Fitaz anziminin immobilizasyonu, karakterizasyonu ve fitat degradasyonunda kullanımı
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET FİTAZ ENZİMİNİN İMMOBİLİZASYONU, KARAKTERİZASYONU VE FİTAT DEGRADASYONUNDA KULLANIMI BIÇAK, Evran Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı Tez yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Seçil ÖNAL Eylül 2005, 102 sayfa Fitazlar (EC, myo-inozitol hegzakisfosfat fosfohidrolaz) fitik asidin bir ya da daha fazla inorganik fosfata hidroliz reaksiyonlarını katalizlerler. Doğada yaygın olarak bitkilerde, mikroorganizmalarda ve bazı hayvansal dokularda bulunan fitazlar özellikle gıda ve yem sanayisinde önemli uygulama alanlarına sahiptirler. Fitatın fitazlarla enzimatik degradasyonu gıda bileşenlerine olumsuz bir etki yapmadığı ve insan beslenmesinde özellikle mineral almımım arttırmada önemli rol oynadığı için son yıllarda fitazlara olan ilgi artmıştır. Buna rağmen enzim ile yapılan immobilizasyon çalışmaları yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu çalışmada, soya filizi ve avokadodan kısmi olarak saflaştırılan fitaz enzimi epoksi aktif grup taşıyan Sepabead EC-EP taşıyıcıda kovalent bağlama ile immobilize edilmiştir. Epoksi taşıyıcılar nötral pH' da oldukça kararlı olmaları, uzun süre saklanabilmeleri, enzim taşıyıcı bağının yüksek kararlılığı ve geride kalan boş uçlarınVI bloklanabilmesi nedeniyle tercih edilmektedirler. Serbest ve immobilize enzimlerin fiziksel ve kimyasal karakterizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Enzim aktivitesine etki eden bazı parametreler (pH, sıcaklık, substrat konsantrasyonu, efektör konsantasyonları) incelenerek kararlılık testleri (pH, termal, operasyonel ve depo kararlılığı) yapılmıştır. Bunların yam sıra immobilize enzimlerin tekrar kullanılabilirliği de test edilmiştir. Serbest ve immobilize fitaz enzimleri soya sütü fitatımn degradasyonunda kullamlmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Fitaz, fitat, Sepabead EC-EP, immobilizasyon, fitat degradasyonu
VII ABSTRACT IMMOBILIZATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PHYTASE AND ITS USE IN PHYTATE DEGRADATION BIÇAK, Evran Master of Science Thesis, Biochemistry Department Supervisor: Doç. Dr. Seçil ÖNAL September 2005, 102 pages Phytase (EC, myo-inositol hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase) catalyses the hydrolysis of phytic acid with the release of one or more phosphoric acid groups. Phytases, which are widely distributed in plants, microorganisms and some animal tissues, have great importance in food and feed applications. As the hydrolysis of phytate by using phytase doesn' t give harm to food ingredients and plays positive role especially in mineral intake of human makes phytases more attractive. But in contrast to this, there is only a few immobilization studies with this enzyme. In this study, phytase was isolated and partially purified from soybean sprout and avocado at first and then immobilized on epoxy- active Sepabead EC-EP by covalent coupling. Epoxy carriers areVIII preferred because of trie high stability at neutral pH values, storage for long periods of time, high stability of enzyme-support bonds and final blocking of the of remainig groups. Physical and chemical characterization of free and immobilized enzymes were made. Some parameters effecting to the enzyme activity (pH, temperature, substrate concentration and effector concentration) were searched and stability tests (thermal, pH, storage and operational stability) were also made. Beside of these, usebility of the immobilized enzymes were tested. Free and immobilized phytase enzymes were also used in the degradation of soymilk phytate. Keywords: Phytase, phytate, Sepabead EC-EP, immobilization, phytate degradation
VII ABSTRACT IMMOBILIZATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PHYTASE AND ITS USE IN PHYTATE DEGRADATION BIÇAK, Evran Master of Science Thesis, Biochemistry Department Supervisor: Doç. Dr. Seçil ÖNAL September 2005, 102 pages Phytase (EC, myo-inositol hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase) catalyses the hydrolysis of phytic acid with the release of one or more phosphoric acid groups. Phytases, which are widely distributed in plants, microorganisms and some animal tissues, have great importance in food and feed applications. As the hydrolysis of phytate by using phytase doesn' t give harm to food ingredients and plays positive role especially in mineral intake of human makes phytases more attractive. But in contrast to this, there is only a few immobilization studies with this enzyme. In this study, phytase was isolated and partially purified from soybean sprout and avocado at first and then immobilized on epoxy- active Sepabead EC-EP by covalent coupling. Epoxy carriers areVIII preferred because of trie high stability at neutral pH values, storage for long periods of time, high stability of enzyme-support bonds and final blocking of the of remainig groups. Physical and chemical characterization of free and immobilized enzymes were made. Some parameters effecting to the enzyme activity (pH, temperature, substrate concentration and effector concentration) were searched and stability tests (thermal, pH, storage and operational stability) were also made. Beside of these, usebility of the immobilized enzymes were tested. Free and immobilized phytase enzymes were also used in the degradation of soymilk phytate. Keywords: Phytase, phytate, Sepabead EC-EP, immobilization, phytate degradation
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry