre hattı) GM (single nana ganglioside) üzerinde KDN (2-keto-3-deoxy-d-glycero-d-galactonononıc acid)'nin gösterilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı KDN'nin (2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-nononic acid) kanser hücresinde bağlandığı yeri göstermektir. KDN molekülü sialik asit ailesinin farklı bir türüdür. Bu molekül kanser hücrelerinde normal hücrelere oranla artmış düzeylerde bulunmaktadır. KDN'nin alabalık spermi üzerinde GM3 (monosialodihexosyl ganglioside)'e bağlı olduğu bilinmekle beraber insanda normal hücrede ve kanser hücresinde hangi yapıya bağlı olduğu henüz netlik kazanmamıştır. Çalışma in vitro modelde DU-145 prostat kanser hücre hattı kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Hücre hattı kontrol, Genz-123346 uygulanan ve Triptolide uygulanan olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. 1 numaralı hücre hattı grubu ilaç uygulanmayan kontrol grubu olarak belirlendi. Genz-123346 ile 2 numaralı hücre hattı grubunda GCS (Glukozilseramid Sentaz) enzim blokajı yapılarak GM3 sentezi engellendi. Triptolide ile 3 numaralı hücre hattı grubunda GD3S (GD3 Sentaz) enzimi bloklanarak GD3 sentezi engellendi. Her hücre grubunda GM3, GD3 ve KDN antikorları kullanılarak immünohistokimyasal boyama yapıldı. FTIR analiziyle hücrelerdeki karbonhidrat, lipit ve proteinlerdeki azalma ve artma gösterildi. Herhangi bir ilaç uygulanmayan 1 numaralı kontrol hücre hattı grubunda GM3, GD3 ve KDN pozitif boyanırken, Genz-123346 ile GCS enzim blokajı yapılan 2 numaralı hücre hattı grubunda GM3 ve GD3 boyanmazken KDN boyanmıştır. GD3S inhibitörü Triptolide uygulanan 3 numaralı hücre hattı grubunda ise yalnızca GM3 ve KDN pozitif boyandı. FTIR ile yapılan ölçümlerde Triptolide ile apoptozise gidiş gösterilmiş, Genz-123346'nın ise hücre canlılığı üzerine negatif etkisi olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Şeker yapılarındaki azalma ortaya konmuş, boyamalarla elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar pekiştirilmiştir. KDN'nin bağlı olduğu yeri tespit etmek kanser tedavisi araştırmalarında yeni hedefler seçilmesinde önem taşımaktadır. Hem GM3 inhibisyonunda hem de GD3 inhibisyonunda KDN'nin inhibe olmadığı gösterilmiş ve bu şekilde KDN'nin GM veya GD serisi gangliozidlerden herhangi biri üzerine spesifik ve yalnızca bağlı bulunmadığı, farklı yerlerde de olabileceği ortaya konmuştur.
The aim of this study is to investigate where KDN (2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-nononic acid) binds on cells. KDN molecule is a different kind of sialic acid family. The level of this molecule is increased in cancer cells comparison to normal cells. Although KDN is known to be bound to GM3 on trout sperm, to which structure it is bound on normal and cancer cells remain still unclear. In this study Du-145 prostat cancer cell line is used. Cell line is divided into 3 groups: control, Genz-123346 treated and Triptolide treated. Number 1 cell line group is defined as control group. GM3 synthesis is inhibited via GCS enzyme blokage in Genz-123346 treated number 2 cell line group. GD3 syntesis is inhibited in Triptolide treated number 3 cell line group. GM3, GD3 and KDN immunohistochemical staining is performed on each cell group. FTIR anlysis showed reduction and increase in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the cells. While non-treated number 1 cell line group stained positive with all of GM3, GD3 and KDN, GCS (Glucosylceramide Synthase) enzyme blocked with Genz-123346 number 2 cell line group stained with only KDN. Furthermore GD3S (GD3 Synthase) inhibitör Triptolide treated number 3 cell line group stained with GM3 and KDN. Measurements with FTIR showed apoptosis with triptolide and it had been determined that Genz-123346 had no negative effect on cell viability. The decrease in sugar constructions has been revealed and the results we have obtained with staining have been reinforced. Determining where KDN is connected is important in selecting new targets for cancer treatment research. It has been shown that KDN doesn't inhibit both GM3 inhibition and GD3 inhibition and thus it has been demonstrated that the KDN may also be in different places, specific and not only attached to any of the gangliosides of the GM or GD series.
The aim of this study is to investigate where KDN (2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-nononic acid) binds on cells. KDN molecule is a different kind of sialic acid family. The level of this molecule is increased in cancer cells comparison to normal cells. Although KDN is known to be bound to GM3 on trout sperm, to which structure it is bound on normal and cancer cells remain still unclear. In this study Du-145 prostat cancer cell line is used. Cell line is divided into 3 groups: control, Genz-123346 treated and Triptolide treated. Number 1 cell line group is defined as control group. GM3 synthesis is inhibited via GCS enzyme blokage in Genz-123346 treated number 2 cell line group. GD3 syntesis is inhibited in Triptolide treated number 3 cell line group. GM3, GD3 and KDN immunohistochemical staining is performed on each cell group. FTIR anlysis showed reduction and increase in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the cells. While non-treated number 1 cell line group stained positive with all of GM3, GD3 and KDN, GCS (Glucosylceramide Synthase) enzyme blocked with Genz-123346 number 2 cell line group stained with only KDN. Furthermore GD3S (GD3 Synthase) inhibitör Triptolide treated number 3 cell line group stained with GM3 and KDN. Measurements with FTIR showed apoptosis with triptolide and it had been determined that Genz-123346 had no negative effect on cell viability. The decrease in sugar constructions has been revealed and the results we have obtained with staining have been reinforced. Determining where KDN is connected is important in selecting new targets for cancer treatment research. It has been shown that KDN doesn't inhibit both GM3 inhibition and GD3 inhibition and thus it has been demonstrated that the KDN may also be in different places, specific and not only attached to any of the gangliosides of the GM or GD series.
Anahtar Kelimeler
KDN, GM, Gangliozid, Prostat Kanseri, Triptolide, Genz-123346, Ganglioside, Prostat Cancer, Triptolide, Genz-123346