İzmir ili semt pazarlarında satılan ve taze tüketilen sebzelerde mikrobiyal kirlilik
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ABBTRAKT İzmir ili pazarlarından satın alınan L aç t u c: a sativa, Lepidiuım s'ativum, flentha piperita, Ptrosel inum cirispum, Anethum graveolens, Eruca sativa gibi. yeşil sebzelerde mi krob iyoloj i k yönden k i rl i l i k durumu araştırılmıştır. Toplam 200 sebze örneğinin bakteriyolojik incelemesinde izole edilen 299 susun 94'ü (7.31.4) Klebsiella, 76'sı (7.25. 4) Enterobacter, 39'u (7.13) Citrobacter, 37'si ("/.l2.3) Paeudomonas, 3
ABSTRACT In our study, a total of 200 vegetable samples obtained -from various district open product markets in Izmir region were investigated by microbiological fiiethods for microbial contamination. All vegetable samples were evaluated before and after washing. Two hundred ninety nine bacterial strains were isolated from the unwashed vegetables by bacteriolog ial methods. 94 (31.47.) out of 299 isolated strains were Klebsiella sp.,76 (25.4%) of them Enterobacter sp., 37 (12.3%) of them Pseudomonas sp.,36 (12%) of them E. col i, 6 (2%) of them Proteus sp., 7 (2.3%) of them Edwardsiella sp. and 4 <1.3%) of them Horganella sp. 188 bacterial strains were isolated after washing the vegetables, meaning that the 62.9% of the contamination was still present even after washing. Parasite eggs were observed in 41 (20.5%) out of 200 investigated unwashed vegetable samples. However, only 2 (1%) of them had parasite eggs after washing. It was also observed that the ffiasfc of the parasite eggs were found in Summer (28%) but few in Spring (10%).
ABSTRACT In our study, a total of 200 vegetable samples obtained -from various district open product markets in Izmir region were investigated by microbiological fiiethods for microbial contamination. All vegetable samples were evaluated before and after washing. Two hundred ninety nine bacterial strains were isolated from the unwashed vegetables by bacteriolog ial methods. 94 (31.47.) out of 299 isolated strains were Klebsiella sp.,76 (25.4%) of them Enterobacter sp., 37 (12.3%) of them Pseudomonas sp.,36 (12%) of them E. col i, 6 (2%) of them Proteus sp., 7 (2.3%) of them Edwardsiella sp. and 4 <1.3%) of them Horganella sp. 188 bacterial strains were isolated after washing the vegetables, meaning that the 62.9% of the contamination was still present even after washing. Parasite eggs were observed in 41 (20.5%) out of 200 investigated unwashed vegetable samples. However, only 2 (1%) of them had parasite eggs after washing. It was also observed that the ffiasfc of the parasite eggs were found in Summer (28%) but few in Spring (10%).
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Dereotu, Dill, Eruca vesicaria, Eruca vesicaria, Eruca vesicaria, Eruca vesicaria, Lepidium sativum, Lepidium sativum, Lepidium sativum, Lepidium sativum, Marul, Lettuce, Mentha piperita, Mentha piperita, Mikrobiyal kirlilik, Microbial contamination, Tere, Garden cress