Kestane kanseri Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr. ) Barr. )'ın hipovirulent ırklarla savaşımı üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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XI ÖZET KESTANE KANSERİ Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr.'NIN HİPOVİRULENT IRKLARLA SAVAŞIMI ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR ÇELİKER, N. Mükerrem Doktora Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ersin ONOĞUR Bu tezde, Bornova ve Ankara Zirai Mücadele Araştırma Enstitülerinin Projeleri ile Doktora Projesi kapsamında Ege, Marmara ve Karadeniz Bölgelerinin kestane kanseri ile bulaşık kestaneliklerden toplanan 324 Cryphonectria parasitica izolatı kullanılmıştır. Hipovirulent ırkları belirlemek için 324 izolat fenotipik özelliklerine göre virulent yada hipovirulent olarak gruplandınldığında; 310 tanesi virulent, 14 izolat olası hipovirulent ırklar olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Virulent izolatlar arasında gerçekleştirilen vejetatif uyum çalışması ile örneklerin toplandığı kestaneliklerde 2 vejetatif uyum grubu belirlenmiştir. İzolatlann % 96'nın v-c 1, % 4'nün v-c 2 uyum grubuna ait olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Örnekleme yapılan kestaneliklerin hepsinde v-c 1 uyum grubu bulunurken, sadece 1 tanesinde v-c 2 uyum grubu da bulunmuştur. 14 olası hipovirulent izolat konversiyon yetenekleri yönünden testlendiğinde, bunların v-c 1 uyum grubuna ait izolatları dönüştürebildiği saptanmıştır. 14 izolattan 7 tanesininXII dsRNA izolasyonu Dr. Ursula HEINIGER* tarafından yapılmış ve 7 izolatın hipovirulent olduğu onaylanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar kestaneliklerimizde biyolojik mücadele çalışmalarına başlanabileceği konusunda ümit vermiştir. Hipovirulent C. parasitica ırklarının varlığı Türkiye için ilk kayıttır. Fidanlarda gerçekleştirilen virulenslik çalışmasında dsRNA izolasyonu yapılan Hj, H2, H3, H4, H5, Hö, H7 hipovirulent ırklan kullamlmıştır. Tüm izolatların oluşturduğu lezyonlar kallus oluşumu nedeni ile küçülmüş yada kapanmıştır. Hastalık oluşumunun hipovirulent ırklarla kontrolü çalışması fidanlarda, Nisan ve Temmuz 1999'da açılan iki deneme ile gerçekleştirilmiştir; sadece virulent ırk ile inokule edilen fidanlar kururken, sadece hipovirulent ırkla inokule edilen fidanlarda belirgin kallus dokusu oluşmuş, meydana gelen lezyonlar küçülmüştür. Fidanların hipovirulent ve virulent izolatlarla birlikte inokule edilmesi halinde kanser gelişimi durmuş ve kallus dokusu oluşmaya başlamış, fidanlar gelişimlerini sağlıklı bir şekilde sürdürmeye devam etmişlerdir. Bu sonuçlar kestaneliklerimizin önemli bir sorunu olan kestane kanseri hastalığının hipovirulent ırklarla kontrol edilebileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Anahtar sözcükler: Kestane, Cryphonectria parasitica, hipovirulent ırk, dsRNA, virulens, vejetatif uyum (v-c), konversiyon (dönüştürme), biyolojik kontrol. ?İsviçre Federal Orman, Kar ve Peyzaj Araştırma Enstitüsü
XIII ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE CONTROL OF CHESTNUT BLIGHT Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr. BY HYPO VIRULENT STRAINS ÇELİKER, N. Mükerrem PhD thesis, Plant Protection Depertment Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Ersin ONOGUR In this thesis study, 324 isolates were used that were collected from chestnut groves infected by chestnut blight of Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea Regions for the projects of Bornova and Ankara Plant Protection Research Institute and Doktorate. When all of the 324 isolates were classificated for their phenotypes; 310 isolates of them were virulent and 14 isolates were thought as hypovirulent strains Studies of vegetative-compability (v-c) was done among the virulent strains and 2 v-c groups were found in the chestnut groves. 