Sağlık iletişiminde sosyal ve duygusal öğrenme becerileri: Doktorlar üzerinde bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Sağlık iletişimin her geçen gün öneminin artmasıyla dikkat çeken bir kavramdır. İletişimin tarafları arasında sağlık profesyonelleri ve hastalar bulunmaktadır. Hasta yakınlarının da ek olarak dahil edildiği süreç tamamen iletişim temelli sorunların yaşandığı bir ortamdır. Bu durumda doktorlara fazladan çaba harcama ve hasta yakınlarının da ihtiyacını karşılama sorumluluğu düşmektedir. Hasta ve hasta yakınının içinde bulunduğu duygusal durumu fark edemeyen doktorlar genellikle çatışma ve hatta tartışma yaşamaktadır. İletişimin doğru şekilde başlatılamadığı benzer durumlarda ilerleyen zamanlarda iletişim kalitesini yükseltmek oldukça zordur. Doktorların bu noktada iletişim becerilerini kullanmaları, hastayı en uygun ve etkili şekilde tedavi sürecine dahil etmeleri, belirli noktalarda çıkabilecek sorunlar ile baş etmeleri ve tüm bunları gerçekleştirirken kendi karakter ve kişilik özelliklerinden ödün vermemesi gerekmektedir. Hem fiziksel hem de bilişsel olarak mevcut yoğunluk ile baş etmeye çalışan doktorların stresli olduğu zamanlarda iletişim stratejilerini gözden geçirmeleri gerekmektedir. Mesleki bilginin yanında sosyal becerilerini de ön plana çıkarmaları gerekmektedir. Bu doktora tezinde doktorların yoğun ve yorucu iş tempoları içerisinde kendilerini mutlu ve umutlu hissetmeleri, etkili ve doğru iletişim kurabilmeleri, olası problemlere hızlı çözümler getirebilmeleri ve hayatın bir parçası olan stres ile baş etmeleri gerekmektedir. Tüm bunları gerçekleştirirken de hastaların sağlık durumlarını iyileştirmek, tedavi düzenlemek, sağlığı korumak için bilgi paylaşmak gibi sorumlulukları bulunmaktadır. Bu görevleri yerine getirmek için doktorların davranış ve tutumlarında değişikliğe gitmesi, bu değişikliğin de sosyal ve duygusal öğrenme becerilerinin aktif kullanılması ile gerçekleşebileceği düşüncesiyle Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı doktorlarına Sosyal ve Duygusal Öğrenme Becerileri Ölçeği uygulanmıştır.
Health communication is a concept that gets attention with increasing importance of communication nowadays. Among the health communication partners are health professionals and patients. The process in which the patient's relatives are also included is an environment in which communication-based problems are experienced. Indeed, doctors do not have to spend extra effort and the responsibility of the patients' relatives to understand and satisfy their needs. Doctors who are not aware of the emotional state of the patient and the patient relatives are usually in conflict and even discussion. In a similar situation where communication can not be initiated correctly, it is difficult to improve communication quality in the continueing prosesses. Doctors should use communication skills to involve the patient in the most appropriate and effective treatment process, to deal with problems that may occur at certain points, and not to compromise on their character and personality while performing all these. Doctors who are both physically and cognitively dealing with the current density need to look at communication strategies at times when they are stressed. In addition to their professional knowledge, they need to bring their social skills to the front. In this phd thesis, doctors need to feel happy and hopeful in their busy and exhausting working routine, to communicate effectively and correctly, to get quick solutions to possible problems and to manage the stress which is a part of life. While doing all of this, patients have some responsibilities too such as improving their health, arranging treatment, and sharing information to protect and develop their health. During this development, social and emotional learning has positive influence. The Social and Emotional Learning Skills Scale was administered to doctors of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Ege University Faculty of Medicine with the thought that the behavior and attitudes of the doctors would be changed in order to fulfill these duties and that these changes could be achieved through the active use of social and emotional learning skills.
Health communication is a concept that gets attention with increasing importance of communication nowadays. Among the health communication partners are health professionals and patients. The process in which the patient's relatives are also included is an environment in which communication-based problems are experienced. Indeed, doctors do not have to spend extra effort and the responsibility of the patients' relatives to understand and satisfy their needs. Doctors who are not aware of the emotional state of the patient and the patient relatives are usually in conflict and even discussion. In a similar situation where communication can not be initiated correctly, it is difficult to improve communication quality in the continueing prosesses. Doctors should use communication skills to involve the patient in the most appropriate and effective treatment process, to deal with problems that may occur at certain points, and not to compromise on their character and personality while performing all these. Doctors who are both physically and cognitively dealing with the current density need to look at communication strategies at times when they are stressed. In addition to their professional knowledge, they need to bring their social skills to the front. In this phd thesis, doctors need to feel happy and hopeful in their busy and exhausting working routine, to communicate effectively and correctly, to get quick solutions to possible problems and to manage the stress which is a part of life. While doing all of this, patients have some responsibilities too such as improving their health, arranging treatment, and sharing information to protect and develop their health. During this development, social and emotional learning has positive influence. The Social and Emotional Learning Skills Scale was administered to doctors of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Ege University Faculty of Medicine with the thought that the behavior and attitudes of the doctors would be changed in order to fulfill these duties and that these changes could be achieved through the active use of social and emotional learning skills.