Karşılaştırılmalı olarak pazar ağırlığına kadar çupura (sparus avrata, L., 1758) ve levrek (Dicentrarchus labra, L., 1758) balığı yetiştiriciliği üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET îzmir Yeni Foça ilçesine bağlı Sanlıca mevkinde kuluçkahane ve ağ kafes ünitelerinde çipura (S. aurata) ve levrek (D. labrax) balıklarının farklı orijinlere dayalı olarak dört deneme grubu altında karşılaştırılmalı olarak yetiştiriciliği araştırılmıştır. Levrek balıklan 2 grup altında incelenmiştir, birinci grupta 1992 yılında kuluçkahane üretimi olarak ele alınmıştır. 90 günlük larval gelişim periyodu tamamlanmış balıklar adaptasyon aşamasından itibaren çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Başlangıç olarak 80-120 mg. ağırlığındaki levrek balıklarının aylık gelişmeleri düzenli olarak takip edilmiş ve 388.43 ± 9.362 gr. olarak pazarlanmaya başlamış ve yem dönüşüm oranı 1.91 : 1 kg. olarak bulunmuştur. Doğal kaynaklardan temin edilen levrek yavru balıklan ikinci grup aranda denemeye alınmıştır. Doğal dalyan alanlanndan tül ığrıplarla yakalanmış 4.675 ± 0.224 gr'lık levrek yavrulan 15 aylık üretim süresinde gelişimleri aylık olarak takip edilmiş ve 351.70 ± 5.995 gr olarak pazarlanmışlardır. Yem dönüşüm oram 2.1 : 1 olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Üçüncü grup altında doğal kaynaklardan yakalanan ve 7.395 ± 0.131 gr ağırlığındaki çipura (S. aurata) balıklan denemeye alınmış 15 aylık çahşmalan takip edilmiş. 311.88 ± 4.211 gr olarak pazarlanmışlardır. Yem dönüşüm oram 2.21 : 1 kg. tesbit edilmiştir. Dördüncü grup altında ise yine doğal kaynaklardan olta ile avlanarak temin edilen yaklaşık 53.35 ± 2.612 gr ağırlığındaki çipura balıklan 11 aylık besleme sonrasında 306.25 ± 4.603 gr olarak pazarlanmaya başlamıştır. Yem dönüşüm oram 1.98 : 1 kg olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Kullanılan ağ kafes boyutlan 4.25x4.25x5 m. düğümsüz ve anti fouling boyalı ağlar kullanılmıştır. Yavru döneminden hasat zamanına kadar en fazla 2-3'defa ağ değiştirilmiştir. Üretim periyodu boyunca deniz suyunda en düşük su sıcaklığı 12.31 ± 0.203 °C olarak Mart 1993'te en yüksek deniz suyu sıcaklığı 24.12 ± 0.122 °C olarak 91Ağustos 1993'te ölçülmüştür. Deniz suyundaki doymuş oksijen en yüksek Ocak 1995'te 9.3 mg/lt, en düşük 12 Ekim 1993'te 4.9 mg/lt. pH değişimler 6.20-8.96 arasında, tuzluluk ise yıl boyunca değişim gözlenmeyip %. 37 civarında seyrettiği tesbit edilmiştir. Balıkların beslenmelerinde Pınar Entegre Et ve Yem Sanayii'nin Aqualim patenti ile ürettiği yemler kullanılmıştır. Balıkların aşamalarına göre Granül 2-3 nolu ve pelet yemlerden ise 2 mm-3.2 mm-4.5 mm çaplı yemler hasat sonuna kadar kullanılmıştır. Yemleme oram yem firmasının önerdiği miktarlarda kullanılmaya çalışılmış. Yıl boyunca en fazla vücut ağırlığının %4.8'i ve en düşükde %0.3'ü oranlarında verilmesine rağmen, bazı durumlarda tabloya uyum sağlamayıp balık davranışları göz önünde bulundurularak müdahale edilmiştir. Yem giderlerinin minumuma indirilmesi açısından yıl boyu verilen yem miktarlarına paralel olarak günlük öğün sayılan genelde kış aylarında yem miktarının çok az alınmasına bağlı olarak günde 1 defa, yem tüketimi miktarının en fazla olduğu bahar ve yaz aylarında ise günden güne 5 ve hatta bazı durumlarda 6-7 defa yemleme yapılmıştır. Kafesdeki balık stoklama yoğunluğu 5000 adet balık olarak yapılmış ve hasat ağırlığı düşünülerek 20 kg/m3 hesabına göre stoklama uygulanmıştır. Denemede birinci gruptaki kuluçkahane üretimi levreklerde ölüm oram %2.9, doğal kaynaklardan tül ığrıplarla yakalanan levreklerde %5.7, üçüncü gruptaki doğal kaynaklardan tül ığrıplarla yakalanan çipuralarda ölüm oram %18.5, dördüncü grup olan olta ile yakalanan çipura balıklarında ise %14.2'lik ölüm oram tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda doğal kaynaklara bağımlı kalmaksızın yavru balık temininde kuluçkahane üretiminin olumlu sonuçlan görülmüş ve yine verimlilik ve ölüm oranlan bakımından kuluçkahanede üretilen levrek (D. labrax) balıklanndan en iyi verim elde edildiği görülmüştür. 92
