İran'ın kuzey ve batı kesiminde bulunan güncel içsu ostrakod (Crustacea) türlerinin biyocoğrafik dağılımı ve ekolojik özelliklerinin tespiti
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İran denizel olmayan Ostracoda türlerinin taksonomik durumunu ve tayin anahtarını belirlemek için İran'ın kuzey ve batı kesiminde bulunan içsularından örnekleme yapılmıştır. Bunun için 4 farklı zamanlarda ekolojik olarak değişik sulak ortamlardan örneklemeler yapıldı ve toplam 115 istasyondan 12 yeni kayıt olmak üzere 37 tür bu çalışmada elde edilmiştir. Yeni kayıt türler arasından 2 tür (Heterocypris renata n. sp., Candelacypris alonsoi n. sp.) ilim dünyası için ilk defa tavsif edilmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak 2 tür (Strandesia ambigua nov. comb., Eucypris mareotica) revize edilerek taksonomik durumları ile ilgili tartışılmıştır. Bu araştırmada bulunan türlerin ekolojik özellikleri biostatistik yöntemlerle sonuçlanıp literatürdeki bulgularla karşılaştırılarak tartışıldı. Ayrıca, bulunan türlerin dünya çapında genel dağılımına da değinilmiştir. Bu çalışmada rastlanılan türler dahil, İran içsularında yapılmış literatür taranarak İran denizel olmayan Ostracoda kontrol listesi düzenlenmiştir ve sonuç olarak, denizel olmayan Ostracoda takson sayısı 82'e yükselmiştir
To revise and determine the taxonomic status of Iranian non-marine Ostracoda species and to prepare the identification key of these species, samplings were conducted in the northern and western parts of Iran. Samplings were taken place in ecologically different wetlands at 4 different times. 37 species were obtained in this study including 12 new records from 115 stations. Among the new records 2 species (Heterocypris renata n. sp., Candelacypris alonsoi n. sp.) were identified. In addition, two species (Strandesia ambigua nov. comb., Eucypris mareotica) have been revised and discussed about their taxonomic status. In this study, the ecological characteristics of the species were determined by biostatistic methods and compared with findings in the literature. In addition, the general distribution of the recorded species is also mentioned. The check-list of Iranian non-marine Ostracoda was prepared including the species were occurred in this study and previous studies conducted in relevant field. As a result, the number of Iranian non-marine Ostracoda taxa is reached to 82.
To revise and determine the taxonomic status of Iranian non-marine Ostracoda species and to prepare the identification key of these species, samplings were conducted in the northern and western parts of Iran. Samplings were taken place in ecologically different wetlands at 4 different times. 37 species were obtained in this study including 12 new records from 115 stations. Among the new records 2 species (Heterocypris renata n. sp., Candelacypris alonsoi n. sp.) were identified. In addition, two species (Strandesia ambigua nov. comb., Eucypris mareotica) have been revised and discussed about their taxonomic status. In this study, the ecological characteristics of the species were determined by biostatistic methods and compared with findings in the literature. In addition, the general distribution of the recorded species is also mentioned. The check-list of Iranian non-marine Ostracoda was prepared including the species were occurred in this study and previous studies conducted in relevant field. As a result, the number of Iranian non-marine Ostracoda taxa is reached to 82.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering