Cüzzamın Peşinde Bir Seyyah: İngiliz Hemşire Kate Marsden
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İnsanoğlunun geçmişte ve günümüzde korku duyduğu hastalıklardan biri de cüzzam hastalığıdır. Günümüz koşullarında tedavisi olan bu hastalığa yakalananlar geçmişte toplum tarafından dışlanmış, hor görülmüştür. Bazı kaynaklarda geçmişte cüzzamlıların boyunlarında bir çıngırak taşımalarının zorunlu olduğu, böylece bu hastalığın diğer insanlara bulaşmasının önlendiği ifade edilmiştir. Hristiyan dünyasında bu olumsuzluklar yaşanırken İslamiyet’in yaygın olduğu ülkelerde ise cüzzam hastalığına yakalanmış hastalar, daha insancıl koşullarda yaşama imkânı bulmuşlardır. Bu hastalıkla Rus- Türk Savaşı sırasında tanışan İngiliz hemşire Kate Marsden, ölümsüzlüğün ilacı arayan Lokman Hekim gibi, bütün ömrünü cüzzam hastalığını tedavi edecek bir bitkiyi aramaya ve cüzzamlıların insanca yaşaması için gerekli koşulların oluşturulmasına harcamıştır. 1890’lı yıllarda Londra’dan Yakutsk’a seyahat eden İngiliz hemşire, bitkiyi bulamamış fakat Yakutistan’ın Vilyuysk şehrinde cüzzam hastaları için bir tıp merkezi kurulmasını sağlamıştır. Kate Marsden hem bu çabaları hem de tek başına bir kadın olarak zor koşullarda gerçekleştirdiği seyahatiyle literatürde yerini almış cesur kadınlardan biridir
The leprosy is a disease that has frightened to human beings in the past and today. Leprosy that was not able to be cured in the past can be cured today. Those who contract to this disease were despised by society in the past. It is mentioned in some sources that in the past, the lepers had to carry a rattle on their necks so that the disease is prevented from spreading to other people. in the Christian world, while these negativities are experienced, in countries where Islam is prevalent, patients who have been caught in leprosy have had the opportunity to live in more humane conditions. British nurse Kate Marsden, who met this disease during the Russo-Turkish War, spends the whole life looking for a plant to cure leprosy and creating the qualifying conditions for lepers, just like Lokman Hekim seeks a medicine for immortality. the British nurse who traveled from London to Yakutsk in the 1890s did not find the plant, but provided a medical center for leprosy patients in Yakutia's Vilyuysk city. Kate Marsden is one of the brave women who took her place in the literature with her travel sand the efforts of the lepers for their treatment.
The leprosy is a disease that has frightened to human beings in the past and today. Leprosy that was not able to be cured in the past can be cured today. Those who contract to this disease were despised by society in the past. It is mentioned in some sources that in the past, the lepers had to carry a rattle on their necks so that the disease is prevented from spreading to other people. in the Christian world, while these negativities are experienced, in countries where Islam is prevalent, patients who have been caught in leprosy have had the opportunity to live in more humane conditions. British nurse Kate Marsden, who met this disease during the Russo-Turkish War, spends the whole life looking for a plant to cure leprosy and creating the qualifying conditions for lepers, just like Lokman Hekim seeks a medicine for immortality. the British nurse who traveled from London to Yakutsk in the 1890s did not find the plant, but provided a medical center for leprosy patients in Yakutia's Vilyuysk city. Kate Marsden is one of the brave women who took her place in the literature with her travel sand the efforts of the lepers for their treatment.
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Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları, Tropik Tıp, Kültürel Çalışmalar, Tarih
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