SUMMARY It has been examinated that the gilthead sea bream (S. aurata) and sea bass (D. labrax) grow as comparatively under four experimental group bread on different orgin in the hatchery and net cage units in the Sazlıca around of Yeni Foça, İzmir. The sea bass has been investigated into two groups and first group contains the production of hatchery in 1992. The fish, which are completed their larval growing period for 90 days have been taken into the study since their adaptation stage. The experiments have been started fish, which have in 80-120 mg. weight. It has been observed that these fish grow during monthly as regular. These fish had been started first marketing in the 358±9.362 gr. weight. Food conversion ratio has been found as 1.91±1 kg. The young of sea bass collected from natural resources have been taken into the experiment as second group. The growing of these fish caught from natural lagoon area by science net 4.675±0.224 gr. weight has been observed as monthly and they have been sold 351.70±5.995 in weight. The food conversion ratio was found as 2.1:1. The sea bream 7.395±0.131 gr. in weight caught from natural resources has been taken into experiment under third group and has been observed their studies for 15 months. These fish also have been sold as 31 1.88±4.21 1 gr. in weight. The sea bream taken into consideration as fourth group in the experiment have been obtained about 53.35±2.612 gr. in weight from natural resources by line catching and after feeding for 11 month, have been sold as 306.25±4.603 gr. in weight. The food conversion ratio was found as 1.98: 1 kg for these fish. The net cage dimensions used in the experiment are 4.25x4.25x5 m. Knotless and anti-fouling painting nets were used in these cage. The net has been changed 2-3 times from juvenile period to harvest time. 93The lowest water temperature was measured as 12.3Ü0.203 °C in March 1993 and the highest winter temperature was measured as 24.12±0.122 °C in Augost during reproduction period. In the sometimes, the highest dissolve oxygen was determined as 9.3 mg/lt. In January 1995, while the lowest dissolve oxygen was determineted as 4.9 mg/lt in 12 October 1993. Moreover, the changes of pH were determineted between 6.20-8.96. However, there is no any change in the value of salinity. Salinity has been observed as 37 %o during the year. Feed produced by Pınar Integre Meat and Food Company with licenced Aqualim mark have been used in the feeding of fish. Acording to fish stage, 2-3 no. granule feed and 2 mm-3.2 mm-4.5 mm in diamond of pellet feed were used until end of harvest. It was been tried to use feed amount according to suggestion of feed firms. Although the feed were given to the fish as more 4.8 % of body weight or less 0.3 % of body weight during year. Sometimes, it has been not taken considaretion into the table Value and feed was given to the fish according to fish bahaviour. From the point of decreasing of feed expense, feeding has been done one time in winter and 5-6 even 7 times in spring and summer time. Fish stock density in the cage was done 5000 fish and it has been applied stock according to 20 kg/m3 yield amount. The mortality range in first group, second group, third group and fourth group were found as 2.9 %, 5.7 %, 18.5 % and 14.2 % respectively. It has been understood from the study results that the hatchery production gives rise positive results and also the sea bass produced in the hatchery indicates good yield for productivity and mortality. 94
