Tire yöresi zeytinlerinde radyoaktivite ölçülmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET İnsanlar yaşanılan boyunca doğal ve yapay radyasyonla içice yaşamaktadır.Doğal radyoaktif elementler, besinler yoluyla insan vücuduna girerek, insanın zorunlu olarak radyasyona maruz kalmasına neden olurlar.İnsani at in matuz kaldığı karasal orjinli radyasyon; Uranyum, Toryum, Aktinyum, radyoaktif serileri elementleri ve bozunum ürünlerinden kaynaklanır.Bu nedenle bitkilerdeki radyoaktivenin belirlenmesi ve toplumun bilgilendirilmesi önem kazanmaktadır. Çalışmada Küçük Menderes bölgesinde bulunan zeytin yaprak ve dan el eri üzerindeki radyoaktivite, yüksek enerjili gama spektroskopisi yöntemiyle ölçülüp hesaplandı.Ölçümlerde kullanılan örnekler bölgenin çeşitli merkezlerinden alınmıştır.Her numune özel olarak muhafaza edilip kurutulduktan sonra, özel fırınlarda 300 *C'd& yakılmıstır.300 'C'de yakılan örnek bir gün, yaklaşık 8-9 saat 400 tî'de kül fırınında kül haline getirilip, özel aseton plastik kutulara konulup bir ay bekletildikten sonra kuyu tipi dedektör ile yüksek enerji gama spektroskopisi yöntemiyle ölçümleri alınmıştır. Analizde 18 zeytin yaprağı ve danesi üzerinde maksimum eU 0-2 ppm, eTh 0 ppm, ve %K 8-22 olarak ölçülmüştür. Bu değerlerin aynı bölgede meşe yaprakları için yapılan ölçümlere göre düşük olduğu görülmüştür 33
SUMMARY Man has always lived with radioactivity from natural and artificial sources in the enviroment. He gets the natural radioactivity through the radioactive elements found in his food, and this inevitably leads him to be exposed to radiation.Human beings are subject to the terrestrial radiation that originates from the decay of Uranium, Thorium, Actinium, Neptinium and their products. For that reason, investigating radioactivity in plants and enlighlting society about this subject is important. In this research» radioactivity in leaves and fruits of olives in Küçük Menderes region was measured by gama spectroscopy. The samlee used in measuring were taken from different parts of the region. Each sample is kept in a special place. They were dried and, then burned in special ovens at 300 °C. The burned samples are ashed in ash ovens at 400 "C, this procedure takes approximately 8-9 fare. The ashed samples ate then kept in special acetone plastic boxes for one month. Then the measurements are. done by high energy gamma spectroscopy method using well type detector. The measurements done with the IS leaves of the olives samples yielded maximum eU as 0-2 ppm, eTh as 0 ppm and %K AS 7-22. The results are lower than the radioactivity measured in leaves of oaks in the region. 34
SUMMARY Man has always lived with radioactivity from natural and artificial sources in the enviroment. He gets the natural radioactivity through the radioactive elements found in his food, and this inevitably leads him to be exposed to radiation.Human beings are subject to the terrestrial radiation that originates from the decay of Uranium, Thorium, Actinium, Neptinium and their products. For that reason, investigating radioactivity in plants and enlighlting society about this subject is important. In this research» radioactivity in leaves and fruits of olives in Küçük Menderes region was measured by gama spectroscopy. The samlee used in measuring were taken from different parts of the region. Each sample is kept in a special place. They were dried and, then burned in special ovens at 300 °C. The burned samples are ashed in ash ovens at 400 "C, this procedure takes approximately 8-9 fare. The ashed samples ate then kept in special acetone plastic boxes for one month. Then the measurements are. done by high energy gamma spectroscopy method using well type detector. The measurements done with the IS leaves of the olives samples yielded maximum eU as 0-2 ppm, eTh as 0 ppm and %K AS 7-22. The results are lower than the radioactivity measured in leaves of oaks in the region. 34
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Radyoaktivite, Radioactivity, Zeytin, Olive, İzmir-Tire, İzmir-Tire