Laparoskopik operasyonlardan sonra insizyonel herni görülme sıklığı ve erken tanıda Bilgisayarlı Tomografi'nin öneminin değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Laparoskopik operasyonların giderek popüler olması ve daha komplike girişimlerde kullanılmaya başlamasıyla birlikte bazı komplikasyonlar ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Operatif girişimlerin artışına paralel olarak oldukça sık karşımıza çıkabilen bu komplikasyonlardan biri insizyonel benlilerdir, însizyonel herai görülme sıklığının artmasına yol açan nedenler; Multipl insizyon yapılması, ooferektomi, lenfadenektomi gibi prosedürlerde daha geniş insizyonlara ihtiyaç duyulması, linear stapler, morcelatör gibi 10-12mm'lik trokar gerektiren yeni aletlerin kullanılması, operasyon sürelerinin uzaması, fasciada genişlemeye yol açabilen vida şeklindeki trokarlann kullanılması, trokarlann abdominal duvardan dar açıyla uygulanması olarak sıralanabilir. Bu tür komplikasyonlara maruz kalan hastalar klinik olarak semptom vermeyebilir. Bu durumda erken tanı koyabilmek için BT faydalı olabilmektedir. Sonuç olarak insizyon bölgesinde herniasyon veya obstrüksiyondan şüphelenilen olgularda postoperatif dönemde BT çekilerek tanıya gidilmelidir. Çalışmamız laparoskopik operasyonlardan sonra gelişebilen insizyonel benlilerin insidensini saptamak amacıyla Center for Human Reproduction, Chicago, Illinois, ABD ve Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü 26Aile Planlaması ve Kısırlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi'nde çift merkezli olarak yürütüldü. Her iki merkezden 40'ar olgu olmak üzere toplam 80 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışma grubundaki olgularda, yaşlan, boylan, ağırlıkları, BMI(Body Mass Index), ilave hastalıkları olup olmadığı, operasyon türü, operasyonda kullanılan trokarlann özellikleri göz önünde bulunduruldu. Laparoskopik operasyonlardan sonra taburcu edilen olgulara operasyondan sonra 7-45 gün içerisinde Bilgisayarlı Tomografi çekilmek suretiyle insizyonel herni taraması yapıldı. 80 olguda l tanesinde suprasynfizer trokar yerinde insizyonel herninin geliştiği saptandı. Bu olguda kullanılan trokarın prizmatik ve keskin kenarlı oluşu, peroperatif fascia onarımı yapılmasına rağmen herni gelişimi dikkat çekici idi. Olgu sayısının yeterli miktarda olmaması sebebiyle insidens saptamaya yönelik istatistik değerlendirme yapılmadı
ABSTRACT As laparoscopic operations become increasingly popular and the scope of prosedures become more complex, complications occur. One complication that may be seen more frequently with operative prosedures is incisional herniations. There are several reasons for potential increase in this complication: The use of multiple ancillary ports, larger port requiring procedures such as oophorectomy or lymphadenectomy, newer instruments such as linear staplers and morcellators requiring 10 and 12 mm ports, increased operating times, the use of port anchoring devices such as "fascial screws," insertion of the trocars with a narrow angle through the abdominal wall. The clinical presentation of these patients may not be obvious. With the use of CT Scanning, early diagnose can be achieved. Finally, if the port site herniation and obstruction is considered, early CT Scan should be performed. Our purpose was to determine the incidence of incisional herniations after operative laparoscopy and a prospective study period participated within two institutions, Center for Human Reproduction, Chicago, Illinois, USA and Ege University Familly Planning and Infertility Research and Treatment Center, Izmir, Turkey. From each institution 40 patients totally 80 patients included to the study. 28The following information recorded ; Patient age, height, weight, body mass index, other systemic diseases, operative procedure, site and size of all trocars used. After laparoscopic procedures, CT scanning was performed to the patients in 7-45 days to diagnose incisional herniations. Of 80 patients one had incisional herniation at the lateral suprasynphizer port site. At this procedure, using pyramidal and sharp trocars and occurrence of incisional herniation although closing the fascia peroperatively were remarkable points. Statistical analysis was not performed because of the limited patient number. 29
ABSTRACT As laparoscopic operations become increasingly popular and the scope of prosedures become more complex, complications occur. One complication that may be seen more frequently with operative prosedures is incisional herniations. There are several reasons for potential increase in this complication: The use of multiple ancillary ports, larger port requiring procedures such as oophorectomy or lymphadenectomy, newer instruments such as linear staplers and morcellators requiring 10 and 12 mm ports, increased operating times, the use of port anchoring devices such as "fascial screws," insertion of the trocars with a narrow angle through the abdominal wall. The clinical presentation of these patients may not be obvious. With the use of CT Scanning, early diagnose can be achieved. Finally, if the port site herniation and obstruction is considered, early CT Scan should be performed. Our purpose was to determine the incidence of incisional herniations after operative laparoscopy and a prospective study period participated within two institutions, Center for Human Reproduction, Chicago, Illinois, USA and Ege University Familly Planning and Infertility Research and Treatment Center, Izmir, Turkey. From each institution 40 patients totally 80 patients included to the study. 28The following information recorded ; Patient age, height, weight, body mass index, other systemic diseases, operative procedure, site and size of all trocars used. After laparoscopic procedures, CT scanning was performed to the patients in 7-45 days to diagnose incisional herniations. Of 80 patients one had incisional herniation at the lateral suprasynphizer port site. At this procedure, using pyramidal and sharp trocars and occurrence of incisional herniation although closing the fascia peroperatively were remarkable points. Statistical analysis was not performed because of the limited patient number. 29
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Herniler, Hernia, Laparoskopi, Laparoscopy, Postoperatif komplikasyonlar, Postoperative complications, Tomografi-x ışınlı-bilgisayarlı, Tomography-x ray-computed