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Bağışıklama, pek çok hastalığa karşı korunmada en etkili, en ucuz, uygulanması kolay, riski düşük olan, en başarılı halk sağlığı uygulamalarından biridir. Aşılama hizmetlerinin başarısı, sürekliliğine ve kapsayıcılığına bağlıdır. Daha önceleri bağışıklama konusunda kapsayıcılığın arttırılmasına yapılan vurgu, yerini yeni aşıların kullanılması vurgusuna bırakmıştır. Bu bir niyet olmanın dışında aşı üreticisi şirketlere kazandıracağı kar nedeni ile sistemli ve kararlı yürütülmesi "gereken" bir plandır. Bu, bağışıklama hedeflerinin değişmesi ve aşı maliyetlerinin artması anlamına gelmektedir. Bağışıklama hedefleri ise ulusal politikalarla değil, uluslar arası kuruluşlarca belirlenmektedir. Aşı politikaları, yeni aşıların üretiminin gerekliliği, satın alınması ve ülkelerde kullanımı için alıştırma sürecinde maliyetinin karşılanmasında önemli aktörler Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ), Birleşmiş Milletler Çocuklara Yardım Fonu (UNICEF), Aşı ve Bağışıklama için Küresel Birlik (Global Alliance For Vaccines And Immunization-GAVI) ve bu aktörlerin hedeflerini, stratejileri yansıtan Küresel Bağışıklama Vizyon ve Stratejisi (Global Immunization Vision And Strategy -GIVS)'dir. DSÖ çeşitli grup ve raporları ile özellikle yeni üretilen aşıların toplum sağlığı yararına olduğu konusunda güven yaratma, belli aşıların zararları konusunda ortaya atılan iddialara yanıt verme ve savunuculuk yapma görevi ile aşıların sosyal pazarlamasına önemli katkı yapmaktadır. GAVI'nin diğer önemli ortağı UNICEF'in ise ihale sistemi ve aşı satın alma mekanizmaları ile aşı pazarının, üreticiler için cazip halini korumada önemli rolü vardır. GAVI çatısı altında toplanmış olan aktörlerin faaliyetleri incelendiğinde toplumsal değeri olan bağışıklama hizmetlerinin çocuk sağlığı ve toplum sağlığı için mi yoksa aşı üretiminden kar elde etme amacında olan şirket sahiplerine mi hizmet ettiği açıkça görülmektedir. Bu karlar, GAVI ile, özellikle bağışıklama hizmetlerine en fazla gereksinimi olan yoksul ülkelerin yoksul çocukları üzerinden elde edilmektedir. Bu makalede, DSÖ, UNICEF gibi uluslar arası örgütlerin bağışıklama hizmetlerindeki güncel durumu, birer aktörü oldukları GAVI'nin yapısı ve faaliyetleri incelenmiştir.
Vaccination is one of the most successful public health applications being most effective against many diseases, the cheapest, the easiest one to be applied and having low risk. The success of vaccination services depends upon its continuity and coverage. The emphasis carried out to develop coverage of immunization has given its place to new vaccinations to be used. It is a plan that must be conducted in a systematic and determined way apart from an intention owing to its profit which will allow vaccination producer firms to gain. It means that targets for immunization will change and costs of vaccination will increase. Immunization targets are determined by international organizations not by national politics. The significant factors to meet costs during practice period for vaccination politics, the necessity of new vaccines' production, their purchase and use in other countries are WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and GIVS reflects these actors' aims and strategies. WHO with its various organizations and reports makes a major contribution to build up trust in issues that newly produced vaccinations are helpful for community health and it has an important role in their social marketing via its advocacy mission to reply the claims that are related to hazards of vaccines. UNICEF being other substantial partner of GAVI has a vital role in bidding system and vaccine purchase mechanisms and also in vaccine market in protecting its conspicious condition. When the activities of actors gathered under the roof of GAVI are examined, it is clearly seen whether immunization services having social value contribute to children's health and community health or firm owners aiming at gaining profit from vaccination production. The profits under discussion are derived with GAVI from poor children in underdeveloped countries which particularly need immunization services most. In this study, the current situation in immunization services of international organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, the structure of GAVI in which they are actors and their activities are intended to examine.
Vaccination is one of the most successful public health applications being most effective against many diseases, the cheapest, the easiest one to be applied and having low risk. The success of vaccination services depends upon its continuity and coverage. The emphasis carried out to develop coverage of immunization has given its place to new vaccinations to be used. It is a plan that must be conducted in a systematic and determined way apart from an intention owing to its profit which will allow vaccination producer firms to gain. It means that targets for immunization will change and costs of vaccination will increase. Immunization targets are determined by international organizations not by national politics. The significant factors to meet costs during practice period for vaccination politics, the necessity of new vaccines' production, their purchase and use in other countries are WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and GIVS reflects these actors' aims and strategies. WHO with its various organizations and reports makes a major contribution to build up trust in issues that newly produced vaccinations are helpful for community health and it has an important role in their social marketing via its advocacy mission to reply the claims that are related to hazards of vaccines. UNICEF being other substantial partner of GAVI has a vital role in bidding system and vaccine purchase mechanisms and also in vaccine market in protecting its conspicious condition. When the activities of actors gathered under the roof of GAVI are examined, it is clearly seen whether immunization services having social value contribute to children's health and community health or firm owners aiming at gaining profit from vaccination production. The profits under discussion are derived with GAVI from poor children in underdeveloped countries which particularly need immunization services most. In this study, the current situation in immunization services of international organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, the structure of GAVI in which they are actors and their activities are intended to examine.
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Sağlık Politikaları ve Hizmetleri
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