Dystric xerochrept typic hoplumbrept ve typic xerofluvent'lerde potasyum fikrasyonu ile fikrasyon mekanizmasına etkili olan toprak özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ABSTRAKT Bu araştırma, bitkilerce kullanıma mutlak gerekli olan po- tasyum bitki besin elemen tinin, toprak taki fiksasvonunu ve meka nizmasını saptamak amacı ile yapılmıştır. Toprak içerisinde cok hareketli bir mineral besin elementi olarak bilinen potasyumun fiksasyonu, topraktaki potasyumun davranışının daha iyi belir lenmesinde bilimsel yönden ve çeşitli potasyumlu gübrelerin kullanılması ve seçiminde uygulama yönünden önem taşımaktadır. Topraklarda bulunan veya ilave edilen potasyumun bitkilere olan yarayısl 1 1 ıg"ı, toprak tarafından fikse edilerek azaltıl maktadır. Bu nedenle potasyum fiksasyonunu bilmeden yapılacak gübrelemelerin hiçbiri istenilen sonucu veremez.Bu amaç doğrul tusunda topraktaki potasyum fiksasyonu ve onu yönlendiren öğe ler yapılan bu araştırma ile belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma özdeÇJi olan toprak örnekleri Alacatı beldesi- Dystric Xerochrept, Bozdag" yöresi-Typic Haplumbrept, Menemen Ovası-Typic Xerof luven t ' ler inden alınmış ve veriler üzerinde gerekli istatistik» ilişkiler saptanmıştır
VI ABSTRACT The resarch has beer» done to determine the potassium, ab solute necessary for plants, fixation and mecanism in soils. Fixation of potassium which is known a mineral nutrition ele ment and can easily move in soil, has significance about bet ter determining of potassium behaviors in soil, for science and using and chosing of the variation of the fertilizer in cludes potassium. Benefition of potassium, added or present in soil, is decreased by fixation of soils. Therefore, minuring without knowing about potassium fixation cannot be effect as planned be desired on the fertility of the soils. That is why the re search has done to the determine the potassium fixation and effective factors of it. The soil samples as research material were taken from Dystric Xerocrept-Alacati Region, Typic Haplumbrept-Bozdag Region, Typic Xerof luven t-Menemen Basin and were conducted necessary statistical correlations by using the data.
VI ABSTRACT The resarch has beer» done to determine the potassium, ab solute necessary for plants, fixation and mecanism in soils. Fixation of potassium which is known a mineral nutrition ele ment and can easily move in soil, has significance about bet ter determining of potassium behaviors in soil, for science and using and chosing of the variation of the fertilizer in cludes potassium. Benefition of potassium, added or present in soil, is decreased by fixation of soils. Therefore, minuring without knowing about potassium fixation cannot be effect as planned be desired on the fertility of the soils. That is why the re search has done to the determine the potassium fixation and effective factors of it. The soil samples as research material were taken from Dystric Xerocrept-Alacati Region, Typic Haplumbrept-Bozdag Region, Typic Xerof luven t-Menemen Basin and were conducted necessary statistical correlations by using the data.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Potasyum, Potassium, Toprak, Soil