İzmir kenti hava kirliliği araştırması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
56 The mod value of SO2 between 1989-1994 is 173.6 ug/m3 in 1992 and it is above long term limit value (UVS). The mod value of smoke between 1989-1994 is 177.8 ug/m3 in 1992. In the annual average concentration up to 1993, there is regular increase, the years 1993 and 1994 there is relative decline. The comparison of air pollution parameters between the five major centers of respective provinces of Turkey is like that: Adana has no air pollution problem, yet Although there are some random variations, Istanbul is the most polluted city among the five. In Ankara, after 1992 there is serious decline in the air pollution values. Air pollution concentrations are increasing in Izmir, relatively to the other four provinces. Although İzmir is forth of them up to 1993; it is second of them in 1993 and 1994, respectively. As a result, it is obvious that air pollution must be declined before getting the serious problems on the health of human and environment. There is a need of effective organizational structure and plans in order to deal with air pollution in Izmir.55 kirli kentimiz İstanbul'dur. Ankara'da ise 1992 yılından itibaren ciddi anlamda kirlilik değerlerinde düşme gözlenmiştir. İzmir'de ise diğer kentlerimizin tersine kirlilik parametrelerinde artış gözlenmekte, 1993 yılma kadar beş büyük il merkezi arasında IV. Sırada olmasına karşın, 1993 ve 1994 yıllarında II. sıraya yükselmiştir. Sonuç olarak İzmir'de hava kirliliği, insan ve çevre sağlığım ciddi boyutta tehdit eder duruma gelmeden hava kirliliğim azaltıcı önlemlerin alınması, etkin örgütsel altyapının oluşturulması gerekir. SUMMARY Air pollution woven throughout the fabric of modern life, threatening of the human and environment. Air pollution can be defined for guideline purpose thermal inversion and photochemical air pollution. The major cause of all air pollution is combustion, and combustion is essential to man. When perfect combustion occurs, the hydrogen and carbon in the fuel combine with oxygen from the air to produce heat, light, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. However, impurities in the fuel, poor fuel-to-air ratio, or too high or too low combustion temperatures cause the formation of such side products as carbon monoxides, sulfur oxides, fly ash, and unburned hydrocarbons- all air pollutants. The atmosphere can cleanse itself by autoepuration of all known pollutants when sufficient time is given. The ways of autoepuration are; dispersion, dilution, difusion, the meteorologic conditions like rain and snow, horizontal and vertical winds, oxidation, and solar radiation. Although limited air pollution was experienced as early as 1272, it has become a major problem only in recent years, considering man's total history. The effects of air pollution on the health of human are organic and physiological. The organic one can be acute or chronic, like respiratory tract damage, irritation and sensorial effects. The physiological one can be discomfort, annoyance and irritating odour. In this doctoral thesis, the values of three stations in İzmir up to 1993 from 1989 three centers named Balçova, Konak, Hıfzıssıhha; then eight centers named Balçova, Konak, Karşıyaka, Bornova, Güzelyalı, Çamdibi, Gürçeşme and Buca, have been monitoring in Izmir by half automatic monitoring system. The control method of SO2 is asidimetric and the control method of smoke is photometric
55 kirli kentimiz İstanbul'dur. Ankara'da ise 1992 yılından itibaren ciddi anlamda kirlilik değerlerinde düşme gözlenmiştir. İzmir'de ise diğer kentlerimizin tersine kirlilik parametrelerinde artış gözlenmekte, 1993 yılma kadar beş büyük il merkezi arasında IV. Sırada olmasına karşın, 1993 ve 1994 yıllarında II. sıraya yükselmiştir. Sonuç olarak İzmir'de hava kirliliği, insan ve çevre sağlığım ciddi boyutta tehdit eder duruma gelmeden hava kirliliğim azaltıcı önlemlerin alınması, etkin örgütsel altyapının oluşturulması gerekir. SUMMARY Air pollution woven throughout the fabric of modern life, threatening of the human and environment. Air pollution can be defined for guideline purpose thermal inversion and photochemical air pollution. The major cause of all air pollution is combustion, and combustion is essential to man. When perfect combustion occurs, the hydrogen and carbon in the fuel combine with oxygen from the air to produce heat, light, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. However, impurities in the fuel, poor fuel-to-air ratio, or too high or too low combustion temperatures cause the formation of such side products as carbon monoxides, sulfur oxides, fly ash, and unburned hydrocarbons- all air pollutants. The atmosphere can cleanse itself by autoepuration of all known pollutants when sufficient time is given. The ways of autoepuration are; dispersion, dilution, difusion, the meteorologic conditions like rain and snow, horizontal and vertical winds, oxidation, and solar radiation. Although limited air pollution was experienced as early as 1272, it has become a major problem only in recent years, considering man's total history. The effects of air pollution on the health of human