Croton-oil'in bazı bitkilerin sitolojik ve morfolojik yapıları üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET CROTON-OİL'İN BAZI BİTKİLERİN SİTOLOJİK VE MORFOLOJİK YAPILARI ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ Özbek, Sezaver Ayşe Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr.Bilkan ÖZÖRGÜCÜ Mayıs 1 998, 39 Sayfa Araştırmada kanserojen etkiye sahip kroton yağının soğan (Allium cepa) ve bakla (Vicia faba) köklerine farklı uygulamaları sonucu oluşabilecek morfolojik ve sitolojik değişiklikler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Morfolojik olarak, kroton yağı, uygulama sıklığına paralel doğrultuda köklerde kontrollerine oranla boyda azalmaya ve belirgin bir pigmentasyona neden olmuştur. Sitolojik düzeyde kontrol ve deneme materyali kök uçlarından hazırlanan ezme preparatlarda, madde uygulananlarda polarite bozukluğu kalgın kromozomlar, mikronukleus ve nukleus şekil bozuklukları saptanmıştır. Mitotik indeks ile nukleus-sitoplazma alan oranlarında da kontrollere oranla farklılıklar belirlemiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Croton-oil, kanserojenler
IV ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF CROTON-OİL ON THE CYTOLOGİCAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURES OF SOME PLANTS ÖZBEK, Sezaver Ayşe MSc in Biology Dep. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr.Bilkan ÖZÖRGÜCÜ Mayıs 1998, 39 pages An attempt has been made in this research to follow the changes which could occur in the morphological and cytological features of onion (Allium cepa) and broad bean (Vicia faba) roots subjected to different applications of Croton-oil, which is cancerogenous. Morphologically croton-oil has resulted in a decrease in the length of roots as compared to controls in parallelity with intensity of application and a visible pigmentation has occored too. Squash preparations made from control and experimental root tips for cytological studies showed that those receiving croton-oil had polarite disruption, lag chromosomes, micronucleii, anamalous chromosomal distribution, binucleii and destroyed nucleus shape. Differences were also observed in mitotic index and area ratio of nucleii to cytoplasm compared to controls. Key words:Croton-oil, carcinogens.
IV ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF CROTON-OİL ON THE CYTOLOGİCAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURES OF SOME PLANTS ÖZBEK, Sezaver Ayşe MSc in Biology Dep. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr.Bilkan ÖZÖRGÜCÜ Mayıs 1998, 39 pages An attempt has been made in this research to follow the changes which could occur in the morphological and cytological features of onion (Allium cepa) and broad bean (Vicia faba) roots subjected to different applications of Croton-oil, which is cancerogenous. Morphologically croton-oil has resulted in a decrease in the length of roots as compared to controls in parallelity with intensity of application and a visible pigmentation has occored too. Squash preparations made from control and experimental root tips for cytological studies showed that those receiving croton-oil had polarite disruption, lag chromosomes, micronucleii, anamalous chromosomal distribution, binucleii and destroyed nucleus shape. Differences were also observed in mitotic index and area ratio of nucleii to cytoplasm compared to controls. Key words:Croton-oil, carcinogens.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Bakla, Broad bean, Bitkisel yağlar, Plant oils, Kroton, Croton, Morfoloji, Morphology, Sitolojik özellikler, Cytological properties, Soğan, Onion