İlaca bağlı gelişen bir reversibl effluvium olgusu
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Diffüz gelişen saç dökülmesi olan effluvium, anajen ve telojen effluvium şeklinde görülmektedir.Telojen effluviumda, kıl follikülü prematür olarak anajen fazdan telojen faza geçmektedir. Çeşitli nedenlere bağlı olarak gelişebilen effluviuma bazı ilaçların kullanımı da neden olabilmektedir. Bu ilaçlar sitostatikler, antikoagülanlar, interferonlar, tretinoidler, lityum karbonat, antimalaryaller, beta-reseptör blokerleri, seks hormon preparatları, anjiotensinconverting enzim inhibitörleri şeklinde sıralanabilir. Burada postmenapozal şikayetleri nedeniyle konjuge estrogen+progestin preparatı kullanmaya başladıktan bir ay sonra saç dökülmesi başlayan 52 yaşında bir kadın olgu sunulmaktadır. Etiyolojik araştırma sırasında yapılan tetkiklerinde patoloji saptanmayan olguda ilacın kesilmesini takiben saç dökülmesi gerilemiş ve takiplerinde saçların eski halini aldığı gözlenmiştir. Bu olgu nedeniyle, saç dökülmesi etiyolojisi araştırılırken seks hormon preparatlarının rolü tekrar vurgulanarak, ilgili literatürler gözden geçirilmiştir.
Effluvium, known as diffuse hair loss, is seen as anagen and telogen effluvium. In telogen effluvium, hair follicles pass from anagen phase to telogen phase prematurely. Certain drugs such as anticoagulants, cytostatics, interpherons, retinoids, lithium carbonate, beta- blockers, antimalarials, sexual hormone preparations and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors may be cause of effluvium. In this case, we present a 52 years old female patient suffering from diffuse hair loss after using conjugate estrogen plus progesterone preparation for nearly one-month. Etiological investigations revealed no certain pathological results. After cessation of treatment, hair loss diminished and complete hair regrowth was observed during follow up period. In this report, current literatures related to the topic were reviewed and the role of sexual hormone preparations on hair loss was emphasized.
Effluvium, known as diffuse hair loss, is seen as anagen and telogen effluvium. In telogen effluvium, hair follicles pass from anagen phase to telogen phase prematurely. Certain drugs such as anticoagulants, cytostatics, interpherons, retinoids, lithium carbonate, beta- blockers, antimalarials, sexual hormone preparations and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors may be cause of effluvium. In this case, we present a 52 years old female patient suffering from diffuse hair loss after using conjugate estrogen plus progesterone preparation for nearly one-month. Etiological investigations revealed no certain pathological results. After cessation of treatment, hair loss diminished and complete hair regrowth was observed during follow up period. In this report, current literatures related to the topic were reviewed and the role of sexual hormone preparations on hair loss was emphasized.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkderm-Deri Hastalıkları ve Frengi Arşivi
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