Türkiye'nin Ege denizi sahillerinde dağılım gösteren Syllidae (Polychaeta-Annelida) türlerinin taksonomisi ve ekolojisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Türkiye'nin Ege Denizi sahillerinde dağılım gösteren Syllidae (Polychaeta-Annelida) üyelerini saptanmak amacıyla, kuzeyde Saroz Körfezi, güneyde Marmaris arasında kalan bölgeden 31 istasyon seçilmiş ve bu istasyonlardan toplam 121 bentik örnek alınmıştır. Örneklerin kalitatif ve kantitatif analizleri sonucunda 4 subfamilya, 23 genus, 2 subgenus, 87 tür ve 2 alttür ile bunlara ait toplam 18906 birey tespit edilmiş olup, bunlardan l'inin [Exogone (Exogone) longicornis] Akdeniz, 40'ının Doğu Akdeniz ve 57'sinin ise Türkiye faunası için yeni oldukları saptanmıştır. Araştırma bölgesinin genelinde Grubeosyllis clavata, Syllis prolifera ve Sphaerosyttis pirifera en yüksek dorninansi ve frekans indeks değerlerlerine sahip syllid türleridir. İncelenen biotoplar arasında Posidonia oceanica en fazla tür sayısına ve çeşitlilik indeks değerine, Cymodocea nodosa ve Zostera spp. ise en az tür sayısına ve çeşitlilik indeks değerlerine sahiptir. Seçilen istasyonlar arasında ise en fazla syllid türü, heterojenik ve zengin habitat yapışma sahip istasyonlarda tesbit edilmiştir. Saptanan syllidler arasında Branehiosyllis exilis ve Opisthosyllis brunnea, Lessepsian türlerdir. Araştırma bölgesinde bulunan türlerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun (%32.2) atlanto-mediterranean orjinli olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Syllidae, Ege Denizi, ekoloji, taksonomi
In order to encounter Syllidae (Polychaeta-Annelida) species distributed along the Turkish Aegean coast, a total of 121 benthic samples from the 31 stations between Saroz Bay and Marmaris was collected and analysed both in terms of qualitative and quantitative aspects. As a result, 4 subfamilies, 23 genera, 2 subgenera, 87 species, 2 subspecies and 18906 specimens were determined, of which one species [Exogone {Exogone) longicornis] was new to Mediterranean, 40 to Eastern Mediterranean, and 57 to Turkish fauna. In the investigated area, Grubeosyllis clavata, Syllis prolifera and Sphderosyllis pirifera were the highest dominance and frequency index values. Of the biotopes examined, Posidonia oceanica was characterized by the highest number of species and diversity index values, whereas Cymodocea and Zostera spp. by the lowest number of species and diversity index values. Of the stations selected the highest species diversities were determined at the stations with heterogenous and rich biotope structures. Among the syllids identified, Branchiosyttis exilis and Opisthosyllis brurmea were Lessepsian species. The majority of species (32.2%) found in the investigated area were the species of atlanto-mediterranean origin. Keywords: Syllidae, Aegean Sea, taxonomy, ecology
In order to encounter Syllidae (Polychaeta-Annelida) species distributed along the Turkish Aegean coast, a total of 121 benthic samples from the 31 stations between Saroz Bay and Marmaris was collected and analysed both in terms of qualitative and quantitative aspects. As a result, 4 subfamilies, 23 genera, 2 subgenera, 87 species, 2 subspecies and 18906 specimens were determined, of which one species [Exogone {Exogone) longicornis] was new to Mediterranean, 40 to Eastern Mediterranean, and 57 to Turkish fauna. In the investigated area, Grubeosyllis clavata, Syllis prolifera and Sphderosyllis pirifera were the highest dominance and frequency index values. Of the biotopes examined, Posidonia oceanica was characterized by the highest number of species and diversity index values, whereas Cymodocea and Zostera spp. by the lowest number of species and diversity index values. Of the stations selected the highest species diversities were determined at the stations with heterogenous and rich biotope structures. Among the syllids identified, Branchiosyttis exilis and Opisthosyllis brurmea were Lessepsian species. The majority of species (32.2%) found in the investigated area were the species of atlanto-mediterranean origin. Keywords: Syllidae, Aegean Sea, taxonomy, ecology
Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Ege Denizi, Aegean Sea, Ekoloji, Ecology, Syllidae, Syllidae, Taksonomi, Taxonomy