Cerrahi hemşirelerinin çalışma ortamı algıları ile tıbbi hata tutumları arasındaki ilişki
Küçük Resim Yok
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu araştırma, cerrahi hemşirelerinin çalışma ortamı algıları ile tıbbi hataya yönelik tutumları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacı ile yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu çalışmanın örneklemini, araştırmaya katılmayı gönüllü olarak kabul eden 194 cerrahi hemşiresi oluşturdu. Araştırmanın verileri Sosyodemografik Özellikler Bilgi Formu, Hemşirelik İş İndeksi-Hemşirelik Çalışma Ortamını Değerlendirme Ölçeği ve Tıbbi Hatalarda Tutum Ölçeği kullanılarak "Surveey" online anket sistemi aracılığı ile toplandı. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Mann Whitney U testi, Kruskal-Wallis testi ve Spearman korelasyon analizi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin yaş ortalaması 31±5.84 yıldır. Hemşirelik İş İndeksi-Hemşirelik Çalışma Ortamını Değerlendirme Ölçeği genel puan ortalaması 2.49±0.53 (1.02-4.00) olarak saptandı. Hemşirelerin Yönetime Katılması ve Temsil Gücü alt boyut puan ortalaması 2.37±0.61(1-4), Kaliteli Bakım için Gerekli Hemşirelik Kaynakları alt boyut puan ortalaması 2.63±0.55(1-4), Yönetici Hemşirelerin Tutumu ve Liderlik Özellikleri alt boyut puan ortalaması 2.37±0.72(1-4), İnsan gücü ve Diğer Kaynakların Yeterliliği alt boyut puan ortalaması 2.25±0.73(1-4), Hekim-Hemşire-Meslektaş İletişimi alt boyut puan ortalaması 2.82±0.60(1-4) olarak belirlendi. Tıbbi Hatalarda Tutum Ölçeği genel puan ortalaması 2.17±0.34(1.25-3.50) olarak saptandı. Çalışma Ortamı Değerlendirme Ölçeği ile Tıbbi Hatalarda Tutum Ölçeği arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı (p>0.05). Tıbbi Hatalarda Tutum Ölçeği ile hemşire olarak çalışma süresi (rs =0.152* p=0.034) ve hastanede çalışma süresi arasında pozitif yönlü çok zayıf (rs =0.146* p=0.042) ilişki saptandı. Sonuç: Araştırmada, cerrahi hemşirelerinin iş ortamına yönelik algılarının orta düzeyde olumlu olduğu, tıbbi hataların ve hata bildiriminin öneminin farkındalığının düşük olduğu ve hemşirelerin çalışma ortamı algıları ile tıbbi hata tutumları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığı saptandı. Anahtar kelimeler: Cerrahi, hemşirelik, çalışma ortamı, tıbbi hata tutum
Aim: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between surgical nurses' perceptions of the working environment and their attitudes towards medical error. Material and Methods: The sample of this descriptive study consisted of 194 surgical nurses who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The data of the study were collected through the "Surveey" online questionnaire using the Sociodemographic Characteristics Information Form, the Nursing Job Index-Nursing Work Environment Assessment Scale and the Attitude towards Medical Errors Scale. Descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. Results: The mean age of the nurses participating in the study was 31±5.84 years. The overall score of the Nursing Job Index-Nursing Work Environment Assessment Scale was found to be 2.49±0.53 (1.02-4.00). Nurses' Participation in Management and Representation Power sub-dimension mean score 2.37±0.61(1-4), Nursing Resources Required for Quality Care sub-dimension mean score 2.63±0.55(1-4), Manager Nurses' Attitude and Leadership Characteristics sub-dimension mean score 2.37± The mean score of 0.72(1-4), Manpower and Sufficiency of Other Resources sub-dimension was determined as 2.25±0.73(1-4), and the mean score of Physician-Nurse-Co-colleague Communication sub-dimension was determined as 2.82±0.60(1-4). The overall mean score of the Attitudes towards Medical Errors Scale was found to be 2.17±0.34 (1.25-3.50). There was no significant relationship between the Work Environment Rating Scale and the Attitude towards Medical Errors Scale (p>0.05). There was a very weak positive correlation (rs =0.146* p=0.042) between the Attitude towards Medical Errors Scale and the duration of working as a nurse (rs =0.152* p=0.034) and the duration of working in the hospital. Conclusion: In the study, it was determined that the perceptions of surgical nurses towards the work environment were moderately positive, the awareness of the importance of medical errors and error reporting was low, and there was no significant relationship between nurses' perceptions of the work environment and their attitudes towards medical errors. Keywords: Surgery, nursing, work environment, medical error attitude
Aim: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between surgical nurses' perceptions of the working environment and their attitudes towards medical error. Material and Methods: The sample of this descriptive study consisted of 194 surgical nurses who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The data of the study were collected through the "Surveey" online questionnaire using the Sociodemographic Characteristics Information Form, the Nursing Job Index-Nursing Work Environment Assessment Scale and the Attitude towards Medical Errors Scale. Descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. Results: The mean age of the nurses participating in the study was 31±5.84 years. The overall score of the Nursing Job Index-Nursing Work Environment Assessment Scale was found to be 2.49±0.53 (1.02-4.00). Nurses' Participation in Management and Representation Power sub-dimension mean score 2.37±0.61(1-4), Nursing Resources Required for Quality Care sub-dimension mean score 2.63±0.55(1-4), Manager Nurses' Attitude and Leadership Characteristics sub-dimension mean score 2.37± The mean score of 0.72(1-4), Manpower and Sufficiency of Other Resources sub-dimension was determined as 2.25±0.73(1-4), and the mean score of Physician-Nurse-Co-colleague Communication sub-dimension was determined as 2.82±0.60(1-4). The overall mean score of the Attitudes towards Medical Errors Scale was found to be 2.17±0.34 (1.25-3.50). There was no significant relationship between the Work Environment Rating Scale and the Attitude towards Medical Errors Scale (p>0.05). There was a very weak positive correlation (rs =0.146* p=0.042) between the Attitude towards Medical Errors Scale and the duration of working as a nurse (rs =0.152* p=0.034) and the duration of working in the hospital. Conclusion: In the study, it was determined that the perceptions of surgical nurses towards the work environment were moderately positive, the awareness of the importance of medical errors and error reporting was low, and there was no significant relationship between nurses' perceptions of the work environment and their attitudes towards medical errors. Keywords: Surgery, nursing, work environment, medical error attitude
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing