Kimyasal yöntemle tek faz Bi 1. 6 (Pbo, 4) Si2 Ca2 Cu3 Oy yüksek sıcaklık süperiletken bileşiğinin elde edilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Ill ÖZET KİMYASAL YÖNTEMLE TEK FAZ Bij^Pbo^SriCajCuaOY YÜKSEK SICAKLIK SÜPERİLETKEN BİLEŞİĞİNİN ELDE EDİLMESİ Şahoğlu, Banu Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fizik Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Doğan Abukay Eylül 1998, 50 sayfa Bu tezde, başlangıç maddeleri olarak Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 nitratları ve oksin kullanılmış, ve co-precipitation yöntemiyle Biı,6(Pbo,4)Sr2Ca2Cu3 OYsüperiletken örneği hazırlanmıştır. Bu yöntemle hazırlanan toz, kimyasal olarak homojen, çok ince, stochiometrik olduğundan ve Bi-tabanlı süperiletken bileşiklerin elde edilmesi için geçen zaman, bilinen katı hal reaksiyon yöntemlerinden daha kısa olduğundan avantajlıdır. Elde edilen süperiletken örneğin elektiriksel direnci Lock-in yükselteç kullanılarak, dört uç AC yöntemiyle ölçüldü. Bu ölçümden örneğin süperiletkenliğe geçiş sıcaklığı ve kritik sıcaklığı belirlendi. Ac manyetik süseptibilite, Lock-in yükselteç kullanılarak karşılıklı indüktans yöntemiyle ölçüldü. Böylece mevcut diamanyetik bölgelerin süperiletken geçiş sıcaklıktan saptandı. Ayrıca örneğin içerdiği süperiletken ve safsızlık fazları, X-ışını toz kırınım desenleri (XRPD) yardımıyla belirlendi. Son olarak, örneğin tanecik boyutları ve yüzey yapısı, taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) fotoğrafları yardımıyla saptanmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Yüksek Tc süperiletkenler, kimyasal yöntemler, co- precipitation yöntemi
IV ABSTRACT OBTAININD SINGLE PHASE Bi1,6(Pb0,4)Sr2Ca2Cu3OY HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING SAMPLE BY USING CHEMICAL METHODS Şahoğlu, Banu Thesis of Master in Department of Physics Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Doğan Abukay September 1998, 50 pages In this thesis, Bi1,6(Pbo,4)Sr2Ca2Cu30y superconducting sample have been prepared by the co-precipitation process via the oxine route using Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 nitrates as the starting materials. Chemical homogeneity, stochiometry and fine particles of the powder obtained by this process permit a relatively short time for the production of Bi-based superconductivity compounds compared with that obtained by the conventional solid state reaction method. The electrical resistance of the superconducting sample were measured by Lock-in amplifier and employing four point AC method. The superconducting transition temperature and critical temperature were determined from this measurement. The AC magnetic susceptibility was measured by using Lock-in amplifier via mutual inductance method. So existing diamagnetic regions, intragrain and intergrain superconducting transition temperatures were determined. Also, the superconducting and impurity phases were determined by means of X-ray powder diffraction patterns, at last the grain size of photographs taken by the electron scanning microscope. Keywords: High T0 superconductors, chemical methods, co-precipitation method
IV ABSTRACT OBTAININD SINGLE PHASE Bi1,6(Pb0,4)Sr2Ca2Cu3OY HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING SAMPLE BY USING CHEMICAL METHODS Şahoğlu, Banu Thesis of Master in Department of Physics Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Doğan Abukay September 1998, 50 pages In this thesis, Bi1,6(Pbo,4)Sr2Ca2Cu30y superconducting sample have been prepared by the co-precipitation process via the oxine route using Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 nitrates as the starting materials. Chemical homogeneity, stochiometry and fine particles of the powder obtained by this process permit a relatively short time for the production of Bi-based superconductivity compounds compared with that obtained by the conventional solid state reaction method. The electrical resistance of the superconducting sample were measured by Lock-in amplifier and employing four point AC method. The superconducting transition temperature and critical temperature were determined from this measurement. The AC magnetic susceptibility was measured by using Lock-in amplifier via mutual inductance method. So existing diamagnetic regions, intragrain and intergrain superconducting transition temperatures were determined. Also, the superconducting and impurity phases were determined by means of X-ray powder diffraction patterns, at last the grain size of photographs taken by the electron scanning microscope. Keywords: High T0 superconductors, chemical methods, co-precipitation method
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Süper iletkenlik, Superconductivity