Kemikiçi ve subperiosteal implant uygulamaları üzerine ve bazı implant sistemlerinin kanat yükü altındaki dirençleri konusunda deneysel araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
6-OZET Dental implantlar, dental uygulamalarda yaygın bir tedavi haline gel mekte, rutin olarak kullanımı, artan sayıda implant hastasının tedavi edilmesiyle sonuçlanmaktadır. Hem endosteal hem de subperiosteal implantlarda klinik başarı oranı yüksek olsa bile basan oranını artırmak için ileri araştırmalara gereksinim vardır. implantlar, anatomik^ sistemik, operatif, protetik veya hijyenik faktörler nedeniyle başarısız olabilir. Bu çalışma, protetik başarısızlığa yönelik klinik ve de neysel bölümlerden oluşmaktadır. Yaygın olarak kullanılan implant ve abutment kombinasyonlarının başarısızlığa uğramaması için gereken kuvvetler karşılaştınl- mıştır. Her sistem için 18 mm'lik kanat içeren test protezleri hazırlandı ve başarısız lık meydana gelinceye kadar İnstron 1114 cihazında yükleme yapıldı. Her bir sistem için başarısızlığı oluşturan kuvvet ve başarısızlığın lokalizasyonu kaydedildi. Bu tes tin sonuçlarına göre her sistem için güvenilirlik sınırları içindeki optimum kanat uzunluğu belirtildi. Bu araştırmanın klinik bölümünde, sadece karşılaşılan protetik kom- plikasyonlar üzerinde çalışıldı, implant tedavi planı cerrahi faz ve protetik tedavinin tamamı ekibimiz tarafından yapıldığı için, farklı ekiplerin tedavi sırasında karşılaştığı çeşitli problemler bertaraf edilmiştir. Subperiosteal implant destekli hareketli protezin retansiyonunu silikon halkalar sağlamaktadır, implant ile hareketli protezler arasındaki rezilyent bağı oluşturan bu halkalar eskidiği için 6 ile 12 ayda bir yenilendi. 2 olguda subperiosteal implantlar çevresinde gözlenen kemik yıkımı incelenmedi. Çalışma süremiz boyunca endosteal implantlarla desteklenen sabit pro tezlerle ilgili herhangi bir problemle karşılaşmadık. Fakat aynı tür implantlarla des teklenen hareketli protez olgularında protezin retansiyonunu sağlayan ve endosteal implantla protez arasında rezilyent bir bağ oluşturan O-Ringleri, aşınma nedeniyle 6 ayda bir değiştirmek zorunda kalındı. Aynı şekilde top başlı abutment'ların 73çevresindeki rezilyent madde hemen hemen aynı süreler içinde yenilendi. Cerrahi fazdaki klinik basan oranımız, endosteal implantlarda % 98.3, subperiosteal im- plantlarda %90'dır. Protetik fazda klinik basan oranımız, 2 yıllık izleme süresi için, hem endosteal hem de subperiosteal implant tedavilerinde % 100'dür. 74
7-SUMMARY Dental implants are becoming common therapy in many dental practices resulting in increasing numbers of implant patients beeing treated on a routine basis. Even tough the clinical succes rate is high both in endosteal and subperiosteal imp lants, further research needs to be done to increase the rate of succes in thus field. Implants may fail for anatomic, systemic, operative, prosthetic or hyge- nic reasons. This study is composed of a clinical and an experimental part focusing on the prosthodontic failures. Alternative implant abutments and screw were tested in this research. The force necessary to cause failure in many of the more commonly used implant and abutment combinations were compared. An 18 mm cantilever test prosthesis was constructed for each system and loaded on an İnstron 1 1 14 machine until failure occured. The failure force and location of failure for each individual system are reported. According to the results of this test optimum lenght of cantilever within safe limits are described for each system. In the clinical part of this research only the prosthodontic complications encountered are studied. Since the implant therapy planning, surgical phase and the prosthetic treatment are done all by our team, several problems arising when dif ferent teams are involved in the therapy are eliminated. The silicone rings providing the retention of the removable denture and also the resilient link between the subperiosteal implants and the removable dentures had to be replaced every 6-12 months since they wore out. The bony destruction aro und the subperiosteal implant, in two cases were not studied. We did not encounter any clinical problems during our study period with any fixed prosthodontics supported by endosteal implants. But, in cases where the re movable dentures were supported by implants the O-rings providing retention of the 75prosthesis and also providing a resilient link between the endosteal implant and the prosthesis had to be replaced every six months due to wear. Also the resilient mate rial around the ball abutments had to be replacd in almost the same periods. Our cli nical succes rate in surgical phase is 98.3% in endosteal implants and 90% in sub periosteal implants. Our clinical succes rate in prosthetic phase is 100% in both en dosteal and subperiosteal implant therapy for two year follow up period. 76
7-SUMMARY Dental implants are becoming common therapy in many dental practices resulting in increasing numbers of implant patients beeing treated on a routine basis. Even tough the clinical succes rate is high both in endosteal and subperiosteal imp lants, further research needs to be done to increase the rate of succes in thus field. Implants may fail for anatomic, systemic, operative, prosthetic or hyge- nic reasons. This study is composed of a clinical and an experimental part focusing on the prosthodontic failures. Alternative implant abutments and screw were tested in this research. The force necessary to cause failure in many of the more commonly used implant and abutment combinations were compared. An 18 mm cantilever test prosthesis was constructed for each system and loaded on an İnstron 1 1 14 machine until failure occured. The failure force and location of failure for each individual system are reported. According to the results of this test optimum lenght of cantilever within safe limits are described for each system. In the clinical part of this research only the prosthodontic complications encountered are studied. Since the implant therapy planning, surgical phase and the prosthetic treatment are done all by our team, several problems arising when dif ferent teams are involved in the therapy are eliminated. The silicone rings providing the retention of the removable denture and also the resilient link between the subperiosteal implants and the removable dentures had to be replaced every 6-12 months since they wore out. The bony destruction aro und the subperiosteal implant, in two cases were not studied. We did not encounter any clinical problems during our study period with any fixed prosthodontics supported by endosteal implants. But, in cases where the re movable dentures were supported by implants the O-rings providing retention of the 75prosthesis and also providing a resilient link between the endosteal implant and the prosthesis had to be replaced every six months due to wear. Also the resilient mate rial around the ball abutments had to be replacd in almost the same periods. Our cli nical succes rate in surgical phase is 98.3% in endosteal implants and 90% in sub periosteal implants. Our clinical succes rate in prosthetic phase is 100% in both en dosteal and subperiosteal implant therapy for two year follow up period. 76
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Dental implantasyon-subperiostal, Dental implantation-subperiosteal, Dental implantlar, Dental implants, Dental oklüzyon, Dental occlusion, Dişler, Teeth