Diyabetik ayaklı olgularda kan hipoksi ile indüklenebilir faktör- 1alfa, fetuin- a, fibrinojen ve homosistein düzeylerinin ampütasyon seviyesiyle ilişkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Diabetes Mellitus‟ lu hastaların yaşam süresinin artmasına bağlı gelişen kronik komplikasyonların görülme sıklığı artmıştır. Bu önemli komplikasyonlardan birisi olan diyabetik ayak sendromu, çoğunlukla diyabetik nöropati ve vasküler yetersizliğin birlikte olmasının bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkar ve travmatik olmayan ayak ampütasyonlarının % 60‟ ını oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca dünyanın her yerinde hastanede kalış süresi uzunluğu, maliyeti, mortalite ve morbiditenin yüksekliği nedeniyle en önemli halk sağlığı sorunlarından birisidir.
Hipoksi ile indüklenebilir faktör- 1alfa (HIF- 1α) hipoksiye adaptasyon cevabının gelişiminde anahtar rol oynar, yaralardaki epitel restorasyonunu ve keratinosit göçünü düzenleyerek iyileşmeyi hızlandırmaktadır. Yapılmış olan çalışmalarda diyabetik bireylerde hiperglisemik çevrede transaktivasyonda bozulma sonucu HIF- 1α disfonksiyonu olduğu gösterilmiştir.
Fetuin- A, albumin gibi karaciğerden sentezlenen ve insülin aktivitesi ile vasküler ve ektopik kalsifikasyonları inhibe eden bir taşıyıcı proteindir. Diyabetiklerdeki fetuin- A düşüklüğünün vasküler kalsifikasyona yol açarak periferik arter hastalığı ile, yükselişinin ise ılımlı inflamasyon ve metabolik sendrom gelişimi ile ilişkili olduğu gözlenmiştir.
Fibrinojen, karaciğerden sentezlenen; hemostazda, doku onarımı ve yara iyileşmesinde önemli işlevleri olan bir akut faz reaktanıdır. Diyabetik bireylerde kandaki düzeyi artan fibrinojen, hiperkoagülabilite ortamı oluşumunu kolaylaştıran faktörlerden birisidir.
Homosistein metiyonin metabolizması esnasında oluşan, aterojenik özelliği olan (endotel disfonksiyonu ve hasar sonrası gelişen trombosit aktivasyonu ve trombüs oluşumu ile ilişkili), ayrıca LDL oksidasyonunu arttırarak vasküler toksisite yaratan bir aminoasittir. Homosisteinin bu toksik etkiler neticesinde endotelyumun normal antikoagülan fenotipini değiştirerek damarsal hastalığa zemin hazırlayabilmektedir.
Çalışmamızda; Diabetes Mellitus tanısına sahip ve buna bağlı sık görülen bir komplikasyon olan diyabetik ayak yarası olup Diyabetik Ayak Konseyi kararıyla ampütasyon planlanmış 31 hastada biyokimyasal olarak serum hipoksi ile indüklenebilir faktör- 1alfa (HIF- 1α), fetuin- A, fibrinojen ve homosistein düzeylerini belirleyerek bu kriterlerin ampütasyon seviyesi ile korelasyonunu inceledik.
Çalışmamızın sonucunda, fetuin- A düzeyi ile ampütasyon seviyesi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı negatif korelasyon saptandı (p: 0.012, r: -0.450). Ancak HIF- 1α, fibrinojen ve homosistein ile ampütasyon seviyesi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki izlenmedi (p > 0.05).
Bu sonuçlarla diyabetik ayak patogenezinde fetuin- A eksikliğinin neden olduğu vasküler kalsifikasyonun önemli role sahip olabileceği, ayrıca fetuin- A düzeyinin ampütasyon seviyesini öngördürecek bir belirteç olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Bu bilgi ışığında patogeneze yönelik hayvan çalışmaları ve fetuin- A cut- off değerini belirleyecek büyük ölçekli insan çalışmaları yapılabilir.
