Kalandırlama işlemi etki parametrelerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET KALANDIRLAMA İŞLEMİ ETKİ PARAMETRELERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI TOPRAKKAYA, Y.Dilek Doktora Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç.Dr.Süleyman ÇOBAN Bu tezde kalandırlama işlemi etki parametrelerinin kumaş özelliklerini ne şekilde etkilediği araştırılmış ve sonuçlar istatistiksel açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Tekstil terbiyesinin son aşaması olan bitim işlemlerinde amaç, mamulün tutumunu, görünümünü ve kullanım özelliklerini geliştirmektir. Son yıllarda ekolojik üretim ve enerji tasarrufu sağlanması konusundaki çalışmalar mekanik bitim işlemlerinin önemini arttırmıştır. Bu nedenle mekanik bir bitim işlemi olan kalandırlama işlemi de gittikçe artan bir kullanım potansiyeline sahiptir. Makina konstrüksiyonundaki gelişmeler ve sağlanan etkiler bu işlemin uzunca bir süre önemini koruyacağım göstermektedir. Tezin içeriğinde öncelikle konu ile ilgili bilgi verilmiş ardından deneysel çalışma ve elde edilen sonuçlar aktarılmıştır. Fiziksel özellikleri farklı beş tipte kumaş belirli şartlar altında kalandırlama işleminden geçirilmiş ve boyut değişimi, kalınlık, parlaklık, turum, hava geçirgenliği ve kopma mukavemetindeki değişimler ölçülmüştür. Meydana gelen değişimler Faktöriyel TBlok deneme deseni kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Makinaya bağlı değişkenlerle ölçülen değer arasındaki ilişki Minitab paket programına göre incelenmiş ve regresyon denklemleri alınmıştır. Yukarıda belirtilen özellikler makina değişkenlerinden önemli ölçüde etkilenmektedir. Elde edilen regresyon denklemlerinin diğer çalışmalarda araştırmacılara yardımcı olacağını ve gereksinimlerini karşılayacağını ümit ederim. Anahtar sözcükler: Mekanik işlem, kalandır, yüzen silindirler, Nipco silindir, Termobonding kalandır, yüzey düzgünleştirme
ABSTRACT THE RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT PARAMETERS OF CALENDERING PROCESS TOPRAKKAYA, Y.Dilek Ph.D.in Textile Engineering Supervisor : Assoc. Prof.Dr.SQleyman COBAN In this thesis, the effects of the parameters of calendering process were researched on the properties of fabric and the results were evaluated in statistically. The purpose of finishing processes which are the last stage of textile finishing are to develop the handle, appearance and usage properties of the material. The methods of ecological production and energy savings increased the usage and importance of mechanical processes in recent years. Therefore calendering which is a mechanical process has a great potential in common usage. Achievements of effects and the developments on machine construction show that calendering process seems to be more important for a long period of time. In this thesis the details of calendering were mentioned first and men experimental studies carried out here and results of them were given. Five different types of fabric which have different physical properties were calendered and changes on dimensional stability, thickness, air permeability, brightness, handle and breaking strengths of the fabrics were measured. The changes measured were evaluated using Factoriel TBlock experimantal desing. The relationships between machine parameters and the values that measured were investigated by using Mınıtab programme and linear regression eguations of them were obtained The properties mentioned above were obviously affected by the machine parameters. As a result, the linear regression equations may help the researchers for other studies and meet their requirements. Key Words : Mechanical process, calender, swimming rollers, Nipco cylinder, thermobonding calender, smoothing surface.
ABSTRACT THE RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT PARAMETERS OF CALENDERING PROCESS TOPRAKKAYA, Y.Dilek Ph.D.in Textile Engineering Supervisor : Assoc. Prof.Dr.SQleyman COBAN In this thesis, the effects of the parameters of calendering process were researched on the properties of fabric and the results were evaluated in statistically. The purpose of finishing processes which are the last stage of textile finishing are to develop the handle, appearance and usage properties of the material. The methods of ecological production and energy savings increased the usage and importance of mechanical processes in recent years. Therefore calendering which is a mechanical process has a great potential in common usage. Achievements of effects and the developments on machine construction show that calendering process seems to be more important for a long period of time. In this thesis the details of calendering were mentioned first and men experimental studies carried out here and results of them were given. Five different types of fabric which have different physical properties were calendered and changes on dimensional stability, thickness, air permeability, brightness, handle and breaking strengths of the fabrics were measured. The changes measured were evaluated using Factoriel TBlock experimantal desing. The relationships between machine parameters and the values that measured were investigated by using Mınıtab programme and linear regression eguations of them were obtained The properties mentioned above were obviously affected by the machine parameters. As a result, the linear regression equations may help the researchers for other studies and meet their requirements. Key Words : Mechanical process, calender, swimming rollers, Nipco cylinder, thermobonding calender, smoothing surface.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Kalandırlama, Calendering, Terbiye işlemleri, Treatment processes