Tavuk kesimhane artığı unu ilave edilerek protein düzeyi yükseltilen etlik piliç bitirme yemlerinin performans ve abdominal yağa etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
32 ÖZET Bu çalışmada, eş enerjili bitirme yemlerinin protein düzeyinin %20' den %22 ve 24' e yükseltilmesinin performansa (canlı ağırlı, canlı ağırlık artışı, yem tüketimi, yemden yararlanma ve yaşama gücü) ve karkas bileşimine ( karkas yağı, karkas proteini ve abdominal yağ) olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, eş enerjili bitirme yemlerine %3.5 ve 7 düzeyinde TKAU katılmış ve bu yüksek proteinli yemlere lisin ilavesi edilmiştir. Araştırmada 990 adet Arbor Acress genotipinde etlik civciv kullanılmıştır. Etlik civcivler 3. haftanın sonuna kadar ticari başlatma yemiyle ad-libitum olarak beslenmişlerdir. Farklı nitelikteki bitirme yemler 4-7. haftalar arasında kullanılmıştır. 49. günde her gruptan beş erkek ve beş dişi etlik piliç kesilmiştir. Bu etlik piliçlerde karkas yağ, karkas protein ve abdominal yağ miktarları belirlenmiştir. 4-7. haftalar arasında canlı ağırlık artışı, yem tüketimi, yenden yararlanama ve yaşama gücü her iki eşeyde de protein düzeyinden etkilenmemiştir. %24 protein düzeyiyle beslenen erkek etlik piliçlerin 7.hafta canlı ağırlığı %22 protein düzeyindende daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P< 0.01). Erkek ve dişi etlik piliçlerde canlı ağırlık ve canlı ağırlı artışı %22 protein düzeyinde lisin ilavesiyle iyileşmiştir (P<0.01). Eş enerjili bitirme yemlerinde protein düzeyinin %2 ve 4 oranında yükseltilmesi ve lisin ilave edilmesinden karkas ağırlığı ve randımanı önemli düzeyde etkilenmemiştir. Karkas protein ve abdominal yağ miktarı karma yemde protein düzeyi %20' nin üzerine çıktığında olumlu yönde değişmiştir. Bu durum %22 protein düzeyinde %24 protein düzeyine göre daha belirgindir. Ancak bu iyileşme istatistiki bakımdan önemli değildir. Yüksek proteinli yemlerde karkas yağ miktarı azalmasına rağmen, bu azalma sadece dişi etlik piliçlerde önemlidir. (P<0.01). Yeme yapılan lisin ilavesi bu özellikleri olumlu yönde etkilemiştir Anacak bu istatitiki olarak önemli değildir
33 SUMMARY In this study was examined the effect of isocaloric finisher rations which were increased the protein levels from %20 to %22 and %24 with poultry waste meal on performance (body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and livability) and carcass composition (quantities of carcass protein, carcass fat and abdominal fat) of male and female birds. In this purpose, isocaloric finisher rations were added poultry waste meal at %3.5 and %7 and also added lycine to the high protein rations. In this study, 990 Arbor Acress broiler genotype chiks were used. Chiks were fed with commercial starter ration as ad-libitum at the end of 3 rd week. From 4th and to 7th weeks birds were fed with different type of rations as ad-libitum. At 49th days, five male and female birds were slaugtered from every grups. Then, quantities of carcass fat, carcass protein and abdominal fat were determined for every birds. Body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and livability were not effected from levels between 4 th and 7 th weeks in both sexes. In 7th week, male birds fed with %24 protein levels showed higher body weight than %22 levels (P< 0.01). Body weight and body weight gain in %22 protein levels were improved by addition of lycine both of males and females (P< 0.01). Carcass weight and rate were not significantly effected from improvements of protein levels to %2-4 and addition of lycine in isocaloric finisher rations. Carcass protein and abdominal fat quantities showed the positive results when protein levels give up to %20 in rations. This situation is clear at %22 protein levels than %24 protein. But these improvement is not significant in statistical. While carcass fat quantity was reduced at high protein levels, this reducing is only important in female birds (PO.01). Lycine addition in rations give the positive results on propoties, but it isn't significant in statistical.
33 SUMMARY In this study was examined the effect of isocaloric finisher rations which were increased the protein levels from %20 to %22 and %24 with poultry waste meal on performance (body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and livability) and carcass composition (quantities of carcass protein, carcass fat and abdominal fat) of male and female birds. In this purpose, isocaloric finisher rations were added poultry waste meal at %3.5 and %7 and also added lycine to the high protein rations. In this study, 990 Arbor Acress broiler genotype chiks were used. Chiks were fed with commercial starter ration as ad-libitum at the end of 3 rd week. From 4th and to 7th weeks birds were fed with different type of rations as ad-libitum. At 49th days, five male and female birds were slaugtered from every grups. Then, quantities of carcass fat, carcass protein and abdominal fat were determined for every birds. Body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and livability were not effected from levels between 4 th and 7 th weeks in both sexes. In 7th week, male birds fed with %24 protein levels showed higher body weight than %22 levels (P< 0.01). Body weight and body weight gain in %22 protein levels were improved by addition of lycine both of males and females (P< 0.01). Carcass weight and rate were not significantly effected from improvements of protein levels to %2-4 and addition of lycine in isocaloric finisher rations. Carcass protein and abdominal fat quantities showed the positive results when protein levels give up to %20 in rations. This situation is clear at %22 protein levels than %24 protein. But these improvement is not significant in statistical. While carcass fat quantity was reduced at high protein levels, this reducing is only important in female birds (PO.01). Lycine addition in rations give the positive results on propoties, but it isn't significant in statistical.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Etlik piliç, Broiler chickens, Karın yağı, Abdominal fat, Rasyon protein, Ration protein, Zootekni, Zootechnics