SUMMARY It has been examinated that the gilthead sea bream (S. aurata) and sea bass (D. labrax) grow as comparatively under four experimental group bread on different orgin in the hatchery and net cage units in the Sazlıca around of Yeni Foça, İzmir. The sea bass has been investigated into two groups and first group contains the production of hatchery in 1992. The fish, which are completed their larval growing period for 90 days have been taken into the study since their adaptation stage. The experiments have been started fish, which have in 80-120 mg. weight. It has been observed that these fish grow during monthly as regular. These fish had been started first marketing in the 358±9.362 gr. weight. Food conversion ratio has been found as 1.91±1 kg. The young of sea bass collected from natural resources have been taken into the experiment as second group. The growing of these fish caught from natural lagoon area by science net 4.675±0.224 gr. weight has been observed as monthly and they have been sold 351.70±5.995 in weight. The food conversion ratio was found as 2.1:1. The sea bream 7.395±0.131 gr. in weight caught from natural resources has been taken into experiment under third group and has been observed their studies for 15 months. These fish also have been sold as 31 1.88±4.21 1 gr. in weight. The sea bream taken into consideration as fourth group in the experiment have been obtained about 53.35±2.612 gr. in weight from natural resources by line catching and after feeding for 11 month, have been sold as 306.25±4.603 gr. in weight. The food conversion ratio was found as 1.98: 1 kg for these fish. The net cage dimensions used in the experiment are 4.25x4.25x5 m. Knotless and anti-fouling painting nets were used in these cage. The net has been changed 2-3 times from juvenile period to harvest time. 93The lowest water temperature was measured as 12.3Ü0.203 °C in March 1993 and the highest winter temperature was measured as 24.12±0.122 °C in Augost during reproduction period. In the sometimes, the highest dissolve oxygen was determined as 9.3 mg/lt. In January 1995, while the lowest dissolve oxygen was determineted as 4.9 mg/lt in 12 October 1993. Moreover, the changes of pH were determineted between 6.20-8.96. However, there is no any change in the value of salinity. Salinity has been observed as 37 %o during the year. Feed produced by Pınar Integre Meat and Food Company with licenced Aqualim mark have been used in the feeding of fish. Acording to fish stage, 2-3 no. granule feed and 2 mm-3.2 mm-4.5 mm in diamond of pellet feed were used until end of harvest. It was been tried to use feed amount according to suggestion of feed firms. Although the feed were given to the fish as more 4.8 % of body weight or less 0.3 % of body weight during year. Sometimes, it has been not taken considaretion into the table Value and feed was given to the fish according to fish bahaviour. From the point of decreasing of feed expense, feeding has been done one time in winter and 5-6 even 7 times in spring and summer time. Fish stock density in the cage was done 5000 fish and it has been applied stock according to 20 kg/m3 yield amount. The mortality range in first group, second group, third group and fourth group were found as 2.9 %, 5.7 %, 18.5 % and 14.2 % respectively. It has been understood from the study results that the hatchery production gives rise positive results and also the sea bass produced in the hatchery indicates good yield for productivity and mortality. 94
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Balıkçılık, Fisheries, Karşılaştırmalı analiz, Comparative analysis, Levrek balığı, Sea bass, Çipura balığı, Seabream