Yamanlar Dağı güney yamacı mikrofungus florasının araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırmada, 1990 yılında İzmir'in Karşıyaka ilçesinin Kuzeydoğusundaki Yamanlar dağı Güney yamacı üzerinde yüzer metrelik, düşey aralıklarla tesbit edilen 9 ayrı istasyondan aldığımız toprak örneklerindeki mikrofungus florası taksonomik yönden incelenmiştir. Mikrofungusların izolasyonu için "Toprağı Sulandırma Yöntemi" kullanılmış; topraktan aşağıdaki 10 genusa ait 31 farklı fungus türü izole edilip tanımlanmıştır; 13 tür Aspergillus, 9 tür Penicillium, 2 tür Cladosporium, 1 tür Fusarium, 1 tür Trichoderma, 1 tür Verticil 2 i tun, 1 tür Phoma. 1 tür Rhizopus, 1 tür Alternaria ve 1 tür de Torula genuslarına aittir. Araştırma alanımızda en çok Aspergillus türlerine ve ikinci olarak da Penicillium türlerine rastlanmıştır. Aspergillus terreus (Kültür 1) ve Aspergillus terreus (Kültür 2) türleri yaptığımız araştırmada tüm istasyonlarda saptanmıştır. Bunun yanısıra, Aspergillus terreus (Kültür 1), Aspergillus terreus (Kültür 2), Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fischeri, Penicillium canescens, Penicillium jenseni ve Cladosporium herbarum gibi türlere hem yüksek arazide, hem de deniz seviyesinde rastlanmıştır; bu da bazı türlere yükseklik farkının etkili olmadığını göstermiştir
103 8. SUMMARY In this study, the microfungus flora of Southern slope of Yamanlar mountain was investigated from the taxonomic point of view, in 1990. This mountain is located Northeastern part of Karşıyaka district of İzmir. Soil samples were taken from the stations located South slope of Yamanlar mountain. The vertical distance between the stations were 100 metres. The Soil Dilution Method was used in the isolation of microfungi and 31 different fungi species belonging to 10 genera were isolated and identified as below: 13 Aspergillus species, 9 Peni c i 1 1 ium species, 2 Cladosporium species, 1 Fusarium species, 1 Trichoderma species, 1 Verticillium species, 1 Phoma species, 1 Rhizopus species, 1 Alternaria species, 1 Torula species. The number of Aspergillus species were high lot and Penicillium species were second in number. Aspergillus terreus (Culture 1) and Aspergillus terreus (Culture 2) were isolated from all the stations in our study. On the other hand, Aspergillus terreus (Culture 1), Aspergillus terreus (Culture 2), Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fischeri, Penicillium canescens, Penicillium jenseni and Cladosporium herbarum were isolated both in the stations of high elevation and sea level. This result indicates that elevation differences do not affected to the distribution of some species, of soil fungi.
103 8. SUMMARY In this study, the microfungus flora of Southern slope of Yamanlar mountain was investigated from the taxonomic point of view, in 1990. This mountain is located Northeastern part of Karşıyaka district of İzmir. Soil samples were taken from the stations located South slope of Yamanlar mountain. The vertical distance between the stations were 100 metres. The Soil Dilution Method was used in the isolation of microfungi and 31 different fungi species belonging to 10 genera were isolated and identified as below: 13 Aspergillus species, 9 Peni c i 1 1 ium species, 2 Cladosporium species, 1 Fusarium species, 1 Trichoderma species, 1 Verticillium species, 1 Phoma species, 1 Rhizopus species, 1 Alternaria species, 1 Torula species. The number of Aspergillus species were high lot and Penicillium species were second in number. Aspergillus terreus (Culture 1) and Aspergillus terreus (Culture 2) were isolated from all the stations in our study. On the other hand, Aspergillus terreus (Culture 1), Aspergillus terreus (Culture 2), Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fischeri, Penicillium canescens, Penicillium jenseni and Cladosporium herbarum were isolated both in the stations of high elevation and sea level. This result indicates that elevation differences do not affected to the distribution of some species, of soil fungi.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Botanik, Botany, Mikrofunguslar, Microfungus, Taksonomi, Taxonomy, Yamanlar dağı, Yamanlar mountain, İzmir-Karşıyaka, İzmir-Karşıyaka