Cause of increased survival in patient with diabetes mellitus, incidence of chronic complications in this patient group has increased. The diabetic foot syndrome, which is one of those important complications, occurs usually as a result of presence both of diabetic neuropathy and vascular failure and it‟s reason % 60 of nontraumatic lower extremity amputations. Also that‟s one of the most important public health problems everywhere in the world cause of its increased cost, mortality, morbidity and hospitalization time. Hypoxia- inducible factor- 1 alpha (HIF- 1α), plays a key role at developing adaptation response to hypoxia and it‟s expedites healing by arranging epithelium restoration and keratinocyte migration. In studies, HIF- 1α disfunction has shown in diabetic patients cause of faulty transactivation at hyperglycemic environment. Fetuin- A is a carrier protein that has produced from liver as albumine and inhibates of vascular and ectopic calcifications with its insulin activity. It has observed that lower fetuin- A levels is related with peripheral artery disease causing vascular calcification and upper fetuin- A levels is related with developing minimal inflammation and metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients. Fibrinogen is an acut phase reactant that‟s produced from liver and it has important functions in hemostasis, tissue repair amd wound healing. Increased blood fibrinogen level in diabetic patients is one of the factors that facilitates developing prothrombotic status. Homocysteine is an aminoacid that occurs during methionine metabolism and has atherogenic characteristic (related with endothelial disfunction; thrombocyte activation and thrombosis formation after injury), also it crauses vascular toxicity by increasing oxidation of LDL. As a result of this toxic effects, homocysteine can cause vascular disease by changing normal anticoagulant phenotype of endothelium. In our study, we investigated correlations between amputation level and biochemical criteria by measuring levels of blood HIF- 1alfa, fetuin- A, fibrinogen and homocysteine in 31 patients those have DM, diabetic foot wound, amputation decision was taken in Diabetic Foot Council As a result of our study, there was statistically negative correlation between blood fetuin- A level and amputation level (p: 0.012, r: -0.450). But there was no significant correlation between amputation level and other biochemical parameters, HIF- 1alfa, fibrinogen and homocysteine (p > 0.05). With these results, it has thought that vascular calcifications cause of decreased fetuin- A levels may be probably important role in diabetic foot pathogenesis. Also it has thinked that fetuin- A can be a marker that predicts amputation level. Based on this information, animal studies for pathogenesis and large- scale human studies that determines cutoff level of fetuin- A can be do.
Cause of increased survival in patient with diabetes mellitus, incidence of chronic complications in this patient group has increased. The diabetic foot syndrome, which is one of those important complications, occurs usually as a result of presence both of diabetic neuropathy and vascular failure and it‟s reason % 60 of nontraumatic lower extremity amputations. Also that‟s one of the most important public health problems everywhere in the world cause of its increased cost, mortality, morbidity and hospitalization time. Hypoxia- inducible factor- 1 alpha (HIF- 1α), plays a key role at developing adaptation response to hypoxia and it‟s expedites healing by arranging epithelium restoration and keratinocyte migration. In studies, HIF- 1α disfunction has shown in diabetic patients cause of faulty transactivation at hyperglycemic environment. Fetuin- A is a carrier protein that has produced from liver as albumine and inhibates of vascular and ectopic calcifications with its insulin activity. It has observed that lower fetuin- A levels is related with peripheral artery disease causing vascular calcification and upper fetuin- A levels is related with developing minimal inflammation and metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients. Fibrinogen is an acut phase reactant that‟s produced from liver and it has important functions in hemostasis, tissue repair amd wound healing. Increased blood fibrinogen level in diabetic patients is one of the factors that facilitates developing prothrombotic status. Homocysteine is an aminoacid that occurs during methionine metabolism and has atherogenic characteristic (related with endothelial disfunction; thrombocyte activation and thrombosis formation after injury), also it crauses vascular toxicity by increasing oxidation of LDL. As a result of this toxic effects, homocysteine can cause vascular disease by changing normal anticoagulant phenotype of endothelium. In our study, we investigated correlations between amputation level and biochemical criteria by measuring levels of blood HIF- 1alfa, fetuin- A, fibrinogen and homocysteine in 31 patients those have DM, diabetic foot wound, amputation decision was taken in Diabetic Foot Council As a result of our study, there was statistically negative correlation between blood fetuin- A level and amputation level (p: 0.012, r: -0.450). But there was no significant correlation between amputation level and other biochemical parameters, HIF- 1alfa, fibrinogen and homocysteine (p > 0.05). With these results, it has thought that vascular calcifications cause of decreased fetuin- A levels may be probably important role in diabetic foot pathogenesis. Also it has thinked that fetuin- A can be a marker that predicts amputation level. Based on this information, animal studies for pathogenesis and large- scale human studies that determines cutoff level of fetuin- A can be do.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diyabetik Ayak, Ampütasyon, HIF- 1α, Fetuin- A, Fibrinojen, Homosistein, Diabetic Foot, Amputation, HIF- 1α, Fetuin- A, Fibrinogen, Homocysteine