Balıkesir ve Çanakkale illerinde çeltik kök çürüklüğüne neden olan Fusarium türlerinin saptanması, yaygınlık oranlarının belirlenmesi ve mücadelesine yönelik araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çeltik, dünyada en çok yetiştirilen tarımsal ürünlerin başında gelmektedir. Türkiye'de de çeltik ekimi son yıllarda artarak devam etmektedir. Çeltiğin en önemli fungal hastalıklarından biri çeltik kök çürüklüğüdür. Bu çalışmada 2016 yılında, Balıkesir ili Gönen, Manyas ve Bandırma ilçeleri ile Çanakkale ili Biga ilçelerinde, çeltik bitkisinin fide-sapa kalkma ve olgunlaşma dönemlerinde, survey çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Balıkesir ve Çanakkale illerinde, bu hastalığın yaygın olduğu belirlenmiş, en yüksek yaygınlık oranı ise Bandırma ilçesinde kaydedilmiştir. Patojenisite çalışmalarında, 56 Fusarium spp. izolatların tümünün patojen olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fungal izolatlar hem morfolojik, hem de moleküler yöntemler kullanılarak tanılanmıştır. Ülkemizde çeltik bitkisinde ilk defa; Bakanae sendromu belirtilerine neden olan F. fujikuroi, F. andiyazi, F. ramigenum, F. proliferatum, F. commune, F. anthophilum ve F. strelihyphosum etmenleri saptanmıştır. Fusarium spp.'nin moleküler tanılanmasında, EF-1 ve EF-2 primerleri kullanılarak 660 bp uzunluğunda bant elde edilmiştir. F. fujikuroi türü için, Fuji1-F ve TEF1-R primer çiftleri kullanılarak 179 bp uzunluğunda, F. proliferatum türü için ise PRO2-R ve PRO1-F primerleri kullanılarak 585 bp uzunluğunda bant elde edilmiştir. Sekansa dayalı moleküler tanılamada, tanılanan türler blast veri tabanında kayıtlı referans türlerle karşılaştırılmış, %99.82-100 oranında benzerlik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu türler ülkemiz için çeltikte ilk kayıtlardır. Çeşit reaksiyonu testlerinde, bölgede yaygın olarak kullanılan tüm çeşitlerin duyarlı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak, en düşük hastalanma oranına sahip Osmancık-97, Efe ve Gala çeşitlerinin, bu hastalığa karşı ileride yapılacak ıslah çalışmaları için ümitvar olduğu düşünülmektedir. Tohuma sıcak su uygulamalarında; farklı derecelerdeki sıcak su, bulaşık tohumlarda, sıcaklık dereceleri yükseldiğinde hastalık çıkışını azaltmış ancak, tohum çimlenme oranlarını düşürmüştür. İn vitro, in vivo ve tarla denemelerinde çeltik kök çürüklüğü hastalığına karşı fungisitlerin etkinlikleri belirlenmiştir. Hem koruyucu, hem de tedavi edici uygulamalarda prochloraz, triticonazole+prochloraz ve triticonazole+pyraclostrobin en etkili fungisitler olarak belirlenmiştir. Henüz herhangi bir ruhsatlı ilacı bulunmayan ve gelişigüzel ilaçlamalar yapılan bu hastalığın mücadelesinde bu fungisitlerin kullanılabileceği, böylece yaşanan verim ve kalite kayıplarının önüne geçileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu tez çalışması, Türkiye'de çeltik kök çürüklüğü hastalığı hakkında detaylı verilerin elde edildiği ilk çalışma niteliğindedir.
