Daskyleion siyah firnisli attika seramikleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın konusunu 1988-1998 yılları arasında Daskyleion* dan ele geçen siyah fîrnisli Attika seramikleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın yapılmasındaki amaç, bu seramiklerin bir katalogunun oluşturulması ve seramiklerin değerlendirilmesi ile Daskyleion' un M.Ö. 6., 5. ve 4. yüzyıllardaki sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve politik pozisyonu hakkında çıkarımlar yapmaktır. Yapılan incelemeler göstermektedir ki Attika' da üretilen siyah fîrnisli vazo formlarının hemen hemen hepsi uzun bir periyod içerisinde Daskyleion' da kullanım görmüştür. Tez konusunu oluşturan malzemenin incelenmesi sonucunda Daskyleion' un ilk kez M.Ö. 575-550 yıllarında bu seramiğe dair ticaretini başlattığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Atina ile Daskyleion arasındaki bu ticaretin Akhaemenid Döneminde, Daskyleion' un dengeli, güçlü bir yapıya sahip olması ile büyük bir artış gösterdiği anlaşılmıştır. Antik devirde en kaliteli, lüks ve pahalı mallar olan Attika seramiklerinin hemen hemen hepsinin Akhaemenid Dönemi' nde Daskyleion' a ithal edilmiş olması bu merkezin altın çağını Akhaemenid Dönemi' nde yaşadığının göstergesidir. İncelenen malzemenin tarihsel istatistiği yapıldığında karşımıza şöyle bir sonuç çıkmaktadır. Daskyleion' da sosyal, ekonomik ve politik bir refah ortamında, Atina ile olan ticarette de bir artış ve aktiftik söz konusudur. Nitekim Daskyleion' da Mitrobates ( 530-522 ) ve Artabazos I.' in satraplık yıllarındaki mimari faliyetlere girişildiği tarihlerde siyah fîrnisli Attika seramiklerinin ithalatındaki farkedilebilen artış bunun bir göstergesi olmalıdır. Akhaemenid Dönemi için sonuç olarak, Erken Akhaemenid Dönemi' nde başlayan ve temelleri sağlam atılan bu ticaretin Orta Akhaemenid Dönemi' nde iyice geliştiği ve Geç Akhaemenid Dönemi' nde göze çarpar bir şekilde gerileyerek azaldığını söylemek mümkündür. M.Ö. 325-300 yıllarına tarihlediğimiz tek örneğimiz göstermektedir ki Akhaemenid Dönemi' nden sonra Daskyleion ile Atina arasındaki ticari ilişkiler yok olmuştur
ABSTRACT The subject matter of this work consiss Attic black glazed pottery, which were discovered in Daskyleion between 1988-1998. The main objective of this work is to form a catalogue of this pottery, to evaluate them, and to draw out conclusions on the social, economic, cultural and political position of Daskyleion in the 6th, 5th and 4th ceturies. The observations prove that almost all of the black glazed pottery shapes that were produced in Attica were used in Daskyleion for a long period of time. As a result of examinatin of the material, which consists the subject matter of this thesis, it was proved that Daskyleion first started the trade of this pottery in 575-550. It was also comprehended that there was a great increase in trade between Athens and Daskyleion in the Achaemenid Period due to the strong and balanced situation of Daskyleion. Attic pottery, which were the most qualified, expensive, luxurious products in the ancient time, were exported to Daskyleion in the Achaemenid Period. This is the proof that Daskyleion lived its golden age in the Achaemenid Period. As a matter of fact, the increasing export of Attic pottery to Daskyleion should be the proof of the architectural activities that were attempted during the satrapal seats of Mitrobates and Artabazos I. As a result of our observations, it is posible to say that the trade started and founded strongly in the Early Achaemenid Period then developed in the Middle Achaemenid Period, and finally the trade decreased in the Late Achaemenid Period. The only example that we dated 325-300, shows that after the Achaemenid Period, the relations between Daskyleion and Athens dissappeared.
ABSTRACT The subject matter of this work consiss Attic black glazed pottery, which were discovered in Daskyleion between 1988-1998. The main objective of this work is to form a catalogue of this pottery, to evaluate them, and to draw out conclusions on the social, economic, cultural and political position of Daskyleion in the 6th, 5th and 4th ceturies. The observations prove that almost all of the black glazed pottery shapes that were produced in Attica were used in Daskyleion for a long period of time. As a result of examinatin of the material, which consists the subject matter of this thesis, it was proved that Daskyleion first started the trade of this pottery in 575-550. It was also comprehended that there was a great increase in trade between Athens and Daskyleion in the Achaemenid Period due to the strong and balanced situation of Daskyleion. Attic pottery, which were the most qualified, expensive, luxurious products in the ancient time, were exported to Daskyleion in the Achaemenid Period. This is the proof that Daskyleion lived its golden age in the Achaemenid Period. As a matter of fact, the increasing export of Attic pottery to Daskyleion should be the proof of the architectural activities that were attempted during the satrapal seats of Mitrobates and Artabazos I. As a result of our observations, it is posible to say that the trade started and founded strongly in the Early Achaemenid Period then developed in the Middle Achaemenid Period, and finally the trade decreased in the Late Achaemenid Period. The only example that we dated 325-300, shows that after the Achaemenid Period, the relations between Daskyleion and Athens dissappeared.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Arkeoloji, Archeology, Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts, Arkeolojik kazılar, Archaeological excavations, Daskyleion, Daskyleion, Seramikler, Ceramics