Çeşitli plastik ambalajlardan gıdalara geçen toplam madde (Toplam migrasyon) miktarlarının belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde gıda ambalajı olarak oldukça yaygın kullanılan plastiklerin gıda ile aralarındaki kimyasal etkileşimlerden biri olan migrasyon potansiyelleri, yeni çıkmış veya mevcut bir ambalaj materyalinin kullanıma uygun olup olmadığını belirlemek için dikkate alınması gereken hususlardan biri olan toplam migrasyon açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla İzmir piyasasında en yaygın olarak kullanılan ürün ambalajları, dolum işlemleri yapılmadan önce boş olarak işletmelerden temin edilmiş =ve. her ürün için uygun simulantlar belirlenerek AT'nin 13, 40, 41 nolu CEN standardlanna göre denemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan denemeler sonucunda elde edilen değerler 10mg/dm2 olan toplam migrasyon üst sının ile karşılaştınlmış ve İzmir piyasasında kullanılan plastik ambalajların toplam migrasyon açısından kullanıma uygun olup olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Migrasyon,toplam migrasyon, plastikler, ambalajlama
In this thesis, migration_one of the chemical interactions between package and food_ has been evaluated from the aspect of total migration which is one of the necessary factors to determine whether novel or available plastics packaging material is suitable for use for plastics which are widely used. With this aim, food packages widely used in the market of İzmir were obtained from factories before filling process as empty and by determining the suitable simulants for each product, the tests were carried out according to 13,40,41 numbered CEN Standard Methods. As a result of these tests, the values obtained has been compared to maximum limit of 10mg/dm2 for total migration and it has been determined whether the plastics packages in the market of İzmir are suitable for use from the aspect of total migration. Keywords: Migration, total migration, plastics, packaging
In this thesis, migration_one of the chemical interactions between package and food_ has been evaluated from the aspect of total migration which is one of the necessary factors to determine whether novel or available plastics packaging material is suitable for use for plastics which are widely used. With this aim, food packages widely used in the market of İzmir were obtained from factories before filling process as empty and by determining the suitable simulants for each product, the tests were carried out according to 13,40,41 numbered CEN Standard Methods. As a result of these tests, the values obtained has been compared to maximum limit of 10mg/dm2 for total migration and it has been determined whether the plastics packages in the market of İzmir are suitable for use from the aspect of total migration. Keywords: Migration, total migration, plastics, packaging
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Ambalajlama, Packaging, Gıda ambalajı, Food packaging, Migrasyon, Migration, Plastik kaplar, Plastic pots