are organic and physiological. The organic one can be acute or chronic, like respiratory tract damage, irritation and sensorial effects. The physiological one can be discomfort, annoyance and irritating odour. In this doctoral thesis, the values of three stations in İzmir up to 1993 from 1989 three centers named Balçova, Konak, Hıfzıssıhha; then eight centers named Balçova, Konak, Karşıyaka, Bornova, Güzelyalı, Çamdibi, Gürçeşme and Buca, have been monitoring in Izmir by half automatic monitoring system. The control method of SO2 is asidimetric and the control method of smoke is photometric.56 The mod value of SO2 between 1989-1994 is 173.6 ug/m3 in 1992 and it is above long term limit value (UVS). The mod value of smoke between 1989-1994 is 177.8 ug/m3 in 1992. In the annual average concentration up to 1993, there is regular increase, the years 1993 and 1994 there is relative decline. The comparison of air pollution parameters between the five major centers of respective provinces of Turkey is like that: Adana has no air pollution problem, yet Although there are some random variations, Istanbul is the most polluted city among the five. In Ankara, after 1992 there is serious decline in the air pollution values. Air pollution concentrations are increasing in Izmir, relatively to the other four provinces. Although İzmir is forth of them up to 1993; it is second of them in 1993 and 1994, respectively. As a result, it is obvious that air pollution must be declined before getting the serious problems on the health of human and environment. There is a need of effective organizational structure and plans in order to deal with air pollution in Izmir.
55 kirli kentimiz İstanbul'dur. Ankara'da ise 1992 yılından itibaren ciddi anlamda kirlilik değerlerinde düşme gözlenmiştir. İzmir'de ise diğer kentlerimizin tersine kirlilik parametrelerinde artış gözlenmekte, 1993 yılma kadar beş büyük il merkezi arasında IV. Sırada olmasına karşın, 1993 ve 1994 yıllarında II. sıraya yükselmiştir. Sonuç olarak İzmir'de hava kirliliği, insan ve çevre sağlığım ciddi boyutta tehdit eder duruma gelmeden hava kirliliğim azaltıcı önlemlerin alınması, etkin örgütsel altyapının oluşturulması gerekir. SUMMARY Air pollution woven throughout the fabric of modern life, threatening of the human and environment. Air pollution can be defined for guideline purpose thermal inversion and photochemical air pollution. The major cause of all air pollution is combustion, and combustion is essential to man. When perfect combustion occurs, the hydrogen and carbon in the fuel combine with oxygen from the air to produce heat, light, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. However, impurities in the fuel, poor fuel-to-air ratio, or too high or too low combustion temperatures cause the formation of such side products as carbon monoxides, sulfur oxides, fly ash, and unburned hydrocarbons- all air pollutants. The atmosphere can cleanse itself by autoepuration of all known pollutants when sufficient time is given. The ways of autoepuration are; dispersion, dilution, difusion, the meteorologic conditions like rain and snow, horizontal and vertical winds, oxidation, and solar radiation. Although limited air pollution was experienced as early as 1272, it has become a major problem only in recent years, considering man's total history. The effects of air pollution on the health of human are organic and physiological. The organic one can be acute or chronic, like respiratory tract damage, irritation and sensorial effects. The physiological one can be discomfort, annoyance and irritating odour. In this doctoral thesis, the values of three stations in İzmir up to 1993 from 1989 three centers named Balçova, Konak, Hıfzıssıhha; then eight centers named Balçova, Konak, Karşıyaka, Bornova, Güzelyalı, Çamdibi, Gürçeşme and Buca, have been monitoring in Izmir by half automatic monitoring system. The control method of SO2 is asidimetric and the control method of smoke is photometric.56 The mod value of SO2 between 1989-1994 is 173.6 ug/m3 in 1992 and it is above long term limit value (UVS). The mod value of smoke between 1989-1994 is 177.8 ug/m3 in 1992. In the annual average concentration up to 1993, there is regular increase, the years 1993 and 1994 there is relative decline. The comparison of air pollution parameters between the five major centers of respective provinces of Turkey is like that: Adana has no air pollution problem, yet Although there are some random variations, Istanbul is the most polluted city among the five. In Ankara, after 1992 there is serious decline in the air pollution values. Air pollution concentrations are increasing in Izmir, relatively to the other four provinces. Although İzmir is forth of them up to 1993; it is second of them in 1993 and 1994, respectively. As a result, it is obvious that air pollution must be declined before getting the serious problems on the health of human and environment. There is a need of effective organizational structure and plans in order to deal with air pollution in Izmir.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Sağlığı, Public Health, Hava kirleticiler, Air pollutants, Hava kirliliği, Air pollution, İzmir, Izmir