Rektal skuamöz hücreli karsinom: Bir olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi
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Kolorektal skuamöz hücreli karsinom oldukça nadir bir tümördür. Kolorektal kanserlerin %0.01-0.025’ini oluşturmaktadır. Ellibeş yaşında rektal kanama şikayeti nedeniyle dış merkezde rektosigmoidoskopi tetkiki yapılan olguda rektumda ülserovejetan kitle saptanarak biopsi alındı. Histopatolojik inceleme sonrasında epidermoid karsinom tanısı alan hastanın bilgisayarlı tomografi tetkikleri sonrasında karaciğer içinde çeşitli segmentlerde hipodens nodüler lezyonlar saptandı. Tekrar rektosigmoidoskopi yapılan hastada rektumda 7-10 cm’ler arasında ülserovejetan kitle saptanarak biyopsi alındı. Histopatolojik inceleme sonrasında skuamöz hücreli karsinom tanısı koyuldu. Ağrı şikayeti olan olguya palyatif amaçlı radyoterapi uygulandı. Sonrasında bilinen standart kemoterapi rejimi olmaması nedeniyle urasil-tegafur ve karboplatin kombinasyonu uygulandı. Üç siklus kemoterapi sonrasında radyolojik değerlendirmede stabil hastalık klinik değerlendirmede genel durumunda düzelme saptanması nedeniyle kemoterapiye devam edilmesi planlandı. Altı siklus kemoterapi sonrasında radyolojik değerlendirme ile progresif hastalık saptandı. Kemoterapi durduruldu. Rektumun primer skuamöz hücreli karsinomunun nadir görülmesi, metastatik hastalıkta standart bir kemoterapi rejimi bulunmaması nedeniyle sunulması planlanmıştır.
Colorectal squamous cell carcinoma is an extremely rare tumor, comprising 0.01-0.025% of all colorectal cancers. A 55 years-old woman complaining of rectal bleeding was admitted to the hospital. An ulcerovegetan mass was seen in rectosigmoidoscopy and biopsies were taken. Histopathological examination revealed diagnosis as epidermoid cell carcinoma of rectum. Hypodense nodules were seen in different segments of liver in computerized tomography. After she was admitted to our hospital, rectosigmoidoscopy was repeated and biopsies were taken from ulcerovegetan mass in the rectum. The diagnosis was confirmed as squamous cell carcinoma. Paliative pelvic radiotherapy was delivered because of pain complain. The combination regimen including uracil-tegafur and carboplatin was administered because of the lack of standart chemotherapy regimens in this type cancer. After 3 cycles of chemotherapy, stable disease was defined in the radiological evaluation and her ECOG performance status improved. Therefore, we planned to continue with the same chemotherapy regimen. We detected radiologically progressive disease after six cycles of chemotherapy. We decided to report this case because of the rarity of squamous cell carcinoma of the rectum and the absence of standart chemotherapy regimen.
Colorectal squamous cell carcinoma is an extremely rare tumor, comprising 0.01-0.025% of all colorectal cancers. A 55 years-old woman complaining of rectal bleeding was admitted to the hospital. An ulcerovegetan mass was seen in rectosigmoidoscopy and biopsies were taken. Histopathological examination revealed diagnosis as epidermoid cell carcinoma of rectum. Hypodense nodules were seen in different segments of liver in computerized tomography. After she was admitted to our hospital, rectosigmoidoscopy was repeated and biopsies were taken from ulcerovegetan mass in the rectum. The diagnosis was confirmed as squamous cell carcinoma. Paliative pelvic radiotherapy was delivered because of pain complain. The combination regimen including uracil-tegafur and carboplatin was administered because of the lack of standart chemotherapy regimens in this type cancer. After 3 cycles of chemotherapy, stable disease was defined in the radiological evaluation and her ECOG performance status improved. Therefore, we planned to continue with the same chemotherapy regimen. We detected radiologically progressive disease after six cycles of chemotherapy. We decided to report this case because of the rarity of squamous cell carcinoma of the rectum and the absence of standart chemotherapy regimen.
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Uluslararası Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi
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