Yeni türk sinemasında aile konulu filmlerde itaatkâr özne inşası
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Özneyi yorumlamaya, öznenin mahiyetine, onu kuran yapılara, onu inşa eden
dinamiklere ilişkin akıl yürütme, nesnesi insan olan modernite öncesi çoğu düşünce
okulunun ve modernitenin kurduğu bilimsel disiplinlerin merkezi meselesini oluşturmuş
ve düşünce tarihi kadar eski olan bu sorunsalın çevresinde koca bir arşiv birikmiştir.
Öznenin verili bir öz mü yoksa inşa edilen bir form mu olduğuna ve onu inşa eden
dinamiklere ilişkin bu arşiv kapsayıcı iki kampta kümelenir. Özneyi tamamıyla bütün ve
bağımsız bir varlık olarak anlama fikri, rasyonel aklı düşüncesinin merkezine yerleştiren
Aydınlanma projesiyle özdeşleştirilirken, 20. yüzyıl düşünürleri, sosyal kuramcıları ve
kültürel çalışmalar alanındaki kuramcıların tamamı özneyi bir inşa olarak ele alır.
Öznenin bir inşa olduğu tezini ileri süren ve 20. yüzyılın sonlarına doğru egemen
olan iki öznellik projesinden birisi içsel süreçlere vurgu yapan psikanaliz ve diğeri ise
iktidar ilişkilerine, söylemsel formasyonlara ve kurumsal pratiklere odaklanan
Foucault’nun öznellik projesidir. Foucault’cu perspektifte kişi, bir takım inanış,
arzulama, hissetme, eyleme, davranma biçimlerinden oluşan deneyim alanlarının özne
pozisyonuna kendisini yerleştirdiğinde belirli bir formda özneleşmiş olur. Ona göre öznel
deneyimin inşası süreci söylemsel pratikler, söylemsel olmayan pratikler ve etik aks
olmak üzere üç formasyondan oluşur. Foucault etiği kişinin kendiliğiyle kurduğu bilinç
ilişkisi olarak ifade eder. Diğer bir deyişle, söylemsel olan formasyonlar ve söylemsel
olmayan pratiklerin sınırlarını çizdiği deneyim alanlarında kişi kendiliğiyle ilişki
kurduğunda özneleştirilmiş olur. Bu, sosyal süreçler tarafından belirlenen edilgen bir
öznelliği ima eder. Fakat Foucault’ya göre insan, öznelliğini inşa eden süreçlere ve
kendisine son iki yüzyıldır dayatılan özne pozisyonlarına direnebilir. Bu ise eleştirel tavır
gerektiren, sürekli bilinçli bir çabayı ve kendilik tekniklerini içeren, adına kendilik
kültivasyonu dediği pratiklerle ve etik hayat tasarımıyla mümkündür. Ona göre etik ahlaki
kodlar veya kurumsal buyruklar değil, kendilik inşa etme yoluyla ulaşılan özgürlüktür.
Foucault’nun projesi, işte bu özgürleştirici tavrı nedeniyle tezimin kuramsal yaklaşımının
merkezinde konumlandı.
Öznel deneyimin inşası yoluyla öznelliğin inşası ilk başta aile kurumunda
gerçekleştiği için, aile içerisinde çalışan iktidar teknolojilerinin ve boyun eğdirme
stratejilerinin neler olabileceği, bu yollarla itaatkârlığın ilk başta ailede nasıl inşa
edilebileceği tezimin araştırma nesnesi oldu. Ailenin, özellikle filmlerdeki ailenin itaatkâr
özne üretme makineleri oldukları tezini ileri sürdüm ve bu makinenin teknolojisini ortaya
koymaya çalıştım. Öznellik inşasını Foucault’cu kuramla açıkladığım için, kuram yöntem
bakımından bana yardımcı oldu ve analizimde Foucault’cu söylem analizi yöntemini
kullandım. Foucault’cu söylem analizi, verili söylemleri önce teşhis etmeyi, ardından bu
söylemleri meydana getiren iktidar mekanizmalarını ve pratiklerini ortaya çıkarmayı ve
bütün bunların inşa ettiği hakikatlerin ve her türden verili genel kabullerin tarihsel kurgu
olduklarının anlaşılması süreçlerini kapsar. Bu açıdan yöntem ailede itaatkâr öznelliğin
ne tür dinamiklerle inşa edildiğini ortaya koyabilmem için en uygun yöntemdi. Yeni Türk Sanat Sinemasında 1996-2018 yılları arasında ulusal ve uluslararası
büyük festivallerde ödül alan ve tezin araştırma evrenini oluşturan toplamda yüz yirmi
film arasından, anlatısının merkezine aileyi konumlandıran on bir adet film tezimin
örneklemi oldu. Bu filmlerde disiplin teknolojilerini ve itaatkâr öznellik inşası süreçlerini
analiz ettim. Filmlerde ataerkil aile ve modern aile olmak üzere iki tür aile formu ortaya
çıktı. Ataerkil ailede iktidar baba figüründe bedenleniyor, modern ailede ise iktidar
merkezini kaybediyordu. Aile içinde bedene uygulanan fiziki şiddetten, psişeye
uygulanan rıza üretmeye kadar değişen düzeylerde disiplin tekniklerinin çalıştığı,
disipline edilmemiş olan öznelerin cezalandırılarak ahlaki normların korunduğu ortaya
çıktı. Filmlerde birkaç istisna hariç, bütün bu süreçlere direnişin ya kriminal alanda veya
psikiyatrik alanda gerçekleştiğini, dolayısıyla egemene direnişin imkânsızlığının
kurulduğunu gördüm. Filmlerin tamamının aileyi altı tarafı duvarla çevirili bir ‘azap
küpü’ olarak kuran; sıkıntılar, sorunlar, cezalandırmalar, tahakküm, şiddet, aşağılamalar
ve cinayetlerin mekânı olarak kuran söylemler inşa ettiği ortaya çıktı. Bu bulgulardan
hareketle çalışmamın sonucunda, filmlerdeki ailenin itaatkâr özne üreten bir makine gibi
çalıştığını; bütün o boyun eğdirme ve disiplin teknolojileri yoluyla itaatkâr özneler
ürettiğini; üstelik bu yönüyle aile filmlerinin baskın olanı eleştirerek özneyi güçlendirmek
yerine özneyi zayıflattığını ortaya koydum.
