Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın Türk ve İngiliz şiirindeki yansımaları
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Avrupa kıtasını dört yıl derinden sarsmış olan Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında yazılmış şiirler bu çalışmada yenitarihselci bir yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. Bu uzun süren savaş süresince yazılan şiirler savaşta insan unsurunun karşılaştığı zorluk ve acılan ifade etmek açısından önemli tarihsel kayıtlar haline dönüşmüştür. Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında yazılmış olan şiirler temel olarak üç ana başlık altında incelenebilir. Savaşı destekleyen şiirler, savaşı eleştiren şiirler ve kadınların yazdığı şiirler. Bu bağlamda, savaşı destekleyen şiirler, propaganda şiirleri; savaşan askerlerin yazdığı şiirler ise büyük çoğunlukla savaşı eleştiren şiirler çerçevesinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Kadınların yazdıkları şiirler, erkeklerin şiirleri gibi savaşı hem destekleyen hem de eleştiren şiirler şeklinde olmuştur. Bu anlamda farklılık kadınların savaşa karşı geliştirdikleri duygusal yaklaşımlarda ortaya çıkmıştır. Geçmişte meydana gelen olayları öğrenmek için tarih kitaplarını, insan duygularını öğrenmek için edebiyatı incelemek gerekir. Edebiyat içinde şiir, insan duygularım ve ruh halini en yoğun ve kısa şekilde ifade eden yazın türüdür. Bu çalışma şiirlerden tarihsel olguların tekrar kurgulanamayacağını; ancak insan duygulan hakkında detaylı bir analiz yapmanın mümkün olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Savaşın dehşeti ve acımasızlığı yazılan şiirlerdeki imgelerde geniş bir yer bulmuş, askerlerin ve evde kalan kadınların içinde bulundukları durumlar şiirlerde ayrıntılarıyla anlatmıştır. Kadınlar acılarının büyük bir çoğunluğunu doğa imgeleriyle anlatırken, savaşın sağladığı yeni iş ve eğitim olanaklarım da yazdıkları şiirlere yansıtmışlardır. Aynca bu çalışma, savaş sırasındaki propaganda çalışmalarının askerlerin 'dini' ve 'ulusal' kimlikleriyle ne kadar ilintili ve eğitim seviyesinin savaşı eleştiren şiirler bağlanımda ne denli belirleyici bir faktör olduğunu ortaya koymuştur
In this study, the poetry of World War I has been examined in terms of newhistoricist approach. This long lasting war has given rise to a distinct genre known as 'trench poetry', which has turned to be important records to reflect the human suffering and human plight in the face of a terrible crisis. The poetry made during World War I can basically be categorised under three headings; poems supporting the war, poems criticising the war and poetry made by women. In this context, poems supporting the war can be classified under the heading 'poems of propaganda', and poems written by the actual combatants are, in great part, 'critical poems' which take stand against the terror of war. Poetry made by the women poses a similar quality with the poetry made by men; there are poems that support and criticise the war. The only difference between men and women emerges in the sensibility of women towards war and its outcome. To learn about the event that happened in the past one should read history; and, to learn about the human feelings one should examine works of literature. Poetry, as a genre in literature, is the most concentrated and laconic means to convey human feelings. This study has revealed mat it is impossible to reconstruct the past from poetry; but it is possible to analyse the feelings and sufferings of the individuals in that turbulent time. The terror and misery inflicted by the war has found an ample space in the imagery of the poems written during those years. The plight of soldiers and the anguish of women who were at home have been portrayed in details in the poems. As women have reflected their agony in nature imagery, the new education and job opportunities have found repercussions in their poetry. Lastly, this study has revealed how closely 'religious' and 'national' identities of the soldiers are related to the official propaganda; and how important the educational level of the soldiers is in the production of critical war poems.
In this study, the poetry of World War I has been examined in terms of newhistoricist approach. This long lasting war has given rise to a distinct genre known as 'trench poetry', which has turned to be important records to reflect the human suffering and human plight in the face of a terrible crisis. The poetry made during World War I can basically be categorised under three headings; poems supporting the war, poems criticising the war and poetry made by women. In this context, poems supporting the war can be classified under the heading 'poems of propaganda', and poems written by the actual combatants are, in great part, 'critical poems' which take stand against the terror of war. Poetry made by the women poses a similar quality with the poetry made by men; there are poems that support and criticise the war. The only difference between men and women emerges in the sensibility of women towards war and its outcome. To learn about the event that happened in the past one should read history; and, to learn about the human feelings one should examine works of literature. Poetry, as a genre in literature, is the most concentrated and laconic means to convey human feelings. This study has revealed mat it is impossible to reconstruct the past from poetry; but it is possible to analyse the feelings and sufferings of the individuals in that turbulent time. The terror and misery inflicted by the war has found an ample space in the imagery of the poems written during those years. The plight of soldiers and the anguish of women who were at home have been portrayed in details in the poems. As women have reflected their agony in nature imagery, the new education and job opportunities have found repercussions in their poetry. Lastly, this study has revealed how closely 'religious' and 'national' identities of the soldiers are related to the official propaganda; and how important the educational level of the soldiers is in the production of critical war poems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Linguistics and Literature, Dünya Savaşı I, World War I, Edebiyat, Literature, Savaş, War, Türk edebiyatı, Turkish literature, İngiliz edebiyatı, English literature, Şiir, Poem