Rice is one of the most widely cultivated agricultural product in the world. Rice cultivation in Turkey continues to increase in recent years. The Bakanae disease, is one of the major fungal diseases of rice. In this study, field surveys were conducted on seedling growth and mature stages, in Gönen, Manyas and Bandırma district of Balıkesir province and Biga district of Çanakkale province in 2016. Bakanae disease of rice was determined to widespread in Balıkesir and Çanakkale provinces and highest prevalance rate was recorded in Bandırma district. In pathogenicity tests, all of the isolates of 56 Fusarium spp. were determined as pathogen. Fungal isolates were identified as by using both morphological and molecular methods. This is the first report of presence of F. fujikuroi, F. andiyazi, F. ramigenum, F. proliferatum, F. commune, F. anthophilum ve F. strelihyphosum causing bakanae disease on rice in Turkey. In the molecular diagnosis of Fusarium spp, using primers EF-1 and EF-2 amplicons of predicted size was obtained 660 bp. In the molecular diagnosis of F. fujikuroi and F. proliferatum, using specific primers Fuji1-F/TEF1-R and PRO2-R/PRO1-F amplicons of predicted size was obtained 179 bp and 585 bp. Sequence-based molecular identification, BLAST analyses of PCR products revealed between 99.82-100% identity with reference species registered to database. In cultivar reactions tests, all cultivars commonly used in the region were determined to be sensitive against to the disease. However, Osmancık-97, Efe and Gala cultivars which determined the lowest disease severity, are thought to be hopeful for future breeding studies against this disease. In hot water treatments, different degrees of hot water against to seed infection was investigated. According to evaluations, the disease incidence was decreased when treatment temperature was increased, but resulting in a slightly reduced germination rate. The efficacy of fungicides against bakanae disease was determined in in vitro, in vivo and field trials. Prochloraz, triticonazole+prochloraz and triticonazole+pyraclostrobin were the most effective fungicides against pathogen in both protective and therapeutic applications. It is thought that these fungicides can be provided to success in control of this disease, which does not have any registered yet and fungicides are applied randomly, thus preventing the yield and quality losses experienced. This thesis is the first study to obtained detailed data about the bakanae disease in Turkey.
Rice is one of the most widely cultivated agricultural product in the world. Rice cultivation in Turkey continues to increase in recent years. The Bakanae disease, is one of the major fungal diseases of rice. In this study, field surveys were conducted on seedling growth and mature stages, in Gönen, Manyas and Bandırma district of Balıkesir province and Biga district of Çanakkale province in 2016. Bakanae disease of rice was determined to widespread in Balıkesir and Çanakkale provinces and highest prevalance rate was recorded in Bandırma district. In pathogenicity tests, all of the isolates of 56 Fusarium spp. were determined as pathogen. Fungal isolates were identified as by using both morphological and molecular methods. This is the first report of presence of F. fujikuroi, F. andiyazi, F. ramigenum, F. proliferatum, F. commune, F. anthophilum ve F. strelihyphosum causing bakanae disease on rice in Turkey. In the molecular diagnosis of Fusarium spp, using primers EF-1 and EF-2 amplicons of predicted size was obtained 660 bp. In the molecular diagnosis of F. fujikuroi and F. proliferatum, using specific primers Fuji1-F/TEF1-R and PRO2-R/PRO1-F amplicons of predicted size was obtained 179 bp and 585 bp. Sequence-based molecular identification, BLAST analyses of PCR products revealed between 99.82-100% identity with reference species registered to database. In cultivar reactions tests, all cultivars commonly used in the region were determined to be sensitive against to the disease. However, Osmancık-97, Efe and Gala cultivars which determined the lowest disease severity, are thought to be hopeful for future breeding studies against this disease. In hot water treatments, different degrees of hot water against to seed infection was investigated. According to evaluations, the disease incidence was decreased when treatment temperature was increased, but resulting in a slightly reduced germination rate. The efficacy of fungicides against bakanae disease was determined in in vitro, in vivo and field trials. Prochloraz, triticonazole+prochloraz and triticonazole+pyraclostrobin were the most effective fungicides against pathogen in both protective and therapeutic applications. It is thought that these fungicides can be provided to success in control of this disease, which does not have any registered yet and fungicides are applied randomly, thus preventing the yield and quality losses experienced. This thesis is the first study to obtained detailed data about the bakanae disease in Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çeltik, Kök Çürüklüğü, Fusarium Spp., Çeşit Reaksiyonu, Sıcak Su Uygulaması, Kimyasal Mücadele, Rice, Bakanae Disease, Fusarium Spp., Cultivar Reaction, Hot Water Treatment, Chemical Control