Şebeke bağlantılı rüzgar türbinlerinde flıcker etkisinin analizi ve azaltılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Rüzgâr türbinlerinin elektrik şebekesi içindeki güçlerinin artmasıyla birlikte, yeterince önlem alınmadığında, türbinlerden kaynaklanan sorunlardan dolayı güç kalitesi problemleri meydana gelebilmektedir. Bu sorun şebekeye rüzgâr enerjisi katkısının artmasına engel olabilir. Çözüm önerebilmek için öncelikle türbinlerin neden olduğu güç kalitesi sorunlarının tam olarak tanımlanması gerekir. Rüzgâr türbinlerinin şebeke ile bağlantısında en çok dikkat çeken sorunlardan biri flicker (kırpışma) etkisidir. Rüzgâr türbinlerinin devreye girmesi (start-up) gibi anahtarlama işlemleri ve devamlı çalışması esnasındaki aktif ve reaktif güçteki dalgalanmalar, flicker etkisine neden olurlar. Bu tezin amacı, dağıtım şebekelerine bağlı rüzgâr türbinlerini analiz etmek ve flicker sorununu azaltmak için çözümler sunmaktır. Tez çalışması kapsamında, rüzgâr türbinlerinin güç kalitesi karakteristikleri IEC 61400-21 standardına göre incelenmiş ve güç kalitesini bozan çok önemli faktörlerden biri olan flicker'in tam açıklaması ve ölçüm yöntemleri 61400-4-15 IEC flickermeter standardına dayanarak açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra MATLAB programında IEC flickermeter simüle edilmiştir. Tezin kapsamında bilgisayar ortamında İzmir bölgesinde elektrik şebekesine entegre bir rüzgâr türbini simülasyonu yapılarak, MATLAB Simulink'te çeşitli parametrelerin değişimlerinin flicker üretimindeki etkileri gösterilmiş ve türbin üzerinde flicker testi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca test sonucunda rüzgâr türbininden alınan gerçek değerler kullanılarak simülasyonlar yapılmıştır. Daha sonra farklı parametrelerden üretilen grafikler incelenip, analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın devamında dağıtım şebekesine bağlı rüzgâr türbininin bağlantısını analiz etmek ve flicker sorununu azaltmak için çözümler sunulmuştur. Tezin son bölümünde ise rüzgâr türbininin çıkış gerilimini regüle etmek ve flicker'i azaltmak amacı ile prototip bir tristör anahtarlamalı kapasitör (thyristor switched capacitor) filtre cihazı tasarımı yapılmıştır. Ayrıca filtre bağlanmadan öncesi ve sonrası durumlar için test sonuçları karşılaştırılarak grafikler üzerinde değerlendirilmiştir
With the increase in the power of electrical grid in the wind turbines, power quality problems due to the problems arising from the turbines may occur if adequate precautions are not taken. This problem may prevent further growth of wind power within the grid. To solve this problem, first, the power quality problems caused by the turbines must be fully defined. One of the most striking problems in the connection of wind turbines with the grid is the flicker effect. The fluctuations in active and reactive power during the switching operations such as the start-up of wind turbines and their continuous operation cause the flicker effect. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the wind turbines connected to the distribution grids and to offer solutions to reduce the flicker problem. Within the scope of this thesis, the power quality characteristics of wind turbines were examined according to the IEC 61400-21 standard, and the full description of flicker, which is one of the most important factors that degrade power quality, and its measurement methods were explained based on the 61400-4-15 IEC flickermeter standard. Then, IEC flickermeter was simulated in MATLAB program. Within the scope of the thesis, a wind turbine integrated into the electricity grid in the Izmir region was simulated in computer, and the effects were shown in flicker production by changing various parameters in MATLAB Simulink and the flicker measurement was made on the turbine. In addition, simulations were made using the real values obtained from the wind turbine via the test. Then, the graphs produced from different parameters were examined and analyzed. Moreover, solutions were presented to analyze the wind turbine connected to the distribution grid and to reduce the flicker problem. In the last part of the thesis, a prototype thyristor switched capacitor filter device was designed to regulate the output voltage of the wind turbine and reduce flicker. In addition, we evaluated the graphs related to the results of the tests before and after connecting the filter.
With the increase in the power of electrical grid in the wind turbines, power quality problems due to the problems arising from the turbines may occur if adequate precautions are not taken. This problem may prevent further growth of wind power within the grid. To solve this problem, first, the power quality problems caused by the turbines must be fully defined. One of the most striking problems in the connection of wind turbines with the grid is the flicker effect. The fluctuations in active and reactive power during the switching operations such as the start-up of wind turbines and their continuous operation cause the flicker effect. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the wind turbines connected to the distribution grids and to offer solutions to reduce the flicker problem. Within the scope of this thesis, the power quality characteristics of wind turbines were examined according to the IEC 61400-21 standard, and the full description of flicker, which is one of the most important factors that degrade power quality, and its measurement methods were explained based on the 61400-4-15 IEC flickermeter standard. Then, IEC flickermeter was simulated in MATLAB program. Within the scope of the thesis, a wind turbine integrated into the electricity grid in the Izmir region was simulated in computer, and the effects were shown in flicker production by changing various parameters in MATLAB Simulink and the flicker measurement was made on the turbine. In addition, simulations were made using the real values obtained from the wind turbine via the test. Then, the graphs produced from different parameters were examined and analyzed. Moreover, solutions were presented to analyze the wind turbine connected to the distribution grid and to reduce the flicker problem. In the last part of the thesis, a prototype thyristor switched capacitor filter device was designed to regulate the output voltage of the wind turbine and reduce flicker. In addition, we evaluated the graphs related to the results of the tests before and after connecting the filter.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Reaktif güç kompanzasyonu, Reactive power compensation