İzmir (Bornova), Bursa ve Eskişehir'den toplanarak hazırlanmış semen hippocastani droğu üzerinde DAB9'a göre kalite kontrol çalışmaları
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
81 ÖZET Bu araştırmada, birinci proje olarak İzmir (Bornova), Bursa ve Eskişehir'de yetiştirilen Aesculus hippocastanum L bitkisinden, en uygun şekilde hazırlamış olduğumuz Semen Hippocastani droglarında, DAB 9'a göre kalite kontrol denemeleri yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, 9. Alman Farmakopesi'nde yer alan bu drog için total kül, nem, droğun saflık ve teşhis kontrolü amacıyla istenen ince tabaka kromatografisi (İTK) çalışması da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, DAB 9'da istenmiş olmamasına rağmen, yine bu farmakopede yer alan bir yöntemden yararlanılarak sülfat külü miktar tayini de yapılmıştır. İkinci projemizde ise Semen Hippocastani'de mevcut ana etkili bileşik olan, triterpenik saponozit yapısındaki essin'in miktarını, DAB 9'a göre spektrofotometrik bir miktar tayini yöntemi ve ayrıca da optik dansitometrik bir diğer yöntem ile saptadık. Ayrıca, yapılan çalışmalar doğrultusunda en yüksek sonuçları tespit ettiğimiz, Eskişehir'den toplanarak, 40°C'de kurutularak standardize edilmiş olan droglar üzerinde de yüksek basınçlı sıvı kromatografisi (HPLC) ile miktar tayini yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Tezimizin üçüncü projesinde, yurdumuzun farklı bölgelerinden toplanan drog örnekleri üzerinde anatomik ve mikroskobik araştırmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmamızın, dördüncü projesinde ise, Türkiye'de Semen Hippocastani droğundaki triterpenik bir saponozit olan essin'i etken madde olarak içeren, tek fitofarmakon olan Madaus firması tarafından üretilen Reparil-Gel terkibindeki essin miktarının saptanması için, geliştirdiğimiz optik dansitometrik miktar tayini yöntemi82 de uygulanarak, bu projede istenen sonuca ulaşılmıştır
83 SUMMARY In this study, as the first project, on Semen Hippocastani, prepared from Aesculus hippocastanum L, growing in gardens and parks, and collected from İzmir (Bornova), Bursa and Eskişehir, quality control determinations have been conducted according to DAB 9. In this concept, assay for ash, humidity and identification of the drug by thin layer chromatography (TLC) have been carried out. In addition, although it is not included in the monography of Semen Hippocastani, an assay for sulphate ash has been studied by using the method mentioned in DAB 9. As the second project of our study, the content of escin, which is a triterpenic saponiside and the principle compound of Semen Hippocastani has been quantitatively determined by a spectrofotometric method mentioned in DAB 9 and also by using another method based on optical densitometry. Moreover, the content of escin in the samples which have been prepared from the plants growing in Eskişehir and dried at 40°C has been quantitatively determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). As the third project of our study, on various samples of Semen Hippocastani, collected from different regions of our country, anatomical and microscobical investigations have been carried out. Finally, as the fourth project, the content of escin in Reparil-Gel, the only preparation found in Turkey which contains escin as the principle compound arwi manufactured by Madaus, has been quantitatively determined by the method based on optical densitometry.
83 SUMMARY In this study, as the first project, on Semen Hippocastani, prepared from Aesculus hippocastanum L, growing in gardens and parks, and collected from İzmir (Bornova), Bursa and Eskişehir, quality control determinations have been conducted according to DAB 9. In this concept, assay for ash, humidity and identification of the drug by thin layer chromatography (TLC) have been carried out. In addition, although it is not included in the monography of Semen Hippocastani, an assay for sulphate ash has been studied by using the method mentioned in DAB 9. As the second project of our study, the content of escin, which is a triterpenic saponiside and the principle compound of Semen Hippocastani has been quantitatively determined by a spectrofotometric method mentioned in DAB 9 and also by using another method based on optical densitometry. Moreover, the content of escin in the samples which have been prepared from the plants growing in Eskişehir and dried at 40°C has been quantitatively determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). As the third project of our study, on various samples of Semen Hippocastani, collected from different regions of our country, anatomical and microscobical investigations have been carried out. Finally, as the fourth project, the content of escin in Reparil-Gel, the only preparation found in Turkey which contains escin as the principle compound arwi manufactured by Madaus, has been quantitatively determined by the method based on optical densitometry.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, At kestanesi, Horse chestnut, Farmakognozi, Pharmacognosy, Hippocastanaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Semen hippocastani, Semen hippocastani