The way of contemplation upon which hermeneutics of subject, true nature of self, the structures forming it and the dynamics constructing it constitutes fundamental concern of both most pre-modern school of thought and scientific disciplines constructed by modernity and it is garnered a huge achieve on this problematique which is as archaic as intellectual history. This archive on whether the self is pre-given and suigeneris or it is a form constructed later and on dynamics construct it clusters around two distinct and inclusive camps. The idea of the subject as a completely self-contained being and is of its own unique essence, this image of subjectivity is being identified with the Enlightenment defined by rational thought and consciousness. On the other hand, 20th century thinkers, social theorists and theorists in the field of cultural studies all consider the subject as a construction. One of the two subjectivity projects that put forward the thesis that the subject is a construction and which dominated at the end of the 20th century is a subjectivity project of Foucault, which focuses on power relations, discursive formations and institutional practices and the other one is psychoanalysis, which emphasizes the internal processes of the self. A set of ‘experiences’ consisting of ways of believing, desiring, feeling, acting, behaving that one takes to be one’s own and then attributes to oneself or taking that experience as one’s own and assuming the subject position of that experience is what Foucault seems to understand ‘subjectivity’ and what Foucault calls a complex process ‘subjectification’. Foucault’s account of the constitution of subjective experience consists of three formations as discursive practices, non-discursive practices and the axis of ethics. In the final axis, by ethics Foucault understands the conscious relation to self. In other words, ones the person accepting and recognizing the subjective experience which more or less well defined by the discursive formations and non-discursive practices, becomes subjectified. This implies a passive subjectivity determined by social processes. Nevertheless, according to Foucault, man can resist the subjectification processes and the subject positions imposed on him for the last two centuries. This is possible through the design of ethical life and the practices which requires a critical attitude, which involves a constant conscious effort and technologies of the self, and which Foucault simply calls cultivation of the self. For him, ethics is not the moral codes or institutional prescriptions, but the freedom achieved by consciously construction of the self. Foucault's project was positioned at the center of the theoretical approach of my thesis because of this emancipating manner. Because the construction of subjectivity takes place firstly in to the institution of family through the constitution of subjective experience, what would be the power technologies and strategies of domination run in family and, how can docility/docile subject/ submissiveness/obedience be constructed through these strategies have become the object of my thesis. I assert the thesis that the family, especially the family in the films, are the machines of docile subject production and I have tried to put forward the technology of this machine. Since I explain construction of subjectivity with Foucaultian theory, the theory has helped me for method of my thesis and I have used the method of Foucaultian discourse analysis in my analysis. Foucaultian discourse analysis involves firstly identifying the given discourses, secondly revealing the mechanisms and practices of power that constitute these discourses, and the process of understanding the truths constructed by all these and finally the fact that all kinds of pre-given general assumptions and what subsequently counts as being self-evident, universal and necessary are historical formations. In this respect, the method was the most appropriate for me to demonstrate what kind of dynamics are being used for constructing the docile subject in the family. Between the years of 1996-2018 in the New Turkish Art Cinema, eleven film, which placed the family at the center of his narrative among the total 120 films that won awards in national and international major festivals and that formed the research universe of the thesis, have become the research sample of my thesis. In these films, I analyzed the disciplinary technologies and the processes of docile subjectivity. Two types of family forms have emerged in the films as patriarchal family and modern family. While the power has been embodied in the father figure in the patriarchal family, it has been lost its center and has become decentered in the modern family. It has been emerged both that varying levels of disciplinary techniques work in the family from physical violence applied to the body to manufacturing consent practiced in the psyche, and moral norms are preserved by punishing the undisciplined subjects. With a few exceptions in films, I have observed that resistance to all these processes takes place in either the criminal or the psychiatric field, and thus which is being constructed that resistance to the sovereign is impossible. It has been turned out that all of the films constitute discourses constructing family such as that family is the center and location of troubles, problems, punishments, domination, violence, insults and murders; and that family is ‘the cube of torment’ six sides surrounded by walls. As a result of these findings, I have put forward that the family in the films works like a machine that manufactures docile subjects; and that it produces obedient subjects through all these subjugation and disciplinary technologies; moreover, family films cripple the subject instead of strengthening the subject by criticizing the dominant and sovereign.
