Çin Tömür Batur Destanı üzerine mukayeseli bir inceleme
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Ege Üniversitesi
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TÜRKÇE ABSTAKT (En fazla 250 sözcük) (TÜBİTAK / TURDOK'un Abstrakt Hazırlama Kılavuzunu Kullanınız) ÖZET Çın Tömür Batur Destanı, Uygur Türklerinin en tanınmış destanlarının biridir. Kahramanlık konusundaki bu eser halk hikayesi ve efsane şeklinde gönümüze kadar yaşatılmıştır. Söz konusu hikaye şekil ve yapı bakımından Anadolu şahısı dahil Türk Dünyası halk hikayeleriyle benzerlik ve paralellik arz etmektedir. Hikayenin çekirdeğini oluşturan aynı başlık altındaki rivayet ise Altay dil ailesine ve Şaman dinine mensup milletlerin halk edebiyatı için ortak bir üründür. Bu ortak ürün Salar, Sarı Uygurlarda efsane şeklinde korunmuşsa da, Uygurlarda "meddah" adı verilen destancılar tarafından XIV-XV yüz yıllarda halk hikayesi olarak işlenmiş ve bugüne kadar ulaşabilmiştir
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAKT (En fazla 250 sözcük) ABSTRACT The epopee of Çın Tömür Batur is one of the most famous and well- known epics of Uyghur Turks. It is a heroic poem and it has been alive up today as a folk tale and a legend or a myth. The epic poem shows similarities and paraleles with the folk tales of Turkish world from the point of view of form and structure. Whereas, the legend that's under the same title, forms the essence of the folk tale, is the common product of the natrons which belong to Altaic languages and Shamanism (Shamanist religion) although this common work has been preserved among Salar and Sari Uyghurs as a legend it has became material the folk story tellers of epopoeia who are called "meddah" and they have reached us tanks to their effort.
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAKT (En fazla 250 sözcük) ABSTRACT The epopee of Çın Tömür Batur is one of the most famous and well- known epics of Uyghur Turks. It is a heroic poem and it has been alive up today as a folk tale and a legend or a myth. The epic poem shows similarities and paraleles with the folk tales of Turkish world from the point of view of form and structure. Whereas, the legend that's under the same title, forms the essence of the folk tale, is the common product of the natrons which belong to Altaic languages and Shamanism (Shamanist religion) although this common work has been preserved among Salar and Sari Uyghurs as a legend it has became material the folk story tellers of epopoeia who are called "meddah" and they have reached us tanks to their effort.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor), Folklore, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Destanlar, Epics, Türk destanları, Turkish legends, Uygur edebiyatı, Uighur literature, Uygurlar, Uighurs, Çin Tömür Batur Destanı, Çin Tömür Batur Epic