96 % of all the isolates were belong to v-c 1 group and % 4 were v-c 2 group. V-c 1 group was found in all the chestnut groves but v-c 2 group was found only in one of them. When 14 hipovirulent isolates were tested for their ability of conversion, they converted the isolates belong to v-c 1 group. DsRNA isolations were made for 7 of 14 isolates by Dr. Ursula Heiniger*. * Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape ResearchXIV The 7 isolates found as hipovirulent. This result have showed us that biological control could successfully be applied in Turkish chestnut groves. The hypovirulence in Turkish isolates of C. parasitica is the first. record for Turkey. Virulence study was done on chestnut seedlings by using the Hi, H2, H3, HU, H5, Hö, H7 hipovirulent strains that contained dsRNA. After inoculation the hipovirulent strains caused firstly lesions on the stem of chestnut seedlings, then growing of lesion stopped and they started to heal parallel to the formation of callus tissue. Studies on the control of chestnut blight by hipovirulent strains was done on chestnut seedlings in 2 different times, in April and July, 1999. The seedlings which inoculated by virulent strain died in 4-8 weeks. On the seedlings which inoculated by hypovirulent strains a very clearly callus tissue occured and lesions started to heal. When seedlings were inoculated by both of virulent and hypovirulent strains, growing of lesion stopped but occurrence of callus tissue was not very clearly. But all the seedlings except inoculated by virulent strains have maintained their healty growing. These results have showed that hypovirulent strains could be used for the control of the chestnut blight which is an important problem in chestnut growing areas in Turkey. Key Words: Chestnut, Cryphonectria parasitica, hypovirulent strain, dsRNA, virulence, vegetative compatibilty (v-c), conversion, biological control.
XIII ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE CONTROL OF CHESTNUT BLIGHT Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr. BY HYPO VIRULENT STRAINS ÇELİKER, N. Mükerrem PhD thesis, Plant Protection Depertment Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Ersin ONOGUR In this thesis study, 324 isolates were used that were collected from chestnut groves infected by chestnut blight of Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea Regions for the projects of Bornova and Ankara Plant Protection Research Institute and Doktorate. When all of the 324 isolates were classificated for their phenotypes; 310 isolates of them were virulent and 14 isolates were thought as hypovirulent strains Studies of vegetative-compability (v-c) was done among the virulent strains and 2 v-c groups were found in the chestnut groves. 96 % of all the isolates were belong to v-c 1 group and % 4 were v-c 2 group. V-c 1 group was found in all the chestnut groves but v-c 2 group was found only in one of them. When 14 hipovirulent isolates were tested for their ability of conversion, they converted the isolates belong to v-c 1 group. DsRNA isolations were made for 7 of 14 isolates by Dr. Ursula Heiniger*. * Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape ResearchXIV The 7 isolates found as hipovirulent. This result have showed us that biological control could successfully be applied in Turkish chestnut groves. The hypovirulence in Turkish isolates of C. parasitica is the first. record for Turkey. Virulence study was done on chestnut seedlings by using the Hi, H2, H3, HU, H5, Hö, H7 hipovirulent strains that contained dsRNA. After inoculation the hipovirulent strains caused firstly lesions on the stem of chestnut seedlings, then growing of lesion stopped and they started to heal parallel to the formation of callus tissue. Studies on the control of chestnut blight by hipovirulent strains was done on chestnut seedlings in 2 different times, in April and July, 1999. The seedlings which inoculated by virulent strain died in 4-8 weeks. On the seedlings which inoculated by hypovirulent strains a very clearly callus tissue occured and lesions started to heal. When seedlings were inoculated by both of virulent and hypovirulent strains, growing of lesion stopped but occurrence of callus tissue was not very clearly. But all the seedlings except inoculated by virulent strains have maintained their healty growing. These results have showed that hypovirulent strains could be used for the control of the chestnut blight which is an important problem in chestnut growing areas in Turkey. Key Words: Chestnut, Cryphonectria parasitica, hypovirulent strain, dsRNA, virulence, vegetative compatibilty (v-c), conversion, biological control.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Cryphonectria parasitica, Cryphonectria parasitica, Kestane, Chestnut, Vejetatif uyum, Vegetative compatibility