The way of contemplation upon which hermeneutics of subject, true nature of self, the structures forming it and the dynamics constructing it constitutes fundamental concern of both most pre-modern school of thought and scientific disciplines constructed by modernity and it is garnered a huge achieve on this problematique which is as archaic as intellectual history. This archive on whether the self is pre-given and suigeneris or it is a form constructed later and on dynamics construct it clusters around two distinct and inclusive camps. The idea of the subject as a completely self-contained being and is of its own unique essence, this image of subjectivity is being identified with the Enlightenment defined by rational thought and consciousness. On the other hand, 20th century thinkers, social theorists and theorists in the field of cultural studies all consider the subject as a construction. One of the two subjectivity projects that put forward the thesis that the subject is a construction and which dominated at the end of the 20th century is a subjectivity project of Foucault, which focuses on power relations, discursive formations and institutional practices and the other one is psychoanalysis, which emphasizes the internal processes of the self. A set of ‘experiences’ consisting of ways of believing, desiring, feeling, acting, behaving that one takes to be one’s own and then attributes to oneself or taking that experience as one’s own and assuming the subject position of that experience is what Foucault seems to understand ‘subjectivity’ and what Foucault calls a complex process ‘subjectification’. Foucault’s account of the constitution of subjective experience consists of three formations as discursive practices, non-discursive practices and the axis of ethics. In the final axis, by ethics Foucault understands the conscious relation to self. In other words, ones the person accepting and recognizing the subjective experience which more or less well defined by the discursive formations and non-discursive practices, becomes subjectified. This implies a passive subjectivity determined by social processes. Nevertheless, according to Foucault, man can resist the subjectification processes and the subject positions imposed on him for the last two centuries. This is possible through the design of ethical life and the practices which requires a critical attitude, which involves a constant conscious effort and technologies of the self, and which Foucault simply calls cultivation of the self. For him, ethics is not the moral codes or institutional prescriptions, but the freedom achieved by consciously construction of the self. Foucault's project was positioned at the center of the theoretical approach of my thesis because of this emancipating manner. Because the construction of subjectivity takes place firstly in to the institution of family through the constitution of subjective experience, what would be the power technologies and strategies of domination run in family and, how can docility/docile subject/ submissiveness/obedience be constructed through these strategies have become the object of my thesis. I assert the thesis that the family, especially the family in the films, are the machines of docile subject production and I have tried to put forward the technology of this machine. Since I explain construction of subjectivity with Foucaultian theory, the theory has helped me for method of my thesis and I have used the method of Foucaultian discourse analysis in my analysis. Foucaultian discourse analysis involves firstly identifying the given discourses, secondly revealing the mechanisms and practices of power that constitute these discourses, and the process of understanding the truths constructed by all these and finally the fact that all kinds of pre-given general assumptions and what subsequently counts as being self-evident, universal and necessary are historical formations. In this respect, the method was the most appropriate for me to demonstrate what kind of dynamics are being used for constructing the docile subject in the family. Between the years of 1996-2018 in the New Turkish Art Cinema, eleven film, which placed the family at the center of his narrative among the total 120 films that won awards in national and international major festivals and that formed the research universe of the thesis, have become the research sample of my thesis. In these films, I analyzed the disciplinary technologies and the processes of docile subjectivity. Two types of family forms have emerged in the films as patriarchal family and modern family. While the power has been embodied in the father figure in the patriarchal family, it has been lost its center and has become decentered in the modern family. It has been emerged both that varying levels of disciplinary techniques work in the family from physical violence applied to the body to manufacturing consent practiced in the psyche, and moral norms are preserved by punishing the undisciplined subjects. With a few exceptions in films, I have observed that resistance to all these processes takes place in either the criminal or the psychiatric field, and thus which is being constructed that resistance to the sovereign is impossible. It has been turned out that all of the films constitute discourses constructing family such as that family is the center and location of troubles, problems, punishments, domination, violence, insults and murders; and that family is ‘the cube of torment’ six sides surrounded by walls. As a result of these findings, I have put forward that the family in the films works like a machine that manufactures docile subjects; and that it produces obedient subjects through all these subjugation and disciplinary technologies; moreover, family films cripple the subject instead of strengthening the subject by criticizing the dominant and sovereign.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Öznellik, Foucault’cu Öznellik, İtaatkâr Özne, Öznellik Kuramları, Sinema ve Öznellik, Foucault’cu Söylem Analizi, Yeni Türk Sanat Sineması, Aile Filmleri, Direniş, Subjectivity, Foucaultian Subjectivity, Docile Subject, Subjectivity Theories, Cinema and Subjectivity, Foucaultian Discourse Analysis, New Turkish Art Cinema, Family Films, Resistance