Toplumsal cinsiyet ve demokrasi bağlamında Klasik Çağ Atina'sında kadın
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kadının toplumsal statüsünü ve rollerini aktaran doğrudan bilgi kaynaklarının bulunmadığı Klasik Çağ Atina'sında, kadının gerçek yaşantısını ortaya koymak çoğu kez spekülatif olacaktır. Bununla birlikte Atina'da, Klasik olarak nitelendirilebilecek bir çağı yaratan unsurların bir bütün olarak incelenmesi, bu süreçte kadının toplumsal statüsünde ve rollerinde meydana gelebilecek olası bir değişime dair ipuçları sunacaktır. Bu bağlamda Eski Yunan Arkaik Çağ'ında başlayan siyasal ve toplumsal değişimin, toplumsal cinsiyet ve kadın yaşantısı üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Oikos'un en önemli toplumsal birim olarak ortaya çıktığı, polis'in bütün unsurlarıyla örgütlü bir idari yapı haline dönüştüğü ve nihayetinde Atina'da vatandaşların eşitliği temelinde demokrasinin tesis edildiği zaman zarfında, kadının toplumsal rollerinde meydana gelen değişimin izlerini, erkek yazarların ideolojilerine uygun olarak oluşturulmuş Eski Yunan edebi kaynakları ve yasaları aracılığıyla takip etmek mümkündür. Homeros ve Hesiodos'un mitik eserlerinden Klasik Çağ'ın farklı türlerdeki pek çok eserine ve yine Arkaik Çağ Atina yasalarından Atina'nın demokratik yasalarına kadar çok sayıda kaynak üzerinde bu yönde bir değerlendirme yapıldığında, kadının toplumsal deneyiminin erkeğinkinden farklı olduğu ve toplumsal cinsiyetin, erkeğin politik kaygılarına uygun olarak şekillendiği anlaşılmaktadır. Öyle ki erkeğin politik kaygıları, kadının toplumsal rollerini, geleceğin Atina vatandaşlarının üretimi temelinde yalnızca oikos içine yerleştirir. Klasik Çağ düşünürlerinin, özellikle Hesiodos'un Pandora'sıyla kolektif hafızaya yerleşen kadın imgesinin devamı niteliğindeki kadın fizyolojisi ve anatomisi üzerine düşünceleri, Atina yasaları ve teamülleri de kadının ilişkilendirildiği konum ile son derece uyumludur. Doğumundan itibaren erkek denetiminde olan bir kadının yaşamının her aşaması, evlilik çizgisinde yönlendirilir ve kadınlar arasındaki hiyerarşi yine bu çizgi üzerine şekillendirilir. Evli kadının yaşamı ise cinsine mal edilen en eski uğraşlardan biri olarak dokuma tezgâhı başında, kamusal meselelerin uzağında, oikos dışı ile en az etkileşimde olacak şekilde sınırlandırılır.
It is rather speculative to describe the living conditions of women in Classical Athens where was a huge gap of direct sources on women's social statuses and roles. However, an exact examination of the elements which created the Classical Age gives clues to understand the transformations of women's social roles. In this context, analyzing the effects of political and social transformations which began Greek Archaic Age on gender and women's life enormously matters. Evidence on the transformation of women's social roles within the periods when oikos became the most important social element and polis transformed with all elements into the organized administrative structure and finally democracy founded basis on equalization of Athenian citizens can be evaluated by laws and Ancient Greek literature mainly consisting from male authors who composed their studies accordingly patriarchal ideology. When mythic works of Homer and Hesiod, various studies in Classical Age, and also decrees of Archaic Age and laws of democratic Athens examined, it can be argued that there was a high degree of difference women's social experience from men's and gender roles were shaped accordingly male political concerns. Women's life which was formed accordingly male political concerns located her in oikos in order to beget and rear prospective Athenian citizens. Especially ideas of classical thinkers on the woman physiognomy and anatomy were sequels of Hesiod's Pandora image as part of collective memory and Athenian laws or customs were also exceedingly consistent to male imaging on women's status. Every phase of a woman's life from birth was guided by a man to marry and also the hierarchy among her fellow sisters formed accordingly this guidance. So, the life of married women was limited to work on a loom which attributed to them as the most ancient female activity as being out of public issues, and also married women were limited to all social interactions except only oikos-oriented ones.
It is rather speculative to describe the living conditions of women in Classical Athens where was a huge gap of direct sources on women's social statuses and roles. However, an exact examination of the elements which created the Classical Age gives clues to understand the transformations of women's social roles. In this context, analyzing the effects of political and social transformations which began Greek Archaic Age on gender and women's life enormously matters. Evidence on the transformation of women's social roles within the periods when oikos became the most important social element and polis transformed with all elements into the organized administrative structure and finally democracy founded basis on equalization of Athenian citizens can be evaluated by laws and Ancient Greek literature mainly consisting from male authors who composed their studies accordingly patriarchal ideology. When mythic works of Homer and Hesiod, various studies in Classical Age, and also decrees of Archaic Age and laws of democratic Athens examined, it can be argued that there was a high degree of difference women's social experience from men's and gender roles were shaped accordingly male political concerns. Women's life which was formed accordingly male political concerns located her in oikos in order to beget and rear prospective Athenian citizens. Especially ideas of classical thinkers on the woman physiognomy and anatomy were sequels of Hesiod's Pandora image as part of collective memory and Athenian laws or customs were also exceedingly consistent to male imaging on women's status. Every phase of a woman's life from birth was guided by a man to marry and also the hierarchy among her fellow sisters formed accordingly this guidance. So, the life of married women was limited to work on a loom which attributed to them as the most ancient female activity as being out of public issues, and also married women were limited to all social interactions except only oikos-oriented ones.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eski Yunan, Klasik Çağ, Atina, Demokrasi, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Kadın, Ancient Greek, Classical Athens, Democracy, Gender, Woman