Savunma mekanizmaları envanteri ergen formu Türk kültürüne uyarlama çalışması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Ihilevich ve Gleser'in (1983) geliştirdikleri Savunma Mekanizmaları Envanterinin (SME) ergen formunun Türk toplumu için uyarlamaktır. SME, hipotetik çatışma durumlarını içeren on küçük öyküden oluşan ve bu çatışmalar karsısında bireyin davranış, düşünce, fantazi ve duygu dünyasında ortaya çıkan tepkileri araştırarak kullandığı savunmaları değerlendiren objektif bir ölçme aracıdır. Envanterde savunmalar bes grup altında toplanmıştır: Nesneye yöneltme (NES), Yansıtma (YAN), îlkelestirme (ÎLK), Kendine Çevirme (KEN) ve Tersine Çevirme (TER). Araştırmamızda SME ergen formu, toplumdan seçilen 140 kız 142 erkek, toplam 282 kisye uygulandı. Daha sonra örneklem grubu üzerinde cinsiyet, yas» sosyoekonomik düzey, anne ve babanın eğitim ve yası gibi sosyodemografik değişkenlerle savunma ortalamaları arasındaki ilişki incelendi. Tek yönlü varyans analizi kızlar ve erkeklerin savunma tercihlerinde anlamlı farklılık olmadığını; ÎLK, TER, YAN, KEN, NES savunmalarını aynı tercih sıralaması içinde kullandıklarını gösterdi. Savunma tercihlerinden TER (p<0.001), İLK (p<0.05) ve KEN 'İN (0.05) yaslara göre etkilendiği, ancak ergenliğin her döneminde İLK mekanizmasının öncelikli olarak tercih edildiği görüldü. Savunma tercihlerinin sosyoekonomik düzeyden etkilenmediği, ancak TER mekanizmasının tercihinde düzeyin üstten alta doğru seyrine bağlı bir artış olduğu saptandı. Anne ve babanın eğitim düzeylerine göre savunmalarda anlamlı bir farklılık belirlendi. Ebeveynin eğitim düzeyinin artmasıyla TER mekanizması tercihinde azalma, NES ve YAN mekanizmaları tercihinde ise artış olduğu saptandı. Diğer sosyodemografik özellikler ile savunmalar arasındaanlamlı ilişkiler saptanmadı. Çalışmamızda SME'nin toplumumuz için güvenirliği araştırıldı. 28 kişilik bir örneklem üzerinde iki ay ara ile yapılan test-tekraı - test çalışmasında 0.85CÎLK, KEN, YAN) ile 0.95 (TER) arasında değişen güvenirlik katsayıları saptandı. îç geçerlilik çalışmasından elde edilen bulguların beklentileri karşıladığı görüldü
XI SUMMARY The primary aim of this study is to adapt the DMI adolescent form developed by Ihilevich and Gleser (1983), to Turkish culture. DMI is an objective measuring instrument consisting of 10 vignettes containing hypothetical conflict situations and an evaluation system based on forced choice type defense responses on behavioral, fantasy, thought and affect levels. The types of defense mechanisms have been grouped under five categories: Turning Against Object (TAÖ), Projection (PRO), Principilizalion (PRN), Turning Against Self (TAS), and Reversal (REV). In our study, DMI adolescent form was given to 282 subjects (140 female, 142 male) selected among high school students. The variance in defense mechanisms according to some demographic variables (sex; age; socio-economic status; education, occupation and age of the parents) was analyzed. In the one-way analysis of variance results of the total group, it was found that there wasn't a significant difference between the sexes; both following the same preference (PRN, REV. PRO, TAO, TAS). Of the defense preferences REV, PRN and TAS were seen to be affected by age (p<0.001, p<0.05, p<0.05 respectively), but PRN was found to be the primarily prefer ed defense style in all the phases of adolescence. Def ense mechanisms weren't found to be affected by socio-economic status; on the other hand an increase on the choise of REV was seen with the decrease of SES. A significant difference was seen in the defenses according to the education of the adolescents' parents. A decrease in REV, and increases in TAO and PRO were observed with the increase of the education level of the parents. No significant differences werexii found among the other socio-demographic variables and the defenses. The reliability of DMI adolescent form in the Turkish culture was investigated. in the test-re-test study done with 28 students with an interval of two months, the reliability coefficients of the defense styles were found to change betveen 0.85 (PRN. TAS, PRO) and 0.95 (REV).
XI SUMMARY The primary aim of this study is to adapt the DMI adolescent form developed by Ihilevich and Gleser (1983), to Turkish culture. DMI is an objective measuring instrument consisting of 10 vignettes containing hypothetical conflict situations and an evaluation system based on forced choice type defense responses on behavioral, fantasy, thought and affect levels. The types of defense mechanisms have been grouped under five categories: Turning Against Object (TAÖ), Projection (PRO), Principilizalion (PRN), Turning Against Self (TAS), and Reversal (REV). In our study, DMI adolescent form was given to 282 subjects (140 female, 142 male) selected among high school students. The variance in defense mechanisms according to some demographic variables (sex; age; socio-economic status; education, occupation and age of the parents) was analyzed. In the one-way analysis of variance results of the total group, it was found that there wasn't a significant difference between the sexes; both following the same preference (PRN, REV. PRO, TAO, TAS). Of the defense preferences REV, PRN and TAS were seen to be affected by age (p<0.001, p<0.05, p<0.05 respectively), but PRN was found to be the primarily prefer ed defense style in all the phases of adolescence. Def ense mechanisms weren't found to be affected by socio-economic status; on the other hand an increase on the choise of REV was seen with the decrease of SES. A significant difference was seen in the defenses according to the education of the adolescents' parents. A decrease in REV, and increases in TAO and PRO were observed with the increase of the education level of the parents. No significant differences werexii found among the other socio-demographic variables and the defenses. The reliability of DMI adolescent form in the Turkish culture was investigated. in the test-re-test study done with 28 students with an interval of two months, the reliability coefficients of the defense styles were found to change betveen 0.85 (PRN. TAS, PRO) and 0.95 (REV).
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikoloji, Psychology, Başa çıkma, Coping, Gençler, Youngs, Kişilik gelişimi, Personality development, Savunma mekanizmaları, Defense mechanisms