Daphnia magna as a Test Species for Toxicity Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents on Freshwater Cladoceran in Turkey
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Evsel atıksuların sucul toksisitesi, bir tatlısu sucul deneysel hayvan modeli olan su piresi Daphnia magna akut toksisite kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Toksisite testleri hem arıtılmamış (ham) ve hem de arıtılmış Manisa evsel atıksuları ile gerçekleştirildi. Hiç seyretilmeyen arıtılmamış ve arıtılmış atıksular D. magna üzerine çok toksik olduğu ve maruz kalan tüm dafnidlerin ölümüne neden oldu. Atıksularda seyrelme yapıldığında seyrelme oranına bağlı olarak biyolojik toksik etkinin azaldığı görüldü. Yine arıtılmamış atıksuların D. magna üzerine akut toksik etkisi arıtılmış atıksulardan daha fazla bulundu. İlave olarak D. magna' nın atıksulara maruz kalma süresi arttıkça toksik atkinin de belirgin bir şekilde artığı bulundu.
Aquatic toxicity of municipal wastewater was evaluated in an acute toxicity test using water flea, Daphnia magna as an freshwater aquatic experimental animal model. Toxicity test were performed on samples of both untreated (raw) and treated wastewaters were collected Manisa municipal effluents. Undiluted untread and treated effluents were very toxic to D. magnaand cause to death of all exposed daphnids. Dilution of wastewaters was observed to decrease percentage of influence of biological toxicity based on dilutional rate. Acute toxic effect of untreated wastewater on D. magnawas more than that of treated wastewater. in addition, the longer the period of exposure to D. magna, the more significantly toxic effect increased.
Aquatic toxicity of municipal wastewater was evaluated in an acute toxicity test using water flea, Daphnia magna as an freshwater aquatic experimental animal model. Toxicity test were performed on samples of both untreated (raw) and treated wastewaters were collected Manisa municipal effluents. Undiluted untread and treated effluents were very toxic to D. magnaand cause to death of all exposed daphnids. Dilution of wastewaters was observed to decrease percentage of influence of biological toxicity based on dilutional rate. Acute toxic effect of untreated wastewater on D. magnawas more than that of treated wastewater. in addition, the longer the period of exposure to D. magna, the more significantly toxic effect increased.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Balıkçılık, Zooloji
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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