Hyaluronan mikropartikülleri içeren dermal sistemlerin doku onarımı üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Selülit, yağ hücrelerinin irileşmesi ve derinin esnekliğinin azalması sonucu olarak dermal hasara neden olan kozmetik bir bozukluktur. Bitkisel ekstrelerden elde edilen kafein, kan dolaşımını arttırıcı, lipolitik ve lipojenezi inhibe edici etkileri nedeniyle selülit tedavisinde tercih edilen bir maddedir. Mikropartiküller farmasötik teknoloji alanında sıklıkla hazırlanan ilaç taşıyıcı sistemler olup, polimerik yapıları nedeniyle etkin maddenin kontrollü ve uzatılmış salımını sağlarlar. Bu çalışmada, selülit tedavisinde uzun süre etkili yeni bir bir formülasyon geliştirilmesi ve etkinliklerinin optimize edilmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla, yeni hücre oluşumu/hareketliliğinin devamını sağlayan ve nemlendirme özelliğine sahip doğal deri bileşenlerinden olan hyalüronik asit (hyaluronan-HA) ile kafein yüklü mikropartiküller püskürterek kurutma yöntemi ile hazırlandı. Hazırlanan mikropartikül formülasyonları topikal uygulamada uygun viskoziteyi verecek lesitin organojel formülasyonları içerisinde dağıtıldı. Hazırlanan organojel formülasyonları pH, viskozite, reolojik ve mekanik özellikler ile karakterize edilirken, mikropartikül formülasyonları partikül büyüklüğü, morfolojik incelemeler ve etkin madde yükleme etkinliği parametreleri ile karakterize edildi. Formülasyonların stabilite çalışmaları sonucunda 25 ± 2ºC ve % 60 ± 5 relatif rutubet koşullarında 6 ay süre ile stabil kaldıkları belirlendi. Termal analizlerin ardından, mikropartiküllerin diyaliz membrandan in vitro salım çalışmaları gerçekleştirildi. UV altında sterilize edildikten sonra, sitotoksik etkileri hücre kültürü çalışmaları ile değerlendirildi. Formülasyonların sıçan karın derisinden ex-vivo difüzyon çalışmaları yapıldı. Mikropartikül içeren organojel formülasyonlarından kafein salımının anlamlı derecede uzadığı belirlendi (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak; bu tez çalışmasında, doğal deri bileşenlerinden oluşan bu dermal formülasyon ile selülit ile oluşan doku hasarına karşı hem daha etkin ve hem de nemlendirme özelliğine sahip yenilikçi bir formülasyon geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, kafein, HA ve lesitin maddelerinin kombinasyonu ile yapılan formülasyonların doku onarımı üzerine sinerjik etkisi ilk defa bu tez çalışması ile değerlendirilmiştir
Cellulite is a cosmetic disorder that causes dermal damage as a result of the hypertrophy of fat cells and decrease in elasticity of the skin. Caffeine derived from plant extracts is a preferred agent in the treatment of cellulite through the effects of increase the blood circulation, lipolytic efficacy and inhibiting lipogenesis. Microparticles are drug delivery systems that are oftenly used in the field of pharmaceutical technology becouse of the polymeric structures that provides controlled and sustained release of the active ingredient. The purpose of this study was to develop and optimize a new formulation of a long-acting treatment of cellulite. For this purpose, hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan-HA), a natural constituent of skin that generates formation and poliferation of new cells having a remarkable moisterizing ability and caffein loaded microparticles were prepared by spray-drying method. Prepared microparticle formulations were distributed in lecithin organogels to give the proper viscosity for topical application. While the prepared organogel formulations were characterized by pH, viscosity, rheological and mechanical properties, microparticle formulations were characterized by the parameters of the particle size and distribution, morphological features and loading efficiency of active substance. The stability of the formulations was studied at 25 ± 2°C and 60 ± 5 % relative humidity conditions and formulations showed good stability for a period of 6 months. Following the thermal analysis, In vitro permeation experiments of the microparticles were performed by using dialysis membrane. Cytotoxic activities were evaluated by cell culture studies. after being sterilized under UV light. Ex vivo diffusion studies of the formulations were performed using rat abdominal skin and the results indicates that the release of caffeine increased significantly from the organogel formulations containing microparticles (p< 0.05). In conclusion of this study, an innovative therapy. was developed with this topical formulation containing the natural components of the skin which is not only more effective in repairing the tissue damage caused by cellulite but has a moisturizing effect at the same time. Additionally, with the present study the synergistic effects of caffeine, HA and lecithine combination given in as a new formulation were evaluated for the first time on tissue repair.
Cellulite is a cosmetic disorder that causes dermal damage as a result of the hypertrophy of fat cells and decrease in elasticity of the skin. Caffeine derived from plant extracts is a preferred agent in the treatment of cellulite through the effects of increase the blood circulation, lipolytic efficacy and inhibiting lipogenesis. Microparticles are drug delivery systems that are oftenly used in the field of pharmaceutical technology becouse of the polymeric structures that provides controlled and sustained release of the active ingredient. The purpose of this study was to develop and optimize a new formulation of a long-acting treatment of cellulite. For this purpose, hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan-HA), a natural constituent of skin that generates formation and poliferation of new cells having a remarkable moisterizing ability and caffein loaded microparticles were prepared by spray-drying method. Prepared microparticle formulations were distributed in lecithin organogels to give the proper viscosity for topical application. While the prepared organogel formulations were characterized by pH, viscosity, rheological and mechanical properties, microparticle formulations were characterized by the parameters of the particle size and distribution, morphological features and loading efficiency of active substance. The stability of the formulations was studied at 25 ± 2°C and 60 ± 5 % relative humidity conditions and formulations showed good stability for a period of 6 months. Following the thermal analysis, In vitro permeation experiments of the microparticles were performed by using dialysis membrane. Cytotoxic activities were evaluated by cell culture studies. after being sterilized under UV light. Ex vivo diffusion studies of the formulations were performed using rat abdominal skin and the results indicates that the release of caffeine increased significantly from the organogel formulations containing microparticles (p< 0.05). In conclusion of this study, an innovative therapy. was developed with this topical formulation containing the natural components of the skin which is not only more effective in repairing the tissue damage caused by cellulite but has a moisturizing effect at the same time. Additionally, with the present study the synergistic effects of caffeine, HA and lecithine combination given in as a new formulation were evaluated for the first time on tissue repair.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dermatoloji, Dermatology, Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Deri hastalıkları, Skin diseases, Fosfatidilkolinler, Phosphatidylcholines, Hiyaluronik asit, Hyaluronic acid, Hiyaluronik asit, Hyaluronic acid, Kafein, Caffeine, Mikroparçacıklar, Microparticles, Selülit, Cellulitis, Uzun etkili ilaçlar, Delayed action preparations, İlaç taşıyıcılar, Drug carriers