Grafen oksit film üzerinde SH-SY5Yhücrelerine hipoksinin etkilerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Merkezi sinir sistemi (MSS)'nde nöronlar oksijene oldukça duyarlıdır. Oksijen azaldığında, nöronlar dejenere olur. Nöronlarda dejenerasyon, hasar ve ölüme neden olur. Hipoksi felç, kafa travması, neoplazi, vasküler malformasyonlar ve nörodejeneratif hastalıklar gibi MSS patolojileriyle ilişkilidir. Grafen şu ana kadar çalışılmış en dikkat çekici nano yapılı malzemelerdendir. Daha önceki bir çalışmamızda L-glutaminle oluşturulan stresin nöronlar üzerindeki etkisini grafen oksit (GO) ve cam yüzeyler üzerine B35 hücrelerini ekerek incelemiştik. Özgün elektriksel özellikleri nedeniyle GO'nun MSS dejenerasyonlarında nöral hücre davranışını düzenlemede kullanılabilecek potansiyel bir malzeme olabileceğini düşündük. Bu çalışmada, hipoksi stresinin SH-SY5Y hücreleri üzerine etkilerini GO yüzeylerde göstermek amacıyla GO tozu ve kitosanla cam yüzeyler üzerinde ince bir film tabakası elde edildi. Kültüre edilen SH-SY5Y hücre hattı GO filmler üzerine ekildi, sadece cam yüzeylere ekilen hücreler ise kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Nöronal farklılaşma için 10 µM retinoik asit kullanıldı. Hücreler hipoksik (3% O2) ortamda hipoksi haznesinde ve normoksik (21% O2) ortamda normal inkübatörde beş gün süreyle inkübe edildi. Hücre canlılığı için MTT testi yapıldı. Hücre morfolojileri taramalı elektron mikroskopisi (SEM) ve aktin boyama ile incelendi. MTT sonuçlarına göre hücreler GO filmler üzerinde hipoksi stresine karşı daha fazla direnç gösterdi. Aktin boyama ve SEM görüntülerinin de bu sonucu desteklediği gözlendi. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları GO'nun hipoksi stresine karşı potansiyel bir tedavi yöntemi olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir
In the central nervous system (CNS), neurons are highly sensitive to the availability of oxygen. If oxygen availability is decreased, neurons can degenerate. Degeneration in neurons leads to injury and cell death. Hypoxia is involved in several CNS pathologies, including stroke, head trauma, neoplasia, vascular malformations and neurodegenerative diseases. Graphene is one of the remarkable nano structured materials studied so far. In our earlier study, we investigated the effects of L-glutamine stress on B35 cells seeded on GO and glass surfaces. Due to its unique electrical properties, we hypothesized that GO might be used in potential treatments for regulating neural cell behavior in CNS degeneration. In this study, to demonstrate the effects of hipoxia on SH-SY5Y cells seeded on GO surfaces, GO powder was coated onto glass slides as a thin film. SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cell line was seeded on GO sheets, Seeded cells on only glass slides were used as the control group. 10 µM retinoic acid was used for neuronal differentiation. Cells were incubated at hypoxic (3% O2) conditions in a hypoxia chamber and in normoxic (21% O2) condition in a normal incubator for five days. Cell viability was shown by MTT test. Morphologies of cells were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and actin staining. According to MTT results, neurons were more resistant to hypoxia on GO sheets; actin staining and SEM images confirmed the MTT results. The results of this study demonstrated that GO may have a potential use for treatment in hypoxia stress.
In the central nervous system (CNS), neurons are highly sensitive to the availability of oxygen. If oxygen availability is decreased, neurons can degenerate. Degeneration in neurons leads to injury and cell death. Hypoxia is involved in several CNS pathologies, including stroke, head trauma, neoplasia, vascular malformations and neurodegenerative diseases. Graphene is one of the remarkable nano structured materials studied so far. In our earlier study, we investigated the effects of L-glutamine stress on B35 cells seeded on GO and glass surfaces. Due to its unique electrical properties, we hypothesized that GO might be used in potential treatments for regulating neural cell behavior in CNS degeneration. In this study, to demonstrate the effects of hipoxia on SH-SY5Y cells seeded on GO surfaces, GO powder was coated onto glass slides as a thin film. SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cell line was seeded on GO sheets, Seeded cells on only glass slides were used as the control group. 10 µM retinoic acid was used for neuronal differentiation. Cells were incubated at hypoxic (3% O2) conditions in a hypoxia chamber and in normoxic (21% O2) condition in a normal incubator for five days. Cell viability was shown by MTT test. Morphologies of cells were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and actin staining. According to MTT results, neurons were more resistant to hypoxia on GO sheets; actin staining and SEM images confirmed the MTT results. The results of this study demonstrated that GO may have a potential use for treatment in hypoxia stress.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyomühendislik, Bioengineering, Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Grafen oksit, Graphene oxide, Hipoksi, Hypoxia, Hücre dizisi, Cell line, Merkez sinir sistemi, Central nervous system, Merkez sinir sistemi hastalıkları, Central nervous system diseases, Mikroskopi-elektron taramalı, Microscopy-electron scanning