Biyoadheziv benzidamin hidroklorür formülasyonlarının hazırlanması ve in vitro-in vivo değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızda etkin madde olarak seçilen benzidamin hidroklorür; antiinflamatuvar, lokal anestezik, antipiretik, analjezik etki gösteren sistemik ve topikal olarak uygulanabilen nonsteroidal antiinflamatuvar bir ilaçtır. Oral ülser tedavisinde kullanılan birçok farklı tipte preparatı Türkiye İlaç Piyasası'nda bulunmasına rağmen biyoadezif özellikte bir preparatı bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle, çalışmamızda değişik hidroksipropilmetil sellüloz (HPMC) tipleri (E 5, E15, E 50 ve K 100 M) farklı oranlarda kullanılarak benzidamin hidroklorür'ün biyoadhezif özellikte preparatlarının hazırlanması amaçlanmıştır. Oral ülser tedavisinde kolay uygulanması nedeniyle jel tipi formülasyonlar tercih edilmiştir. Hazırlanan jellerde gerekli kontroller yapıldıktan sonra, in vitro çalışmaların sonuçlarına göre %2.5 HPMC K 100M ideal formülasyon seçilmiştir.Çalışmamızın ikinci kısmında, deney hayvanlarında oral ülser modeli oluşturulmuştur. İn vitro çalışmalar sonucunda ideal olarak bulunan formülasyonun oral ülser üzerindeki etkinliği, çalışmamıza özgü geliştirdiğimiz histolojik skorlama sistemiyle ve oral ülser alanının büyüklüğü takip ederek saptanmıştır. İn vivo çalışmalar, kontrol grubu, boş jel ile tedavi edilen grup ve benzidamin hidroklorür içeren jel ile tedavi edilen grup olmak üzere üç grupla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu şekilde hem etkin maddenin hem de biyoadezif jelin tedavideki etkinliğini araştırmak mümkün olmuştur.Çalışmamız sonucunda; etkin madde içermeyen biyoadezif jelin kendisinin de etkin madde içeren jele yakın derecede oral ülser tedavisine etkisi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır
Benzydamine hydrochloride, employed as active subtance in our study, is a non steroidal antiinflammatory agent, showing anesthetic, antipyretic and analgesic effects that can be applied via systemic or topical.Although, there are various types of preparations in Turkey Drug Market for oral ulcer therapy, there is no preparation possessing bioadhesive properties.Therefore, it was aimed to prepare bioadhesive benzydamine hydrochloride preparations using different hyrdroxypropylmethylcellulose types (E 5, E15, E 50 and K 100 M) at different ratios.The gel formulation is chosen because of the ease in application for oral ulcer therapy. After the required controls are being completed for the gels prepared, 2.5 %HPMC K 100M is chosen as the ideal formulation, according to the results of in-vitro studies.In the second part of our study, the oral ulcer model is formed in rabbits. The efficacy of the ideal formulation, decided according to the results of our in vitro studies, was determined by our study specific histological score system developed by us and the dimension of oral ulcer area. In vivo studies were conducted with 3 groups; control group, the group treated with blank gel and the group treated with benzydamin hydrochloride gel. Thus, it was possible to investigate the efficacy of both the active substance and bioadhesive gel.As a result of our study, it was revealed that the bioadhesive gel without an active substance has a therapeutic effect similar to bioadhesive gel with active substance, in oral ulcer therapy.
Benzydamine hydrochloride, employed as active subtance in our study, is a non steroidal antiinflammatory agent, showing anesthetic, antipyretic and analgesic effects that can be applied via systemic or topical.Although, there are various types of preparations in Turkey Drug Market for oral ulcer therapy, there is no preparation possessing bioadhesive properties.Therefore, it was aimed to prepare bioadhesive benzydamine hydrochloride preparations using different hyrdroxypropylmethylcellulose types (E 5, E15, E 50 and K 100 M) at different ratios.The gel formulation is chosen because of the ease in application for oral ulcer therapy. After the required controls are being completed for the gels prepared, 2.5 %HPMC K 100M is chosen as the ideal formulation, according to the results of in-vitro studies.In the second part of our study, the oral ulcer model is formed in rabbits. The efficacy of the ideal formulation, decided according to the results of our in vitro studies, was determined by our study specific histological score system developed by us and the dimension of oral ulcer area. In vivo studies were conducted with 3 groups; control group, the group treated with blank gel and the group treated with benzydamin hydrochloride gel. Thus, it was possible to investigate the efficacy of both the active substance and bioadhesive gel.As a result of our study, it was revealed that the bioadhesive gel without an active substance has a therapeutic effect similar to bioadhesive gel with active substance, in oral ulcer therapy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology