Bilgisayar ile tasarlanarak üretilen translüsent monolitik zirkonya ve çift tabakalı zirkonya restorasyonların klinik başarılarının değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, translüsent monolitik ve çift tabakalı zirkonya restorasyonların klinik başarılarını değerlendirmektir. Çalışmaya posteriorda her iki yarım çenede simetrik 3 üyeli, tek molar gövdeli sabit protetik tedavi gereksinimi olan 18 hasta dahil edildi. Bu ağız içi simetrik (split-mouth) randomize kontrollü klinik çalışmada, posterior bölgede iki farklı yöntemle hazırlanan zirkonya restorasyonların 2 yıl izlemi monolitik zirkonya köprü restorasyon (ZenoStar, Wieland, Pforzheim, Almanya) uygulanırken, diğer yarım çeneye ise çift tabakalı yöntem ile zirkonya köprü restorasyon uygulandı. Hastalara toplam 40 adet (n=40) köprü restorasyon uygulandı. Restorasyonlar adeziv rezin bir siman ile (Multilink Speed, IvoclarVivadent) yapıştırıldı. Silikon-replika yöntemi ile restorasyonların iç ve kenar uyumları belirlendi. Replikaların kesitleri elde edilerek ışık mikroskobu ile (Leica Cambridge Ltd., Cambridge, England) görüntüleri alındı ve çeşitli noktalardan ölçüm yapıldı. 0, 6 ay, 12 ay, 24 aylık klinik izlem periyotlarında, restorasyonların klinik başarısı modifiye USPHS kriterleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Restorasyonların aşınma ve karşıt dentisyonu aşındırmasının incelenmesi için 1. Hafta ve 24 aylarda Ivoclar Wear Protokolü esas alınarak alçı modelleri elde edildi. Modeller üç boyutlu dijital tarayıcıyla (Omnicam, Sirona Dental Systems, GmbH, Bensheim, Almanya) taranarak dijital ortama aktarıldı. CAD-CAM yazılım programındaki (Cerec 4.4, Sirona) çakışan modeller üzerinde ölçümler yapıldı. Tüm zirkonya restorasyonlar 2 yıllık klinik izlemde, klinik olarak kabul edilebilir başarıda bulunmuştur. Translüsent monolitik ve çift tabakalı restorasyonların klinik performansları arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. (p>0.05). Restorasyonların kenar ve iç uyumları karşılaştırıldığında çift tabakalı zirkonya restorasyonların uyumu anlamlı olarak daha iyi bulunmuştur. (p<0.05) Restorasyonların premolar dayanağının iç ve kenar uyumu, molar dayanaktan anlamlı olarak daha iyi bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Restorasyonların karşıt dişi aşındırma ve aşınma değerleri karşılaştırıldığında, translüsent monolitik restorasyonların karşıt dentisyonu anlamlı olarak daha fazla aşındırdığı gözlenmiştir
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical success of translucent monolithic zirconia and double-layered restorations with 2 year clinical follow-up. 18 patients who had absence of molar tooth in both jaws and required treatment with included this study. In this split-mouth randomised-controlled clinical study, zirconia restorations were prepared with two different methods. One of the half jaw was restorated with translucent monolithic zirconia (ZenoStar, Wieland, Pforzheim, Germany) and the other one was restorated with double-layered restorations. Totally 40 fixed partial dentures (n=40) were applied to patients. Restorations were cemented with adhesive resin cement (Multilink Speed, IvoclarVivadent). Marjinal and internal adaptation of the restorations were determined with silicone-replica method. Replicas were sectioned and get pictured by light microscope (Leica Cambridge Ltd., Cambridge, England) and various parts of light body silicone was measured. Restorastions clinical success was evaluated with modified USPHS criteria in clinical Follow-up periods of 0, 6, 12 and 24 months. To investigate the wear behavior of the restorations, plaster models obtained by basis of Ivoclar Wear Protocol in follow-up periods of 0 and 24 months. Models were digitalised by 3-dimensional scanner (Omnicam, Sirona Dental Systems, GmbH, Bensheim, Almanya). Models were overlapped in CAD-CAM software programme Cerec 4.4, Sirona) and measurements were made. All zirconia restorations were demonstrated clinically acceptable success in 2 year follow-up period. There was no significant difference between clinical performance of translucent monolithic restorations and double-layered restorations (p>0.05). Double-layered restorations yielded significantly better marjinal and internal fit (p<0.05). Degree of antagonistic tooth wear of translucent restorations was significantly lower than double-layered restorations (p<0.05).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical success of translucent monolithic zirconia and double-layered restorations with 2 year clinical follow-up. 18 patients who had absence of molar tooth in both jaws and required treatment with included this study. In this split-mouth randomised-controlled clinical study, zirconia restorations were prepared with two different methods. One of the half jaw was restorated with translucent monolithic zirconia (ZenoStar, Wieland, Pforzheim, Germany) and the other one was restorated with double-layered restorations. Totally 40 fixed partial dentures (n=40) were applied to patients. Restorations were cemented with adhesive resin cement (Multilink Speed, IvoclarVivadent). Marjinal and internal adaptation of the restorations were determined with silicone-replica method. Replicas were sectioned and get pictured by light microscope (Leica Cambridge Ltd., Cambridge, England) and various parts of light body silicone was measured. Restorastions clinical success was evaluated with modified USPHS criteria in clinical Follow-up periods of 0, 6, 12 and 24 months. To investigate the wear behavior of the restorations, plaster models obtained by basis of Ivoclar Wear Protocol in follow-up periods of 0 and 24 months. Models were digitalised by 3-dimensional scanner (Omnicam, Sirona Dental Systems, GmbH, Bensheim, Almanya). Models were overlapped in CAD-CAM software programme Cerec 4.4, Sirona) and measurements were made. All zirconia restorations were demonstrated clinically acceptable success in 2 year follow-up period. There was no significant difference between clinical performance of translucent monolithic restorations and double-layered restorations (p>0.05). Double-layered restorations yielded significantly better marjinal and internal fit (p<0.05). Degree of antagonistic tooth wear of translucent restorations was significantly lower than double-layered restorations (p<0.05).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Bilgisayar destekli tasarım, Computer aided design, CAD/CAM, CAD/CAM, Dental materyaller, Dental materials, Dental restorasyon, Dental restoration, Diş aşınması, Tooth abrasion, Diş hekimliği, Dentistry, Dişler, Teeth, Zirkonyum, Zirconium